Knottie Tech Help

Seating chart issues - not saving changes


I'm having issues with the seating chart planner. We're doing a long table dinner, whereas we create a single long table with all guests sitting on one side or the other. In the seating chart planner, this requires that all table have the 'Keep seats at the end' toggle unselected. I save my plan this way, however, when I return to the saved version of the plan, this toggle automatically reselects itself and the chairs are once again showing up at the ends of each table, which then ruins the seating arrangement I had created. Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is it a glitch in the programming?

Thanks for the help,


Re: Seating chart issues - not saving changes

  • TK tools are always glitchy. I recommend not doing your seating chart using their tools. TK has been known to lose entire guest lists.
  • Yeah, having the same issue here.  I stopped trying.
  • Did anyone from TK ever answer or help? If not, that makes me sad.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
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