Not Engaged Yet


Happy Friday everyone!

What are your plans for this weekend?

I'm leaving work at 2:30 today since I've been coming in really early this week, so that's exciting. When I get home, I'll probably relax on the couch and do some reading, and work out.

Tomorrow FI is working overtime, so I'm going to take that time to clean the house and work out. When he gets home we'll take Quigley to the dog park. I'm making shrimp enchiladas for dinner and drinking some margaritas. I have to finish my veil this weekend, it's the only chance I'll be able to do it, so I might bang that out Saturday night.

Sunday we'll take Quigley to the dog park again and then just relax at home. Oh and laundry :(

Have a good weekend everyone!!!

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Re: Friday!!!!!!

  • YAY Weekend!!

    Tonight - I need to clean my house.

    Saturday - I signed up to WALK a 5K.  If the weather is crappy, I'm totally sleeping in instead.  When I get home, more cleaning.  The TV/Internet guy is supposed to come over Saturday evening to make the 2nd TV hookup work (which is why I have to clean... either that or beg him not to sign me up for 'hoarders buried alive').

    Sunday - No plans

    I do want to go to Target at some point - I have a gift card there and I want to buy a grill (plus I need other boring items like soap).  I might also try to trick FI to drive out and look at some land with me.  We're not ready to buy and it's a little further from our work (about 35 minutes each) but it's perfect and has a pond in the back that we could use and room for the dogs to run.

  • Happy Friday!!!!!

    FI and I have nothing planned for tonight.  We had to eat out a couple times this week because our oven was not working for a couple days, so we'll probably just stay in since we already used money we hadn't planned on using this week.

    On Saturday morning I have to get blood work done :( Afterwards, FI and I are setting up a joint checking account.  We may go visit my grandparents who are in town for the Summer and then that evening we are going to an Indy Eleven game (soccer).  I surprised FI with tickets a couple weeks ago so he's been really excited about it. 

    On Sunday we may go see Godzilla. FI has been wanting to see it.
  • edited May 2014

    I'm actually not super excited for the weekend because FI will be away at his friend's bachelor party in AC until Sunday, AND he's taking my car :-(

    I have a ton of shit to get done today. I need to get to FedEx to print some stuff on my lunch break, then I'm probably leaving work at 2 to go babysit. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the kid has plans with friends and I can just drop her off somewhere and go home early. Then, I'll say goodbye to FI and hand him my keys. Grrr. I'm planning on heading into the city to go out with my ex-roommate around 8pm and though I already kind of want to cancel, I won't.

    Tomorrow I have brunch plans in the city with two other friends, and I'll go shopping either before or after. The rest of the day will probably be spent watching TLC and Bravo and eating things I shouldn't be eating, because I'll be bored and drunk from brunch!

    Sunday I should clean and go food shopping, and I'm hoping FI gets home by late afternoon, so we can enjoy at least some of the weekend together.
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  • This week has been extremely exhausting for both H and myself. I'm glad it's over.

    Today I have to go pick up a prescription and also go buy a baby gift for a baby shower I'm going to tomorrow. Tonight H and I will probably go to CrossFit and stay in for dinner.

    Saturday I'll probably work out in the morning and then do some quick cleaning before we pack up a few boxes to take over to the new house. My friend's baby shower is that afternoon so I'll go to that and a girlfriend of mine wants to do game night so if that's still happening we will head to her place afterwards.

    Sunday we are going to church and then afterwards we are heading to downtown ATL to play KICKBALL!!! I haven't played kickball in years so I'm super excited. I feel like the people who play on this league are super intense so hopefully I don't embarrass myself too much lol. Hopefully sometime on Sunday we can meet up with H's mom so I can give her my Mother's Day gift since that's a week overdue.
  • TGIF!!!

    Tonight we are most likely going to kick around the house and maybe unpack/organize a little more. This whole week has really caught up to us and we are both exhausted. I did get a good blackmail video of BF snoring wicked loud on the couch last night, LOL.

    Saturday we are going to either Home Depot or Lowes. We have to get a lawn mower, grill, and paint. There are a few other smaller things we need to. I'm hoping to bang out the paint on a few rooms this weekend. 

    Sunday is my cousin's baby shower. My aunt and her daughter are coming up from FL so we are going to all go out before the shower too. My cousin and his wife are also doing a name reveal at the shower (We know they are having a boy). I'm really excited for them so it will be fun!
    friends tv show funy
  • Yay Friday!

    Tonight I absolutely have to stay at home and clean because my grandma is coming to visit next week and my place is a disaster.

    Tomorrow FI and I have a tasting, finally. I'm excited and just hoping the food will be good. The caterer's proposal included fried okra for an appetizer, and I'm really picky about my fried okra. Since we have to drive all the way out to Marietta for the tasting, we'll probably find something to do out there afterward. Should be a good day.

    Sunday is church and errands and napping, as usual.
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  • FRIDAYYYYYY! And it's a long weekend here, so extra yay!

    Today I get off work at 2:30 and have some errands to take care of. BF and I don't have anything really planned, so we might go see Neighbours or something.

    Tomorrow morning we are going up to my family's cottage; I am super happy about that! We're opening the cottage this weekend, so we could be walking into a disaster (like when a tree fell on the cottage over the winter a couple years ago) but I'm excited to be up there for a couple days. We have to come back to the city mid-afternoon on Sunday though, since BF has to play in the band at church Sunday night. On the plus side, his church is having a BBQ after the evening service on Sunday, so that should be nice.

    Monday is a holiday here! I'm quite happy to have an extra day off work, and plan on doing nothing! If the weather cooperates I might meet up with a couple friends and go for a walk on the trails near their place, but other than that I have a whole extra day free!



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  • Yay Friday! I have nothing exciting going on tonight.  I need to get in some good time on the elliptical and do some cleaning around the house. 

    Tomorrow we have a wedding to go to in the city, at the Four Seasons.  I'm looking forward to that.  Sunday we have no plans but I want to get in some cleaning around the house and a stop at the veggie market.  It won't be too much of a stressful weekend.  Hopefully some time to sleep in and relax a bit. 


  • @KeptInStitches Congrats on the house!! Welcome to the Homeowners club! 
    friends tv show funy
  • @KeptInStitches Congrats on the house! That's great!



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  • So happy it's Friday. Headed to the FI's place after work, tomorrow we have an engagement photo consultation with our potential photographer and Sunday, we finish moving my stuff out of the old place. 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @TwoDimes Congrats on the work event! So glad it went according to plan, was thinking of you yesterday. Enjoy your time to relax at the lake!
    friends tv show funy
  • @dignity100 you can NEVER buy just one thing at Target, I love Target, but I spend so much money!

    @severmilli12 FI wants to see Godzilla too, I told him he can go alone.

    @hummingbird125 have fun at your boozy brunch!

    @keptinstiches congrats on the new home!!!


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  • buddysmom80 - mmm, enchiladas and margaritas! Jealous!!

    severmilli12 - thanks for the reminder. We need to get to the bank to figure out who's joining who on the account front.

    southernpeach89 - I freakin' love kickball. You'll have a blast!

    lalalauritKeptInStitches - double YAY for home ownership! Congratulations!

    TwoDimes - have a great weekend on the lake. It sounds fantastic.

    Not much on the agenda for us tonight. FSS comes back to our house so we'll probably just watch a movie and take it easy. FI made us dinner reservations at our fave restaurant tomorrow night so I'm excited to be gluttenous. And then Sunday I'm going to brunch and then to see Once the Musical with my sister and a couple of girlfriends and I can't flippin' wait! I saw it a couple years ago in NYC but I was soooooooo hung over that I couldn't enjoy it as much as I would've liked to. Sunday will make up for that ;)

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  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    Happy Friday! 

    Tonight, H is driving me to meet my parents and I finally get to see my Lucy! It's been 2 whole weeks and I've missed her! It'll only be for a minute because then H is taking her home and I'm going to my aunt's house with my parents. 

    Tomorrow my family is driving up to Rhode Island and spending the weekend there for my cousin's college graduation. We rented a house on the beach, it'll be great! 

    Sunday is the graduation so we'll all go to that and then dinner. 

    I took off work on Monday and I'll be heading home in the afternoon. 

    I'm still sick :( I went back to the doctor yesterday. I had to take a poop sample to them and they started me on an antibiotic. It'll take 3-4 business days to get the results from the sample back and I'm already impatient. I just want to be better now. 

  • @KeptinStitches congrats on being a homeowner. Yay!!!

    @Swazzle that really sucks that you are still sick, hope you find out what the results are soon!


  • @KeptinStitches congratulations! Yay!

    @Swazzle that sounds like a lovely weekend...I'm jealous
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  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers

    @TwoDimes Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Congrats to your BF on completing his MBA! What's new on the job front? You should totally move to Georgia...just sayin'. Awesome cost of living, great culture inside and outside the city, lots of micro breweries and growler bars, Lake Lanier, Six Flags, oh and me and @southernpeach89 and @lalalaurita!

    @KeptInStitches Congratulations on becoming a home owner! We're coming up on our one year anniversary of closing on our house. That day was so exciting! What projects do you plan to complete before moving in?

    My weekend is pretty quiet. I got my ETF reimbursement from T-Mobile finally so my mom and I are going shopping at Lowe's for paint. I'm purchasing paint for our guest bathroom, living room, and hallway. The other rooms I want to paint (kitchen, foyer, and dining room) are all still covered in wallpaper...ughhhhh. We're meeting my parents for pizza tonight and just hanging out.

    FI is on call this weekend for work so we'll mostly stick around the house. We have yard work to do and I need to clean and start prepping walls for painting. Our living room and hallway have some dings and paint drips in spots so I want to fill in holes and sand down flaws before painting. FI also wants to tear down the chair railing in the hallway and reinstall it because it wasn't installed 100% perfectly originally and there's a piece that doesn't quite line up. Annnddddd that's it! I FINALLY received a detailed description of our floral decor from the florist yesterday so I've been dwelling on flowers and colors pretty much none stop since yesterday morning.

  • @TwoDimes - Where is the lake house in WI?  Sounds like fun!

    @KeptinStitches - Congrats!  Don't you feel all grown up now? I know I did when I bought.

    @Swazzle - I'm sorry you are still sick.  What do they think it is?

    Today I'm headed back to Chicago to be with H and the dog (H threw his back out...poor I feel terrible for him).

    Saturday I'll go to dance class and make food...a few friends are coming over for a "going away" party as this is our last weekend in our house (it closes next weekend).

    Sunday I'll clean up and pack!  Fun times.

  • @Swazzle I'm super close to RI... Just saying. If you find a spare moment while your here.
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  • @Swazzle I'm surprised they started you on an antibiotic without running the poop sample first...I hope you get better and that whatever's wreaking havoc in you cuts it out!  I also hope you're not on Flagyl, because I'm allergic to it and it wreaks havoc with me worse than any pooping disease I know :/

    Today, I'm chilling.  And obsessively looking at houses.  Our "perfect house" is simply not on the market at the moment.  Lots of H's "perfect houses" are in a crappy school district which I'm not really willing to compromise on, so we will see how this goes.  Then tonight we will probably just chill for a bit as it's our only night together this weekend.

    Tomorrow and Sunday, I work the evening shift at my retail job.  I'm not really looking forward to it, but that's mainly because my skin disorder is acting up so I'm in a fair bit of pain.  Hopefully that'll clear up in the next day or so.

    I'm boring :)
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    @Swazzle I'm surprised they started you on an antibiotic without running the poop sample first...I hope you get better and that whatever's wreaking havoc in you cuts it out!  I also hope you're not on Flagyl, because I'm allergic to it and it wreaks havoc with me worse than any pooping disease I know :/

    Today, I'm chilling.  And obsessively looking at houses.  Our "perfect house" is simply not on the market at the moment.  Lots of H's "perfect houses" are in a crappy school district which I'm not really willing to compromise on, so we will see how this goes.  Then tonight we will probably just chill for a bit as it's our only night together this weekend.

    Tomorrow and Sunday, I work the evening shift at my retail job.  I'm not really looking forward to it, but that's mainly because my skin disorder is acting up so I'm in a fair bit of pain.  Hopefully that'll clear up in the next day or so.

    I'm boring :)
    She thinks it might be from ice in the drinks I had before I got sick (because, as I guessed, the actual water is ok to drink but they might not have been so careful with the ice I guess?). So she's hoping that the antibiotic will murder whatever bacteria got in me from that and the sample is a precaution in case it's something else?

    She started me on Cipro, 2x a day for 5 days. So far, so good. 

  • @swazzle feel better!!!! Have fun in RI, which beach are you guys staying at?

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  • @swazzle ah ok, yea I figure the poop sample is to look for c diff (an antibiotic resistant nightmare) or parasite or something.  I'd much rather you didn't have those :)  Cipro isn't too bad but make sure you overdose on probiotics/yogurt while taking it.  Has a nasty habit of killing off all your good bacteria too which is bad news bears.  At least you seem to have an awesome weekend planned!
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • Thanks, all!

    @minskat30, mostly I just feel stunned that a bank would trust us to pay back that amount of money, even though obviously we can or we wouldn't have made this step.

    @lapeanut1018, hmm. Depends on what we can get done. It needs rail kits for drawers in the kitchen cabinets, a new lazy susan, some work on the front porch (rotted wood/missing posts in the railing), the garage door doesn't work (needs a torsion spring and roller, and that's assuming the opener works), a couple of access hatches built (one for the sump pump, one for the tub access), a couple of screen doors ... I think this weekend we're mostly going to focus on what won't be going on sale for Memorial Day and try to get that done. We need to pull the old washer and dryer out of the basement and haul them up to the landfill. The asbestos guys come in on Monday and Tuesday to remove the exposed basement floor tiles, so I want to be as buttoned up as possible by then so that we can move in starting next Wednesday.

    Oh, and we're going to buy a mattress set this weekend. Hey, Slumberland honors lowest price for 30 days after purchase, which I didn't know but is an awesome policy. Might as well do it when not everyone is trying to over Memorial Day.
  • @KeptInStitches - YAY , congrats on your house!!

    @TwoDimes - The lake house sounds great!  I'm jealous of those that can relax on their time off, I need to learn this skill.

    @Buddysmom80 - Oh, I have an epic Target trip planned!!  I have a total of 10% off in rewards and a gift card from my bday that I forgot about until now.  Just hoping I don't go TOO crazy.

    @Swazzle - Hope you feel better soon.

  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    @swazzle feel better!!!! Have fun in RI, which beach are you guys staying at?
    Thanks! We'll be in Narraganset.

  • Feel better @Swazzle!

    Congrats @KeptInStitches on becoming a homeowner! That's so exciting.

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  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    @swazzle ah ok, yea I figure the poop sample is to look for c diff (an antibiotic resistant nightmare) or parasite or something.  I'd much rather you didn't have those :)  Cipro isn't too bad but make sure you overdose on probiotics/yogurt while taking it.  Has a nasty habit of killing off all your good bacteria too which is bad news bears.  At least you seem to have an awesome weekend planned!
    I've been taking some 30 billion probiotic since Tuesday so hopefully my good bacteria is doing ok!

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