So, head tables are not a thing in my circle. I've never been to a wedding with one, I don't understand them, and I wouldn't have one. But I have a question about the notion that separating couples at a wedding is impolite.
I've always read that a hostess should seat couples separately, at least at a dinner party. For example, Miss Manners says, "You are, of course, correct that married couples should never be seated together at dinner parties. This is for their own good. Separating them gives each a chance to tell shared stories without fear of contradiction." In response to a hostess who complained that couples changed her seating arrangement to seat themselves together, she advises, "You can't separate them by force on the spot, but you should take note of their wanting to spend the evening talking to each other and not trouble them by suggesting they again leave the conjugal harmony of their very own dinner table for yours."
Is this rule outdated? Or does it not apply to a wedding, possibly because a wedding is expected to be a less intimate setting than a dinner party?
For the record, I've never been seated apart from my fiance at a wedding and I would find it strange if I were. I'm just curious about the application of this rule.
Re: Question about seating couples separately
My vote is outdated even though I am a fan of Miss Manners. I am with Maggie on everything she said. Saved me a lot of typing.
Dh and I don't really get to spend that much time together. I would be pissed if I had to sit away from him for a nice dinner and evening out together because of some outdated BS.
Go ahead and seat all your couples next to each other, and hopefully, they'll all realize that they can't limit their conversations only to their own partners.
I agree. MM is generally excellent in the advice department, but this is one that is definitely outdated. Especially at a wedding, which is generally a large event at which many guests may not know anyone other than their SO, it is advisable to seat couples together. I don't assign seating at dinner parties and SOs always choose to sit together.
I usually agree with Miss Manners but I think she also believes is a honor to be asked to help serve the cake at a wedding.
I kind of hate when i show up to an event with another person and then we are intentionally split up. Yes, i understand that the purpose of this is to force people to mingle. but you shouldn't have to be FORCED to mingle or to meet other people - especially at a small gathering. I guess if your friends will sit in separate corners coupled off all night this is a good idea. But no one i know really does this, so it just sounds odd.
A friend and i signed up for a small (10 people) cooking class at a local establishment a few years ago. In that 10 people were 2 sets of friends, a mother-daughter duo, and 2 couples. We were told that we would be pairing off and making 5 dishes...and then we were split up from the person we arrived with and had to cook with complete strangers. this struck me as really stupid - i gave up 4 hours of my Saturday to go to a cooking class WITH MY FRIEND and then i didn't get to hang out with her at all. And i would have been even angrier if i had gone to this class with my SO. I didn't go to the class to make new friends. I went to learn risotto recipes. It's not like we stood off to the side alone making sly comments about the other participants, and we spoke with several of them before and during the class. the setup just made my day a lot less fun.
I host formal dinner parties on occasion and we do not assign seating - it might be novel to do it sometime. But usually couples stick together until after dinner, at which point we generally end up splitting off into smaller groups for continued drinks and conversation.
That place has since gone out of business. Not surprised.
My friend and I have taken several cooking classes at other establishments where we weren't split up and they've been great. I understand the assigned pairings for a purpose - like a work employee-bonding situation or whatever, but not when it's on my own time. i am an adult, and as such i will select my own partners thank you very much.