Chit Chat

100 Days of Happy

Have y'all heard about this << ?

True, it's a bit high on the cheese factor, but as I itch for spring & sunshine & all things lovely, I just decided to participate. I'm a hobby photographer and have tried unsuccessfully to do other "picture a day" projects, so here's hoping that this one sticks. 

Anyone else doing it or care to start our own happy Knottie project?
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Re: 100 Days of Happy

  • Hm, work is blocking the images for me. I'll check when I'm off VPN haha

  • I always want to try to participate in the monthly photo challenges but also forget to even start it. I signed up for this, though and hopefully will remember each day! 

  • I am doing it! I really like it, actually.

    I have found myself being DRAGGED down by winter and, as silly as it sounds, it is fun to have something every day that makes me happy. I like focusing on little things that I enjoy throughout the day.
  • It's a cool idea but I know I will forget to post pictures more than half the time.


  • Yay! Glad to see others giving it a go.

    @Swazzle - I made it almost 300 days into a year long project. So bummed to have dropped the ball so close to the "finish". I still enjoyed it, though. And I love looking back at the photos even today.

    @sarahufl - me, too! I'm hoping the slight sift in perspective will elevate my mood a bit.

    Day 1 for me: coffee makes me happy :)
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  • Niccirf, mine have varied from silly photos my sister texts me of my niece to not having to wait for the train in the morning to snow all being melted.

    Some days are harder than others, but I kind of want to keep doing it even past the 100 days.
  • @Niccirf - Wow, 300 days! That's incredible!

  • I just signed up. :) I always try to make lists of things I'm happy about/thankful for, but if a picture's worth a thousand words, this just seems like a better use of my time. ;) I'm excited!
  • Nice, @CLoGreenEyes! Share some shots along the way if you'd like.
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