Wedding Invitations & Paper

Invitation Wording if One Set of Parents is Not Helping Pay

My fiancé and I along with my parents will be paying for the wedding (we're splitting costs about 50/50 between us).  His parents are not helping out.  I know invitation wording typically is dictated by who is paying for the wedding.  How would our invites be worded in this case?  I feel very conflicted, because on one hand I would like both our parents names to be mentioned, because I want both sets to feel honored on our day, but at the same time I wouldn't want his parents to feel slighted if their names are not included on the invites, or have my parents feel slighted by making the invites sound like his family is helping out when they are not.


Re: Invitation Wording if One Set of Parents is Not Helping Pay

  • Jen4948Jen4948 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 25 Answers
    edited May 2014
    Invitation wording is not supposed to reflect the financial arrangements, which are none of the guests' business.  Who's paying does not equal who's hosting.  

    The "hosts" of a wedding are the point persons-the persons who are issuing the invitations, receiving the replies, greeting the guests, and seeing that their needs are attended to.  One can contribute money without doing these things, and if that's the case, financial contributors who are not acting as point persons should not be listed as hosts.

    Also, the only persons "honored" by wedding invitations are the guests-not the parents, not the couple.  The purpose of a wedding invitation is not to "honor" the couple or parents or to map out the family tree.

    If you want to include his parents, which is not traditional, he would be listed as

    Groom's Name
    son of
    Groom's Parents

    If they are hosting (see above) they would be listed as hosts.
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