Not Engaged Yet


II: I suck at being a girl. I wanted to paint my nails myself instead of getting them done at the salon, and they look like crap. Blanket marks (I painted them at like 7pm, went to bed at 10pm! WTF.), dings, polish all over my fingers... I guess this is why paying $25 to get them done is worth it.

II: This story. LINK Cute? Sure. SIX FUCKING WEEKS? Go home, you're drunk.

Confession: I'm really trying NOT to think that my pony is coming in the next couple of weeks, but my brain is trolling me & I can't help it. 

UO: I want ZERO traditional music at my future wedding. No Canon in D, no Wedding March, nada. I can't say what I DO want, because I'm not a pre-planner, but I do know that I DON'T want that.


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Re: II/UO/Confessions/Whathaveyou

  • Confession: I just want to go home, not in the mood to do any work at all. 

    I also really don't want to work anymore on the wedding invitations, I just want some magic fairy to finish them and mail them out for me.  I need a fairy godmother or something until the wedding is over. 

    I'm excited I bought wedding jewelry last night at David's Bridal unexpectedly. I went to pick up shawls for my BM and I found an earring and necklace set that I loved.  I'm excited because there is the same beading on my dress, in my veil and now in my jewelry of a daisy and they were all bought from three different places. 

    I also confess I just want my kitchen entirely done and finished... like now I know a big step will be done by the end of the week but I hate cooking being modified or not being done because of it.


  • II: It makes my skin crawl when couples sit on the same side of the table at a restaurant. Its just weird, and how do you even have a normal conversation when you have to be twisting your neck the whole time just to look at the person? Doesn't their neck hurt by the end of dinner?

    II: Stupid drivers.  When there are signs that warn you that the lane you are in is ending in 1 mile...then 1/2 should get over then and not wait until last minute and then cut someone off. Sorry, but I'm gonna speed up every time and not let you over because you're an asshole.

    Confession: WHY am I missing FI so much today?! I'm at work where I should be actually working but instead I can't get him off my mind and I miss him. Maybe its hormones.  I feel pathetic.

    Confession: I've put on my wedding dress twice this week for no reason...just to stand it and admire it. Sorry I'm not sorry.
  • II: When everyone in my office is on the phone at the same time and I can't hear my pandora music through my headphones!! I'm about to scream at all of them to shut up so I can hear my music!

    Confession: I accidentally skipped taking my BC this past weekend because we were on vacation and I forgot. Now, my period has started a week early...I guess that's my own fault but I really really hope it doesn't last two weeks since it's supposed to start next Sunday. UGH!

    Judge: I totally judged the crap out of a wedding invitation we received in the mail the other day from H's friend from high school. First of all, I'm old fashioned and I don't think wedding invitations should have address labels on them at all. I think it should be hand written or something besides address labels! I didn't even put labels on my Save The Dates. Judge II: She also put a Registry card inside her invites! Seriously? We will send you a gift anyways but I didn't need the reminder thanks.
  • II: It makes my skin crawl when couples sit on the same side of the table at a restaurant. Its just weird, and how do you even have a normal conversation when you have to be twisting your neck the whole time just to look at the person? Doesn't their neck hurt by the end of dinner?

    II: Stupid drivers.  When there are signs that warn you that the lane you are in is ending in 1 mile...then 1/2 should get over then and not wait until last minute and then cut someone off. Sorry, but I'm gonna speed up every time and not let you over because you're an asshole.

    Confession: WHY am I missing FI so much today?! I'm at work where I should be actually working but instead I can't get him off my mind and I miss him. Maybe its hormones.  I feel pathetic.

    Confession: I've put on my wedding dress twice this week for no reason...just to stand it and admire it. Sorry I'm not sorry.

    I do the same thing when it comes to stupid drivers, I will speed up and not let them in.

    For about half an hour last night I wore my veil around the house, just because. :-) It was fun I also wanted to see how it looked with the new jewelry. I would totally put on my dress if I had it, I haven't even started fitting yet...


  • II: It makes my skin crawl when couples sit on the same side of the table at a restaurant. Its just weird, and how do you even have a normal conversation when you have to be twisting your neck the whole time just to look at the person? Doesn't their neck hurt by the end of dinner?

    II: Stupid drivers.  When there are signs that warn you that the lane you are in is ending in 1 mile...then 1/2 should get over then and not wait until last minute and then cut someone off. Sorry, but I'm gonna speed up every time and not let you over because you're an asshole.

    Confession: WHY am I missing FI so much today?! I'm at work where I should be actually working but instead I can't get him off my mind and I miss him. Maybe its hormones.  I feel pathetic.

    Confession: I've put on my wedding dress twice this week for no reason...just to stand it and admire it. Sorry I'm not sorry.
    1. Same. People are assholes.

    2. If there is such a thing as "anti-judging," that's what I'm doing to you right now. 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • TwoDimes said:
    Confession: I haven't been posting on the Accountability threads this week because I've been eating like crap. Fast food for lunch Monday and Tuesday, and cupcakes for dinner both nights. Ugh. I have no excuse either.

    II: My grown-ass coworker has taken two sick days from work because in her own words she "can't stop crying" over some family drama. I used to have sympathy for her, but it's run out. Grow up, woman. We all have to work, even when we are sad.

    Judge: I posted on Etiquette about this, but I am sort of judging my aunt. She's hosting a baby shower for her DIL. Mom-to-be lives 800 miles away and is attending the shower VIA SKYPE. The posters on E have given me other perspectives on it, but so far I still feel judgy about the whole thing (mostly about my aunt being nutty -- which is nothing new).
    I read your post on Etiquette and I think it's weird. I've never heard of someone attending a shower for them via Skype and I don't know how I would feel if I was invited to one :\
  • @TwoDimes - I would judge that also. I feel like someone around here attended something like this before and I had the same reaction then. 

    UO: I don't like traditional wedding music. 

    II: Posters who cannot spell and/or who cannot grasp basic concepts of the English language.

    Confession: I don't want my soup today, I want a motherfucking large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. 

  • Swazzle said:
    @TwoDimes - I would judge that also. I feel like someone around here attended something like this before and I had the same reaction then. 

    UO: I don't like traditional wedding music. 

    II: Posters who cannot spell and/or who cannot grasp basic concepts of the English language.

    Confession: I don't want my soup today, I want a motherfucking large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. 

    Commas are your friend. There is a poster on Chit Chat (I think) who I just noticed whose posts I can't even read because they're all just one big long sentence. I really don't understand how people get through life with such horrible grammar/spelling.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @Swazzle - can you make it an XL pizza and we can split it? 

    Confession - I haven't went to the grocery store in 2+ weeks and I have no food in my house.  If nobody is watching, I'm leaving early to go to the grocery store!

  • Confession: I'm only supposed to take a half office day, but work can suck it.  Today will be a whole day in the office.  I feel like crap. So if I can't take a sick day, my ass will just work from my couch the whole day.  

    UO:  I don't like traditional wedding music either.  My processional was two Beatles songs with the second one blended with Marry Me acoustic style as I came in. My first dance was sung by Adam Sandler.  I could give two fucks if no one else liked it.

    II: Customers that promise me orders and then don't send them.  I committed to my boss those would be in this week.  I will hunt them down if I have to, and it won't be pretty.
    photo bridalparty.jpg
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  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    Confession: I've been giving myself heartburn for the past couple of weeks because of how much crap I've been eating and how little healthy food I've been eating.

    Judge: @BriSox81 SIX WEEKS? ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME? I hate public proposals anyway--maybe that's why he did one ...

    Also, about nail polish. I'd been having the same problem. I tweeted about it a while back and a friend replied with manicure-saving tips:

    Base coat: OPI Nail Envy
    Two coats of whatever polish
    Top coat: Seche Vite

    AND leave 5 minutes between every coat.

    Nail polish does not stick very well to my nails, even when I have a professional manicure (although it sticks better when I get one), so my polish chips and peels after maybe 24 hours, especially if I shower, but using these polishes and that method, it takes longer to chip/peel and I don't get lots of smudges or fabric marks at all.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • Confession - I ate a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting 10 minutes after getting home from work yesterday because I wanted it and because they were going stale anyway so I needed to eat one last one before they had to go in the trash.

    Confession - I watch my pup via skype all day long while I'm at work. She sleeps ALL day. I envy her.

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  • Il/judge: my dad's gf. He text me this morning that she has pneumonia and so this weekends trip to Orlando might not happen. I asked if he was still coming down, he said he would have to float the idea of going by himself by her. Wtf??? Seriously??? Why does your gf have a say in whether or not I get to see my dad for the first time in almost two years?!?!

    I get that it was originally a business trip for her, and that he'd be doin the good bf thing, but goddammit I want to see my dad!!

  • @swazzle now I really want pizza... minus the pepperoni....


  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    Il/judge: my dad's gf. He text me this morning that she has pneumonia and so this weekends trip to Orlando might not happen. I asked if he was still coming down, he said he would have to float the idea of going by himself by her. Wtf??? Seriously??? Why does your gf have a say in whether or not I get to see my dad for the first time in almost two years?!?! I get that it was originally a business trip for her, and that he'd be doin the good bf thing, but goddammit I want to see my dad!!
    So not knowing any details about the situation, I was reading along thinking, "Eh, J and I kind of do that. It's mostly a formality, since we always say sure." But uh, first time you'd be seeing your dad in two years? He'd better get his ass down there.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • phira said:

    Il/judge: my dad's gf. He text me this morning that she has pneumonia and so this weekends trip to Orlando might not happen. I asked if he was still coming down, he said he would have to float the idea of going by himself by her. Wtf??? Seriously??? Why does your gf have a say in whether or not I get to see my dad for the first time in almost two years?!?!

    I get that it was originally a business trip for her, and that he'd be doin the good bf thing, but goddammit I want to see my dad!!

    So not knowing any details about the situation, I was reading along thinking, "Eh, J and I kind of do that. It's mostly a formality, since we always say sure." But uh, first time you'd be seeing your dad in two years? He'd better get his ass down there.

    Like I said, I know it's irrational, and he is being a good bf- and a good person and all of that, and I really truly feel bad for her having pneumonia, but I miss my dad and am having a bitchy bratty moment
  • II: This weather. I'm in Texas, but from NY, and I feel like some kind of unspoken agreement has been broken. I am not supposed to be wearing my winter jacket at the end of March. Very angry about Mother Nature -_-

    Confession: I absolutely love pinning the ridiculous, over-the-top, expensive cakes/venues/dresses on pinterest. I think it was one of the first boards I created when I signed up a couple years ago, and I'm a little disappointed that I've had to reign myself in since SO's sisters started following me...

  • Moiramab said:

    II: This weather. I'm in Texas, but from NY, and I feel like some kind of unspoken agreement has been broken. I am not supposed to be wearing my winter jacket at the end of March. Very angry about Mother Nature -_-

    Confession: I absolutely love pinning the ridiculous, over-the-top, expensive cakes/venues/dresses on pinterest. I think it was one of the first boards I created when I signed up a couple years ago, and I'm a little disappointed that I've had to reign myself in since SO's sisters started following me...

    There's secret boards for this exact reason. 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • BriSox81 said:
    Moiramab said:

    II: This weather. I'm in Texas, but from NY, and I feel like some kind of unspoken agreement has been broken. I am not supposed to be wearing my winter jacket at the end of March. Very angry about Mother Nature -_-

    Confession: I absolutely love pinning the ridiculous, over-the-top, expensive cakes/venues/dresses on pinterest. I think it was one of the first boards I created when I signed up a couple years ago, and I'm a little disappointed that I've had to reign myself in since SO's sisters started following me...

    There's secret boards for this exact reason. 
    Unfortunately not when I first signed up :( I do have other private boards, but you can't take a public board and make it private (unless I've missed something?). Over here on the forums it's a confession, nobody wants to come off as a Beebee, but for the most part it's "welp, it's already out there." So I just pin them less obsessively hah
  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @Moiramab I definitely have repinned a zillion pins into secret boards JUST so I could keep BSC pins private.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~

  • BriSox81 said:
    Moiramab said:

    II: This weather. I'm in Texas, but from NY, and I feel like some kind of unspoken agreement has been broken. I am not supposed to be wearing my winter jacket at the end of March. Very angry about Mother Nature -_-

    Confession: I absolutely love pinning the ridiculous, over-the-top, expensive cakes/venues/dresses on pinterest. I think it was one of the first boards I created when I signed up a couple years ago, and I'm a little disappointed that I've had to reign myself in since SO's sisters started following me...

    There's secret boards for this exact reason. 
    Confession: My secret board has baby things on it, but no one is surprised.

    II: All the goshdarn emails I've been getting for other people with my name. I SO want the correct email address for them so I can send them sporadic emails about my life. I usually write back to the sender and say "Wrong email address." But one person wrote back and was like "What is your correct email address then?" .... So I explained I am not who she thinks I am. She needs to ask the other person with my name what THEIR email address actually is.

    It shouldn't annoy me as much as it does.

  • Moiramab said:
    BriSox81 said:
    Moiramab said:

    II: This weather. I'm in Texas, but from NY, and I feel like some kind of unspoken agreement has been broken. I am not supposed to be wearing my winter jacket at the end of March. Very angry about Mother Nature -_-

    Confession: I absolutely love pinning the ridiculous, over-the-top, expensive cakes/venues/dresses on pinterest. I think it was one of the first boards I created when I signed up a couple years ago, and I'm a little disappointed that I've had to reign myself in since SO's sisters started following me...

    There's secret boards for this exact reason. 
    Unfortunately not when I first signed up :( I do have other private boards, but you can't take a public board and make it private (unless I've missed something?). Over here on the forums it's a confession, nobody wants to come off as a Beebee, but for the most part it's "welp, it's already out there." So I just pin them less obsessively hah
    No, but you can make a new secret board, repin all the things onto the secret one, and delete the non-secret one.

    Not that I know ANYTHING ABOUT THIS.


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  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @tuarceatha UGH I get emails to the wrong person on a regular basis. It drives me nuts.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • Not wanting traditional wedding music - does not equal UO nope. I didn't want it either. Confession - I want Brisox to be BSC because I really want to know all the plans that are on this secret board. II - I JUST freaking washed my car and it rained, the same day. It does that EVERY time. I wanted a clean car for my trip in 9 days!!!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I totally have a secret board for wedding just because I don't want anyone stalking my awesome wedding ideas.  It should be known we didn't do like 98% of what's pinned to the board (isn't that how pinterest works anyway?)

    II: My episode of Twisted taped last night WITHOUT SOUND.  Thank god for On Demand - I tried watching it on closed caption and my eyes were like omg I need  sound!  <--really, Brighthouse?  Can I PLEASE HAVE SOUND?

    Confession: My first batch of cookies doesn't look as beautiful as i want them too and I'm tempted to just eat them all and make a new batch tomorrow (or later today) so that I feel better about my baking prowess.
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • @TwoDimes haha. At work I get emails intended for the founder of my company. I SOOOOOOOO want to reply to those emails with "Tuarceatha Rainbow is dead." Because he is.

    @phira Do you have a common name or are they just not even close? 

  • Confession: I have to teach class in about an hour and I have zero motivation to do so. I have no idea what's wrong with me today (other than the fact that I'm on my period) but I just want to lie in bed and cry. I also have to give a lecture today (usually I just teach the smaller lab classes) and I absolutely  do not want to. Today is not a good day for me to be feeling like this.

  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    Not a UO: I don't want any traditional music at all for my ceremony. I can't stand canon in D.

    Not an II: I'm sitting here waiting for my ob. My appointment was for 2 and its now 2:30. I hate my annual and I just want to be done with this so I can leave.

    II: A lady showed up to book club last night completely out of the blue without even telling anyone she was coming after over a v year of no contact and not attending meetings. She didn't give any explanation, just jumped in like she'd been coming forever and acting lime a know it all. It was awkward.

    II: People who stop in the right turn lane when there's a massive sign that says to keep moving.

    II: I'm mad at everything right now. I fucking hate my annual exam. Worst time ever.

  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @tuarceatha I assume the email addresses are pretty close. My email is the first letter of my first name and then my entire last name. I get a lot of emails to someone with the same last name and the same first initial.

    I once got an email that was supposed to go to my cousin, whose email is his first and middle initials, followed by our shared last name. I have no idea what his middle name is, but it starts with the same letter as my first name. The person emailing him had left off the first letter by accident.

    My name and email: Jane Smith (
    Stranger's name: Joan Smith
    Cousin's name and email: Ryan J Smith (
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
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