Chit Chat

Poor girl

My mom's friend's daughter is getting married tomorrow. I was on the phone with my mom and she told me that she had just gotten off the phone with her friend and she was freaking out. The woman who was suppose to do all the girls hair (ten all together) cancelled today at the last minute.

Re: Poor girl

  • What?? Surely she could give some recommendations at least?? Idk what I'd do. Make a sudden hair appt at ny local salon I guess.. and 10 girls will have to do each others hair...

    That sucks!

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  • oh man!!! I know at least 5 hairdressers from high school/ facebook friends that would hook me up if that happened but I hope it works out ok for her! 



  • Apparently that is the last of many things they are having issues with so I think she is freaking out more than she normally would, lol.
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