Chit Chat

TK recipe review

@GlitterWitch22 posted a RECIPE in my thread on 'Thursday Randoms' last week.

Since I happened to have most of the ingredients handy, I tried it yesterday.

I used cherry Roma tomatoes, because I had them and they were on the verge of going bad. I used sweet peppers for the same reason. I used artichoke hearts and garlic, as the recipe suggests, and used salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and an herbs-and-onion seasoning in the seasoning. 

It. Came. Out. AWESOME.

DH had some last night when he got home from work and said it was delicious. He raved and raved about it, and took some of the leftovers to work today.

I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'

Re: TK recipe review

  • It's really, really good. DH is a huge fan. Also, we both love, love, LOVE artichokes, so to me, those were the best part. 

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • sounds good. may need to try it. 
  • YAY!!! I'm so glad you liked it!!  I was way more impressed with it than I expected to be.  I cook a lot - as in, every single night, so I wasn't really thinking it would be that fabulous.  But it was so good.  I have a life-changing pot roast recipe, too.  CLICK HERE

    (Edited to add link)

    Also, I have since decided that WHITE RICE is the best with my pot roast recipe.  White Rice, English Peas, Pot Roast. MMMMM SO FREAKING GOOD :)
    And I just bought a roast to cook up at the store earlier today so that's happening later this week...My husband loves pot roast and I love cooking anything in my crock pot so it's a win-win situation.
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