Nevada-Las Vegas

Craving more wedding info- what went wrong from April 2014 boards

Hi all-  If you haven't looked at it the April 2014 weddings board is pretty active and entertaining!  You should check out  Some of those brides had rough days,  including one who's fathers pants that fell down, another had a guest get hurt and had to have an ambulance had to called etc. 

We had our dream wedding in Las Vegas - 11.29.2014

Re: Craving more wedding info- what went wrong from April 2014 boards

  • I will never again complain about forgetting my earrings in Dallas or the wedding drunks.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Wow... some of those brides had a rough day!  Here's hoping mine is fun, fantastic, and drama free! :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Our bus for our strip tour was an hour late and we were waiting outside with it being 95 degrees but I guess compared to some of those other brides I should be thankful lol
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