A girl from high school (10 years ago) that I played a sport with (notice I did not say friend because, really we weren't ever really close, at least I don't think so... I don't even know her birthday or middle name!) Anyways, she asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding like 6 years ago. I actually was going to say no because I don't even know why she would ask me, we didn't even talk but like 3 times in those 4 years in between except maybe a facebook comment here or there. Anyways, I did. She's a very big "one upper" so my FI and family don't even like her. When we got engaged she made a comment on my facebook about her being a bridesmaid. Now, maybe I'm just being a witch, but hell no. Anyways, planning goes on, her and I don't talk (nothing new) and we've sent our save the dates. About 2 months later she sends me a message that she would love to see my baby and she's in town if I could find time for dinner. FI said it was a bad idea bc she just lights fire under me with her comments and always trying to one up everyone. But I did.... and she brought up wedding stuff. I mentioned it was going to be really small and formal and heard her comments about how she better be invited and how I needed to make it more casual so it was cheaper so I could accomadate more guests. Anyways, I blew it off. Now here we are still 4 months from the wedding and haven't spoke with her since then (about 3 months ago) and she posts some random a** facebook status about "We've been friends for 15 years, but I don't have room for you at my wedding. Wow. Ok." 1. What makes you post this now when I haven't spoke to you in months? and 2. My family and FI do not like you! I'm not your biggest fan by any means, but I have been trying so hard to be nice! I may be being a big B bc I was a BM for her, but her "It was like $20 a person for my wedding, you can afford that to invite me" is so rude, and I'm so tired of seeing the one up comments. Ok, end rant, I'm just annoyed.