FI does this one thing that drives me absolutely mad. I don't know how to break him of it. He is so inconsiderate when I am sleeping. I am the type of person that can't handle lurking when I am sleeping. You can make noise in the kitchen, watch tv, whatever... just don't hover over me when I am sleeping. I went to bed really early for me, because I have been extremely sleep deprived... wedding is almost 100 days away (so my body thinks i can be doing so many things more constructive than sleeping. Lol). FI came in SUPER late last night and he was next to me, in bed, just typing something into his phone. I tried to ignore this, but he was seriously doing this for an hour. I told hIm I hope his waterproof case would protect his phone from where I was considering shoving it (a little bitchy without sleep). So I have been up since 5 am.
Usually FI is terrible with the snooze button. THAT DRIVES ME TO DISTRACTION. He lets it go off, without exaggeration for 1-2 hours. My next deterrent might be a spray bottle or an air horn to help him wake up. I have mentioned this to FI SEVERAL times, but he says he cannot hear it and it incorporates into his dreams. I work a night job, I usually don't need to wake up until 10. To have that alarm clock go off at 7 and keep going off, intermittently, until 9, makes me want to punt a goldfish. There's a chance sleep deprivation has manifested into an all out bitchfest. Lmao... sorry.
Ladies, what's the one thing about your FI that makes you stabby?