Wedding Invitations & Paper

Invite Wording: Ceremony and Reception at Parent's home

I'm helping a friend with her invitation wordings and is kinda stump with the location.

Bride's parents are hosting at their home for ceremony and backyard reception.

Should she just list date, time and address or add something else to indicate that the event is happening at a home vs a venue?
ie, Home of Parents of the Bride
xxx address

And, I am assuming that at long as food and beverages are served afterwards, then it counts as a full reception.
So, adding Reception to follow will be appropriate?  (They'll serve food and beverages but won't do a full program, ie, no first dance, garter toss, or et.) Just food and music.

Re: Invite Wording: Ceremony and Reception at Parent's home

  • emmyg65emmyg65 member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Anniversary
    We just listed the town and said "Dinner and dancing to follow," and then included an insert with the full address, map and parking info.

    Food and music is still a reception. Those other things are optional.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Bride's Parents
    request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter
    Bride First Middle
    Groom First Middle Last

    on June fourteenth, two thousand fourteen
    at half-after six o'clock

    at their home,

    Reception to follow.

    The only thing that matters for a reception is food and drink -- the dancing and tossing and whatever else are just fillers and add-ons.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • Thanks, that's helpful.

    We've just never seen that before.
  • Welcome! I read it in Miss Manners.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • Mr. and Mrs. Bride's Parents
    request the pleasure of your company
    at the marriage of their daughter
    Bride First Middle
    Mr. Groom First Middle Last

    Saturday, the fourteenth of June
    two thousand fourteen
    at half after six o'clock

    at their residence
    123 Main Street
    City, State

    Reception to follow.

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