Knottie Tech Help

Problem finding and adding vendors/venues on account

Hello all,

I am having two issues and any advice or fixes would be appreciated:

1. There are very few venues for Albuquerque, NM. Because of this, i cannot properly plan the wedding since I cannot add my venue, Casa Rondena Winery. Is there a way to manually add the vendor or for me to add just the title of the place in my planner? Otherwise, this is quite frustrating and is encouraging me to go to where they do have this venue.

2. I have my photographer and cake shop in my 'vendors list' but when i go to add these vendors to the Photo & Video page, the vendors list is empty. How do i fix this?

Basically, i cannot actually plan anything other than my budget and a generic list of checkbox items. My planner cannot be personalized outside of the budgeter and guest list. Please help.

Thanks :)

Re: Problem finding and adding vendors/venues on account

  • misshart00misshart00 member
    Fourth Anniversary First Answer 2500 Comments 500 Love Its
    edited May 2014
    Vendors are only listed on TK if they pay. If they didn't pay, you can't add them. Also, I highly recommend backing up your guest list, etc. to your computer. TK has a history of deleting your RSVPs, seating chart, etc. and sometimes even losing entire guest lists.
  • oh, ok, good to know. I think then i am moving to another planning site. thanks for the heads up! :)
  • Just to let you know, all planning sites are like that.  That is how they make money.  If someone wants to be listed or advertise on a site then they have to pay for it.  It is better to just use google to help you find vendors in your area.

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