Wedding Invitations & Paper

Vista and Pocket Envelopes... Help!

So a friend of ours designed our invites for us and we're just about to order through Vista Print... but we're running into one hang up.  We want to use pocket fold envelopes to put everything together (for example: but the only ones we can find are 5 x 7, which is exactly the same size as the invites we're ordering from Vista.  We ordered a sample envelope and tested it out with a 5x7 card to see if it would work, but the envelope doesn't fold properly since the invite itself will be the exact same size as the middle panel.  Every website I can find that does these envelopes suggests that the invites themselves be 4.5 x 6.5, but that's not an option on Vista (and we REALLLY want to stick with them and their 40% off trend of late!). Can anyone help us with any solution to this problem short of cropping the edges of our invites, which I don't trust myself to do?.  Or suggestions of similar ways we could put the invites together where we won't have this sizing problem?  I can't imagine we're the only ones running into this problem.  I appreciate your help!

Re: Vista and Pocket Envelopes... Help!

  • Design the invite with dead (white or whatever color invite background is) space on one side that can be sliced off with a paper cutter...the slide kind, not the arm chop kind.
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • Design the invite with dead (white or whatever color invite background is) space on one side that can be sliced off with a paper cutter...the slide kind, not the arm chop kind.

    This. If you have any small print shops near you, you could also look into having them trim them for you. This would be about 5 minutes of labor on a commercial cutter and shouldn't cost much at all.
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  • cmn149cmn149 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    I used Cards & Pockets for my wedding invitations, and VistaPrint for the rehearsal dinner invites. The 5x7 invites from VistaPrint are not truly 5x7, as stated above it is 7.17" x 4.61". If I remember correctly, the invite from C&P was 4.75 x 6.75 to fit in their 5x7 invite. I understand your hesitation about cutting, I didn't trust myself to do it either. I used the C&P print shop for my invitations, they did a great job (better than VistaPrint) and were not overly expensive. You could also try an office supply store, like Staples - they can usually print and trim pieces.
  • VP sent me a sample kit -- did you order samples and test them against a C&P sample?
  • Thanks everyone!  I tested a sample from Vista against the C&P envelopes, and while they're narrow enough, they're a bit too long.  I would have opted to print the invites themselves with C&P but we wanted to go with the linen finish for the invites because they have a lot of saturated colors on them.  So it looks like we'll just have to figure out a different way to assemble the invites, but I appreciate all your suggestions!
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