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Talk to me about tanning

The beauty board doesn't seem to be especially active so I thought I'd ask here.

I'm naturally fair skinned, bordering on pasty, and I'd like to have some color for the wedding and honeymoon. I've tried spray tanning before and was a little disappointed with how quickly and unevenly it faded, and I never dared to go more than a shade darker than my natural color for fear of turning orange.

I know absolutely nothing about UV tanning. Wondering how much time or how many sessions it would take to get a little bit darker? If you go tanning regularly or only did it for your wedding - I'd love to hear about it. Thanks!
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Re: Talk to me about tanning

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    Emmy1493Emmy1493 member
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    edited March 2014
    I would be very weary about UV tanning. I went up untill a few weeks ago. Went  to a dermatologist to get skin checked out, and she found a questionable spot. If you are fair skin, chances are you will burn more easier, thus damaging your skin if it happens the more you go. There are many self tanners that work just as well, you just have to practice and be patient with it. It isn't my first choice, but better than putting your skin at risk in a tanning bed IMO. 

    P.S I have gotten a spray tan a few times, and it actually turned out awesome. It's annoying as you have to wait several hours to let it settle in, but I recommend someone who does it by hand, and not in a machine. Machines might not give an even application as it might be with someone who does it themselves.
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    Having worked in a tanning salon before and being a tanner myself, this is my .02. 

    From what you said you are fair, so you are more likely to burn and therefore more likely to possibly have something more adverse happen. IF you decide to go with the UV route, PLEASE use a lotion, by doing so you bring down the likelyhood of burning. Also, ask the associate which bed has the lowest percentage of UVB (burning rays). Also, go for short amounts of time... if its a 12 minute bed, try it for 5 minutes first. Better to be safe than sorry. 

    Also, try some self tanning lotions, it might be better. Or try getting an air brush tan if your a comfortable with that. 
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    The friend whose wedding I was in in 2011 is also very fair. Instead of tanning, she used Palmer's "Natural Bronze" body lotion in the weeks leading up to the wedding, and it worked great for her. She had a really pretty natural glow on the day. Maybe something like that would work for you as well?
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    I'm not necessarily advocating UV tanning, but if you are going on a beach honeymoon you might want to get a "base coat." I'm *very* pale and my FMIL suggested I go tanning for about 3 mins or so every few days, just so I don't burn on the honeymoon. I haven't decided yet if I will, but I don't want to be slathered in aloe my whole honeymoon.
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    I initially went in for a base tan, and I still have a decent tan. It might/might not be gone before my wedding as I tan naturally if I am outdoors often. When in the bed, I did not go everyday, and used lotion. I might have had an instance where I burned. Not bad, but it still stung. The thing about certain lotions is they help keep your skin moderately protected, but they have no SPF (or the ones I used did not) and so even with that you can still burn if you are not careful.

     I agree with @artemischief about how if you must use a bed, please take it a little at a time. They will probably only have you in there 5-8 minutes for your complexion. I would not go more than that, and if you feel your skin tightening, it's a possibility your skin is burning and you might get out. I won't lie, I miss tanning, and found it relaxing, but after spending $230 on a visit to the skin doctor, and a suspicious black spot on my back, it really isn't worth it to me. I am about to get married, and do not need that skin cancer to start it off on a crummy track! lol
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    I have fair skin and used to tan well, but when I went tanning last week, I stayed in the "silver" (2nd level) bed for about 12 minutes and burnt my cheeks and shoulders. If you do UV, you have to use lotion. And I recommend staying about 5-7 minutes, even if the recommended time is 15. Recommended time is for the regulars that build up to it. 
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    I wouldn't tan and risk skin cancer and premature ageing and wrinkles for one day. 'What price vanity?'

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
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    Sugargirl1019Sugargirl1019 member
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    edited March 2014
    I am very pale with red hair and blue eyes.

    I know you said you don't like spray tans, but I love love love mine every time I go. I use Mystic HD and I get the "light" level (not the lightest "glow") and I add in one "bronzer" tube. I never look orange and I never have patches around my wrists or feet like others I've tried. Definitely experiment. I also add in the prolonging additive so it lasts longer. Mine lasts a week, for sure. Which will be perfect for our Saturday wedding and return from honeymoon on the following Friday.

    I had someone hand spray me once. I looked like an oompa loompa. I was so shocked someone would not take the care to make sure I was done professionally. It lasted like 3 weeks - but I was SO orange it was scary.

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    I am very pale with red hair and blue eyes. I know you said you don't like spray tans, but I love love love mine every time I go. I use Mystic HD and I get the "light" level (not the lightest "glow") and I add in one "bronzer" tube. I never look orange and I never have patches around my wrists or feet like others I've tried. Definitely experiment. I also add in the prolonging additive so it lasts longer. Mine lasts a week, for sure. Which will be perfect for our Saturday wedding and return from honeymoon on the following Friday. I had someone hand spray me once. I looked like an oompa loompa. I was so shocked someone would not take the care to make sure I was done professionally. It lasted like 3 weeks - but I was SO orange it was scary.

    Thats so strange. I worried about being orange too when I got mine done, but the lady did an amazing job and I didn't look orange at all. Maybe it was just her in particular, but I know some can cause you to be orange if not done properly. Color selection is very important too. The only thing I find strange is that at Palm Beach Tan, they charge like 20-30 dollars per spray tan, but thats like the cost of a monthly cost of tanning. Maybe I was just looking wrong, but thats why  I went with the beds in the first place. But now I will splurge just to not risk it.

    I agree though, OP. Just experiment until you get the hang of it if that is what you are wanting to do. :)
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    I am fair as well and I cannot tan. I burn and/or freckle, but never get any actual tan. I rocked my pale skin for my wedding anyway. It's only been the fashion to be tan for a teeny fraction of history, plus my family is apparently prone to skin cancer. My mother, grandmother and aunt on her side, and both cousins on that side have all had places removed. No melanoma, knock on wood, but I'd still rather play it safe.
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    @Sugargirl1019 how long did the prolonging additive make it last? I haven't had a problem with a spray tan being orange or uneven - they always look fine when they develop, but I hate how fast they fade. I got one the day before my last vacation and was pasty again after three days.

    Normally I love my fair skin but I have these godawful blue veins in my chest, arms and legs that are clearly visible in person and sometimes in photos, not to mention my white fish belly.
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    I'm not a fan of tanning beds, but I have gone before to build up a base before Caribbean cruises, lest I get completely obliterated by the sun once I get down there.  

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    The last one I got last for about a week. I am careful to avoid showering too frequently or sweating or swimming.

    Without the prolonging stuff, mine last 3 days.

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    I went tanning last year before my friends wedding in July. I think I started going at the end of May, and went for a few weeks to build up a "base". Then the middle of June I would go twice a week to maintain it once it got to a color I was happy with until her wedding...

    I stopped tanning for a long time until December, and now I'm just going every so often to get to a color I want for my wedding. It's really personal preference.

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    lc07lc07 member
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    For spray tanning, it's super important to exfoliate before you tan. It will help the color stay longer. Mine stays for 7-10 days. I also go to a private salon where a person sprays me. I've never looked orange. It's also important to put vaseline on knees, toes, knuckles etc to keep the color from getting weird there. I highly recommend doing a "test run" well before the wedding.

    I did do UV tanning beds for our wedding. I, too, needed to start in bed with not as much strength and for a shorter amount of time due to my skin tone. Also, because you don't want to go every day or even every other day it took a lot longer than I thought. I think it took me about 2 months to get where I wanted to color wise.
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    I'm not super fair skinned (I'm more olive-y) but I do have the bright veins too *sigh*... I feel your pain. Do you find that tanning hides them? When I've accidentally gotten darker (even with loads of SPF on) it does not hide the bright veins.

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    edited March 2014
    I do not recommend tanning beds, even for a base tan. As others have mentioned, the exposure increases chances of skin cancer. I had a 2" area removed from my side because of tanning beds...and I didn't go all that often in my younger days. My Derm was able to remove all of the cancer and luckily it was one of the less aggressive types, so I'm very fortunate.

    Edited b/c 'lesser aggressive' is not english.
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    Another vote for spray tan.  I'm a pasty white girl with red hear too.  I've already have a BCC removed on my back and I don't UV tan.  Dermatologist said it was probably from a burn I have as a kid (4-6 years old).  The damage won't be visible for years and you'll end up wrinkly too as it damages your skin.  

    I had a champagne/goldish coloured dress that looked amazing on my pasty skin.  I also stayed under umbrellas and my hat for the first few days leading up to our wedding, cos I didn't want tan lines for photos.  Got married in Hawaii and I was pasty.  And I looked amazing too.  What colour is your dress??   With the right colour, you'll look amazing even without a tan.   But please don't risk it with tanning.  I was only out 2 weeks with very minor surgery (they cut out the area and I wouldn't do anything for 2 weeks so I wouldn't rip a stitch) and it sucked.  I have a nice scar too, but don't really care about that.  Being out for more surgery, chemo, radiation, etc. would be brutal, and my form of cancer was the mildest and least dangerous one you could get.  

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    I do not recommend tanning beds, even for a base tan. As others have mentioned, the exposure increases chances of skin cancer. I had a 2" area removed from my side because of tanning beds...and I didn't go all that often in my younger days. My Derm was able to remove all of the cancer and luckily it was one of the lesser aggressive types, so I'm very fortunate.

    This. I was a tanning bed addict in college. I have had two types of skin cancer removed by the time I was 30. I do miss it, but the reward is not as great as the risk.


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    AngusaurAngusaur member
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    edited March 2014
    DON'T DO IT. I worked for a dermatologist and there were girls as young as 20 coming in with melanoma which is the worst kind of skin cancer there is. Theres 2 other, basal cell and squamos cell, now these two are very unlikely to do any damages to your actual health, but they're a lot more unsightly than some blue veins and you'll have to have them surgically removed.

    I would recommend exfoliating really well and try spray again. Good luck!

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    I think tanning is stupid and sad.  Accept your skin tone for what it is.  Personally, I think pale, porcelain skinned brides are just as gorgeous as naturally darker skinned brides.  Example:
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    I've been tanning a little. It helps me get through the Minnesota weather and I do look better tan- I tan very easily and look a bit sallow without. But I will stop after the wedding in June and idk stock up on SAD lights for the winter I guess. I have been building up to 6 minutes and am up to 9 and only go about once a week.

    Since you're fair, it's kind of anyone's guess as to how well you're going to take it. Like I said, I tan easily and don't burn much but even I start at only 6 minutes if I haven't been in a long time. You might even only start at 4. Like others said, some people look amazing pale and would look odd if they tanned, so be careful with that. 

    Maybe experiment with spray tans while you have time? I did turn out like an oompa loompa doing it once but that was kind of a hokey thing. 
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    I agree with others that tanning beds are not worth it. I have a few friends in their early 20's who are having cancerous spots removed and that is very scary. I also went to a wedding where the bride is natually very pale and she was as tan as "Jersey tanning mom" and she looked so awful. I'm sure she thought she looked hot but it was jsut so not *her* and who she is that it was really awkward.

    I just want to mention to those saying they need a base or they's REALLY not hard to use enough sun block while on vacation. FI and I brought 2 huge bottles of spf30 and spf50 to Cancun- we reapplied hourly and spent absurd amount at the hotel gift shop to buy two more bottles halfway through the trip. Worth every penny. We saw different people completely fried daily and we were the only ones there who were not a lobster for any part of our trip. Just be diligent with the sunblock and know that it's worth it. We also threw on shirts if we were going for a walk or something that wasn't swimming to give our skin a little break.



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    Have to agree with most. Tanning beds are super dangerous. I used to go a lot in my 20s. When my dad got skin cancer, I stopped. We have the same pale, freckly skin. And even getting a "base layer" is dangerous. I vacation often in weather where I could get sunburned. I apply sunscreen and I'm fine. It's a myth that having a base layer is good for you. 

    I will be my regular pale color on my wedding day and I'm totally happy with that. 
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    MollyandDMollyandD member
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    edited March 2014
    I used to tan. Not a lot, but enough to be golden in summer. I always used a lotion so I wouldn't burn. Then my mom got skin cancer, and it scared me since I inherited most of my traits, including fair skin, from her. Now, I spray tan. I use a special lotion for that too, and it makes the tan go on even and fade evenly. The only exception is my hands. That didn't bother me, since no one really stares at my hands, but it might be different at a wedding when you show your rings or bouquet in pictures. This happens when I use a tanning machine like at At the Beach. You can also have a person spray tan you, and then she can be careful by your hands and feet and all that.
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    I'm also fair skinned (Red hair and freckles) and I have done both tanning beds and spray tans. This is where I stand on each:

    1. Spray tans: I have used the Versa tan at Sun Tan City a few times and will say I never looked too orange. Well on the first day I did so I made sure to do it late one afternoon and shower the next morning. (They recommended not showering after because it would cause it to fade faster). If you do a spray tan I would say to do it about 2-3 days before the wedding. You will still have the base glow without having to worry about looking orange or it rubbing off on the dress. I wish I could afford a spray tan for every two weeks or so, but too expensive for my budget.

    2. Tanning bed: I do go to a tanning bed once a week. I go to a low 20 minute bed and started out at 5 minutes. To build my base tan, I went 3 times a week for about month. After I kind of had the base tan, I dropped back to once a week and still only go about 12 minutes at a time. This gives me a glow and I'm not going a lot. I know any tanning is bad but I do enjoy it and to sound very superficial, I like the way it looks. The tanning clears my face up (I have acne) and relaxes my muscles. I am fortunate that my health insurance covers specialty doctors, like my dermatologist, so I go every 6 months to a year to have my skin checked. I will say that even though I am fair skinned, I tan pretty easy if I take it slow.

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    ElcaBElcaB member
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    I've never gone the spray tanning route because it freaks me out. 

    I rarely fake and bake, but have gone a handful of times to get some color for special occasions (i.e., prom (throwback!), my sister's wedding, etc.). I'm not an expert, but I don't see anything wrong with tanning once in a blue moon, provided you don't overdo it. 

    Wear lotion & start off for only a few minutes. See how your skin reacts and if it's successful, over a few sessions start building up your time. Remember though, tan for some color --- you don't want to reach Umpa Loompa status. Besides, unless your wedding is a summer wedding you'll probably look out of place if you're the only tan goddess among a sea of white-as-snow people. 
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    Another vote for a spray tan!

    I got one today as a matter of fact because I'm over being Winter-pale. As long as you know your base tones (are your reddish? yellow undertones? blue? green?), you can pick a level of tan that works for you and that wont make you orange. Don't be afraid to ask the people at the salon questions about it.

    Also be sure to exfoliate, wear no moisturizer or make-up when you go in, and just enjoy the time you have in your day for drying for some You Time!

    It's way better than actually damaging your skin. I've had sorority sisters that were tanning addicts and had to be treated for melanoma before they were 20! Melanoma isn't worth it. 

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