My parents are amazing. They shuttled us to sports, coached our sports, attended our events, were strict but fun, took us on vacations, helped us out with our first cars and cell phones in high school, taught us respect and discipline. But there are a few things they do that I have made a conscious effort to not do myself. (Even if you don't plan to have kids, you can answer see my #3 not kid related!)
1. They are not emotional. They don't say I love you, they don't call just to say hello and ask about my life, when a pet died they would just throw it in the dumpster like it was no big deal and move on with life. I do not want to be like this.
2. They are always criticizing or pointing out the negative. When my brother and I bought our first homes, they were not dream mansions, they were 1950's tiny houses that have not been updated. Instead of saying how proud they are and what an accomplishment it is, they basically said how dumpy and crappy the houses were and that we had a lot of work to do on them. I just want you to smile and say good job dammit!
3. They are cheap to the extreme. They are in excellent financial position and I know they worked very hard to get there and I'm very thankful that they've taught me about money management. But for the love of God, they refuse to even order a pizza once a year because of the cost and they can "make it cheaper themselves". I'm all about saving 90% of the time but you have to splurge on those things once in a while!!