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Re: II/UO/Confessions/Whathaveyou

  • phira said:
    @tuarceatha I assume the email addresses are pretty close. My email is the first letter of my first name and then my entire last name. I get a lot of emails to someone with the same last name and the same first initial.

    I once got an email that was supposed to go to my cousin, whose email is his first and middle initials, followed by our shared last name. I have no idea what his middle name is, but it starts with the same letter as my first name. The person emailing him had left off the first letter by accident.

    My name and email: Jane Smith (
    Stranger's name: Joan Smith
    Cousin's name and email: Ryan J Smith (
    Yup. I get that. I considered writing a blog about the emails I get. I have a lot of thoughts and questions about the other Tuarceathas out there and the lives they live.
  • Confession: I started a secret board on pinterest on TTC stuff, earlier this week.It's kind of scary kind of exciting.  I probably should delete it until after the wedding though.


  • Not a UO: I hated Pachelbel's Canon in D before I saw this (link), but it confirmed why I do.
  • TwoDimes said:
    Confession: I haven't been posting on the Accountability threads this week because I've been eating like crap. Fast food for lunch Monday and Tuesday, and cupcakes for dinner both nights. Ugh. I have no excuse either.

    II: My grown-ass coworker has taken two sick days from work because in her own words she "can't stop crying" over some family drama. I used to have sympathy for her, but it's run out. Grow up, woman. We all have to work, even when we are sad.

    Judge: I posted on Etiquette about this, but I am sort of judging my aunt. She's hosting a baby shower for her DIL. Mom-to-be lives 800 miles away and is attending the shower VIA SKYPE. The posters on E have given me other perspectives on it, but so far I still feel judgy about the whole thing (mostly about my aunt being nutty -- which is nothing new).
    I read your post on Etiquette and I think it's weird. I've never heard of someone attending a shower for them via Skype and I don't know how I would feel if I was invited to one :\
    I hosted a Skype Baby Shower for my FSIL. She and her H (FI's Bro) are both USMC an were being restationed from Japan to CA and she would not have been physically able to fly home for a shower. Its not the norm and I get that, but we wanted to do something nice for her, and everyone had a great time. I'm sure everyone would have loved to do it the 'traditional' way, but that just not how it worked out.

    Confession: I am so sick of winter and cold weather, I spend at least an hour out of my day planning fake vacations to warm weather destinations. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I totally have a secret board for wedding just because I don't want anyone stalking my awesome wedding ideas.  It should be known we didn't do like 98% of what's pinned to the board (isn't that how pinterest works anyway?)
    Man - if we had to do everything we pinned on pinterest wedding related I'd be having like 120 bouquets, 50 cakes, and like 10 dresses (ok, maybe not that many, but you get the point)!!

  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @KeptInStitches That bit is what I think about EVERY time I hear that music.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • edited March 2014
    @phira I commiserate with him on many levels. My instrument of choice is also bigger than me (I play the tuba). My musical parts also suck.

    The other one that comes to mind a lot, not specifically for Pachelbel, but with lack of creativity in harmony in pop music, is this (link) (eta: very slightly NSFW lyrics).
  • Confession: Especially now that FI and I are starting to plan more, I don't feel BSC about pinning all the things on Pinterest.

    UO: I'm very mixed about traditional wedding music. I have a feeling with a nerdy FI, nothing will be traditional though.

    Confession: I am so tired of assignments today. Can school buses stop getting into accidents??

    Confession: I actually thought the firefighter proposal was sweet. Then again, I love all the videos of proposals no matter the relationship.

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  • audrewuhaudrewuh member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited March 2014
    Confession: since BU has been tabled for the foreseeable future, along with seminary in general, I kinda want to have a behbeh sooner. The thought still scare the piss out of me, though. 


    I Judge: one of my high school kids asked to use the sign in front of the church to "prom propose" to his date. He had already asked her, and she said she would go, but that "she hoped he'll be more creative once he asks her for real." So now he's having balloons delivered to her house, along with some other fancy stuff, just to ask her to prom. "For real."

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @audrewuh What happened with BU? :(

    Confession: I've been doing zero work for the past few hours because I'm so stressed and totally DONE with everything. Things will be better once I'm done with seminar on Friday, but until then, screw everything. BLEH.

    Irrational Irritation: My coworker gave me a well-meaning lecture on eating healthier, since she's noticed I've been bringing in Starbucks a lot in the morning. Never mind that another (male) coworker does the same thing. I know that I've got a lot of excuses that aren't all that great (tired when I get home from work, J can't do any cooking or grocery shopping lately, J won't eat leftovers, don't feel like getting up early to make breakfast or lunch). But right now, I'm still dealing with a lot of work-related depression and anxiety, and so is J. Yes, I know I need to eat healthier. No, I don't need a lecture.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @phira It's just not looking feasible. H would need to get a job up there, and he's having no luck even finding a job here. Things just aren't in place, and won't be for another few years at least, for me to go back to school yet. It's been a really hard realization. I'm sad. 

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @audrewuh :( I'm so sorry.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @phira agreed, you know you have to eat healthier!  I don't lecture most people about their eating...but I mean, I eat cookies and ice cream fairly regularly so I can't really lol.  I do call smoking "suicide" on a regular basis though.  I think I'm going to get slapped for that one eventually.  <--these two are related because I really want to lecture FI's dad on all of the above.  He has Crohn's and isn't taking care of himself and then complains when he's sick.  Drives me nuts.

    @peaseblossom55 I had no idea you were close to TTC!  I'm super excited for that stage in your life!  FI and I aren't that close to actively TTC, so I won't be too much help but I'm really good at making baby gifts!

    @lmhollister I hope your annual went well!  They're kinda a necessary evil, and I actually "need" one next year (or at least need the pap part of one)

    @andrewuh I also judge a prom proposal, haha.  I would totally say no.  I'm a bitch
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • @twodimes and @blue, the poor guy didn't even want to go above and beyond, but she  made him think that he had to. I see it everywhere though. One of my own female students has demanded that she be asked in an above and beyond kind of way to prom, including, but not limited to, a lip syncing video that be posted to youtube after she accepted. 

    They all want to be grown up so fast. 


    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • UO: I like Canon in D. I don't want to use it at my wedding but I do think it's pretty.

    @Phira - Your co-worker sucks. How completely inappropriate for them to comment on your diet. I want to throat punch them right after @TwoDimes.

  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @bethsmiles @twodimes She's a really awesome coworker, and it's nice having her as a mentor (she's a post-doc), but yeah, it was really inappropriate advice. Like, yes, I know I haven't been eating healthy. The end. Stop commenting on my Starbucks.

    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @phira I totally have a Starbucks gift card if you need a gift for her ;) my students think they are awesome gifts. They apparently don't listen during my semesterly "why I don't drink caffeine" talks lol
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • Confession: @swazzle, I'm sorry, but I'm writing a novel this time. :(

    II: I can never think of good items to list on these threads when they actually come up. I'll be in the car, in the shower, in class, in bed, anywhere but here, and at anytime but when there's actually a thread going on and think, "That is so irrationally irritating," or, "What an unpopular opinion I have!" But when these threads come up? Gone. Erased from my memory. And then whatever I come up with is lame and not from the heart.

    Confession: I made a tray of cheesecake brownies on Monday. It is now two days later. They are almost gone. I'm the one who is responsible for that. :(

    Confession: It's my brother's birthday today. I love him dearly, but I'm afraid that isn't about to come across very well because 1) I just gave him money and a card, not an awesome creative gift, and 2) I was going to take him climbing tonight after my clinical and work meeting, which JUST ended, and I am so tired that honestly, if he wanted to stay out with his friends this evening and go some other time, that would not exactly hurt my feelings because I am dead tired. But I'm expecting him home any minute now so we can go to the gym together, so I will suck it up because the rest of his birthday has been kinda crappy (THANKS FAMILY. THANKS WORK.).

    Confession: So I started doing this 100 Happy Days challenge that I think some other NEYers are doing too. Basically you take a photo of something that makes you happy every day for 100 days and post it to Instragram or FB or whatever. I am so. damn. sick. of this challenge! I'm 14 days into it and I just want to give up because 1) I feel like a massive AW and I'm uncomfortable with that, 2) being happy all the time is exhausting and a huge PITA (seriously, sometimes you just want to be sad, and I think that's OK sometimes), and 3) this has only confirmed what I already knew, which is that I am just not busy enough. I get so tired from school and work, and I'm broke as hell anyway, but I know I need to be doing more things like volunteering and getting into certain hobbies and interests that I'm temporarily putting on the back burner. I think I'm doing that for really solid reasons, so I can save money and get through school, so this challenge is really just exacerbating the emptiness from a void I logically know is time-limited. It's just frustrating.

  • @clogreeneyes - I love your long posts <3

    I've also been doing #100happydays and find myself struggling with it!

  • @swazzle, who knew a simple picture every day would be so difficult?! I seriously want to throw in the towel on it, but then it's like...does unhappiness WIN? I don't know.

    I think I'm seriously done, though. I still have no idea what today's picture is gonna be yet, haha.

  • @clogreeneyes & @swazzle - I've forgotten to take pictures the last two days. I can only take so many pics of my animals before it's redundant.


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  • @clogreeneyes and @brisox81 - I just begrudgingly did today's. I've forgotten a couple times and I just picked up where I left off. I'm going to TRY to stick with it if for no other reason than because I'm usually a quitter and I don't want to be.

  • @Swazzle, so awesome that you are gonna keep going! You are my happiness hero and role model!

    @BriSox81, pictures of Violet can't be redundant, only fabulous and smile-inducing! Post away!

  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    Confession: My best friend/maid of honor got me into Hell's Kitchen last season. And it's. AWESOME. Watching the season premiere right now.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • edited March 2014
    @blue & white yea we are pulling the goalie pretty soon after the wedding probably Sept or Oct. Eeek so we'll see what happens.

    UO: around here I guess I love Canon in D, using it for my BM to walk down the aisle.  I'm getting married in a catholic church so my choices are limited.  I  actually hate here comes the bride and refused to even consider that option.

    I really wish I was drinking wine right now....sigh....

    ETA for typos


  • Not a UO: I hated Pachelbel's Canon in D before I saw this (link), but it confirmed why I do.
    This was FANTASTIC!!!!! 
  • Confession:  I'm still learning all the abbreviations around here. A-ha II is Irrational Irritation; took me forever to figure out BSC and PPD.  Still need to figure out what OLW stands for (I mean I get what the post is about, but what does it mean???)  Go ahead - make fun of my newbie ways ;-)

  • Confession:  I'm still learning all the abbreviations around here. A-ha II is Irrational Irritation; took me forever to figure out BSC and PPD.  Still need to figure out what OLW stands for (I mean I get what the post is about, but what does it mean???)  Go ahead - make fun of my newbie ways ;-)
    OLW = Open Letter Wednesday

  • @brisox81 - the only traditional song we had was Canon in D. Everything else was David Gray, U2, etc. 

    @southernpeach89 - we used clear labels. My handwriting is not great, neither is DHs, and I wasn't going to pay money to have someone else write out 102 envelopes that would for SURE be thrown away. Sorry I'm not sorry :)

    @tuarceatha - HA to the person asking you what the correct address is. I was on the other end of that situation. In my MBA, the standard email address was: However, my name is so common that not only did I not just have, I had After two months of being there, I got an angry email from Jane Smith asking me to kindly let people know my correct email address, since she'd been getting a ton of my email. The bitch never sent me any of it, nor told me who had emailed her. 
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    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • II - I found a veil that I like but it's only available in white and my dress is ivory.  I guess my search continues.  I never thought I'd be so picky about a silly veil.  I really loved the one I tried on with my dress but I cannot justify the cost and would like to find one similar.

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