Chit Chat

Housewarming party

edited May 2014 in Chit Chat
FI and I received this in the mail today from his cousins. I think the save the date for the housewarming is a neat idea. I have never been to a housewarming party before and I was wondering if you bring a gift for that? Also on the back of the STD it has what appears to be the colors they are painting the rooms. Is that supposed to be a hint to buy something in that color palette? I asked FI if he knew and he just shrugged his shoulders at me. I figured you ladies would know. 

Also not really related, but today was a good mail day. :) We got the invite to the housewarming, an invite to a birthday, an early birthday card from my soon to be in-laws signed "Mom and Dad K", and NO BILLS! Hurray!

Re: Housewarming party

  • I would always bring a gift to a housewarming party, but you don't have to.  When we had one after our move, most people brought a bottle of wine or nothing at all.  Just a few got us actual gifts-- dish towels, some K-cups for our new coffee machine, a baking dish.  Nothing major.

    I'm confused by the paint chip.  It's kind of cute but I don't think you need to buy in those colors.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I like the dish towel idea. You can never have enough of those. Yeah the paint chip thing confuses me still.
  • I still use and enjoy the dish towels my friend bought me!  I think it's a great housewarming gift and you can never have too many.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • Emily Post says it's customary to bring a gift, but I think this can vary by region or social circle.

    It doesn't have to be expensive, it's just a nice gesture. I think dish towels are a great idea, or something small like a house plant, bottle of wine, candle, or some kind of edible goodies in a cute package.
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  • MobKazMobKaz member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 5 Answers 500 Love Its
    I also would bring a gift.  I think including paint chip colors on the back of the STD is presumptuous.
  • I always bring a gift to a housewarming. I love the dish towels idea. 

    I'm also confused by the paint colors. 
  • No one else thinks a STD to a housewarming as absurd and seriously AW? It'll suck if they're doing renovations and get set back and they're already set the date for a party. 
  • No one else thinks a STD to a housewarming as absurd and seriously AW? It'll suck if they're doing renovations and get set back and they're already set the date for a party. 
    That's what I was thinking like damn. 

    Also, Why not use the paint chips to make the invite? I'm being serious when I say that is a cute idea and everyone would get a hint of your colors. 
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  • ElcaBElcaB member
    Fourth Anniversary 2500 Comments First Answer 500 Love Its
    I wonder if their STD is actually an invite --- I'd be seriously confused if they sent both an STD AND an invite for a housewarming party. 

    I would absolutely get a gift. For the last housewarming party I went to, I made a basket with a bottle of wine, pasta, and sauce. It can be whatever, I just think it's polite to come with something. 
  • I don't think it's required, but if you can, I would definitely bring a gift. Doesn't have to be something big...but I think it's a nice gesture. 

    I think including the paint colors was probably a hint. I can't imagine any other reason to include that information. The STD doesn't bother me as much, but including the paint colors is a bit presumptuous. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • My DH and I are actually planning a housewarming party for our new house as well. Ours will be fairly informal however. In fact neither of us had considered sending a formal invite. Not that is wrong, per say, but people in my circle just don't do that.
  • I was on Pintrest looking for ideas for our housewarming and they have a lot of ideas using paint chips as decor/invites.  I wouldn't bet that those are the exact colors they are using and more just a cute idea they found for their invites.

    Gifts for housewarmings are optional and should be kept small (unless you want to go big).  Plants, cleaning supplies, wine, etc.  all would be appropriate.  

    FYI a lot of people who hold "Open Houses" will use that term to avoid people feeling obligated to give a gift.  We are using that term since we just got married and want to hint that we aren't fishing for more gifts.  
    photo composite_14153800476219.jpg
  • @RebeccaFlower‌ I thought it was a little odd to send an std for a housewarming, but I really like his cousins. They are a very kind and considerate couple. After some thought I probably would have just sent one invite for a housewarming. I am basing this on the assumption that they have to send out another invite for the actual details which are not included on this std. Either way it is nice that we can set the date aside. FI and I work in the medical field and we have to put in PTO requests at minimum 4 months in advance.
  • @ElcaB‌ I am assuming they will be sending out an invite as well since it says details to follow. I agree it is a bit odd to send both. I would have waited to send out the invite until all the details were ironed out.
  • The STD seems weird to me. If they are already in the house, why are they waiting so long to have the party? I had mine like 2 weeks after moving in because it was my first house I bought and I was too excited to show it to everyone (even half empty of furniture yet).

    I received one toaster and 1 Home Depot gift card and nothing else- there were about 25 guests. I wasn't expecting gifts, it was more just a bbq come see my house thing so no biggie. My go-to gift for friends though is a big box filled with dish soap, sponges, 409, duct tape, shipping tape, stain remover, carpet cleaner, aluminum foil, food plastic wrap, ziploc bags, trash bags, lint roller, sharpies, etc. I hand it to them and say "This is everything you won't know you're missing until you need it!"



  • jenna8984 said:

    The STD seems weird to me. If they are already in the house, why are they waiting so long to have the party? I had mine like 2 weeks after moving in because it was my first house I bought and I was too excited to show it to everyone (even half empty of furniture yet).

    I received one toaster and 1 Home Depot gift card and nothing else- there were about 25 guests. I wasn't expecting gifts, it was more just a bbq come see my house thing so no biggie. My go-to gift for friends though is a big box filled with dish soap, sponges, 409, duct tape, shipping tape, stain remover, carpet cleaner, aluminum foil, food plastic wrap, ziploc bags, trash bags, lint roller, sharpies, etc. I hand it to them and say "This is everything you won't know you're missing until you need it!"

    We are having our Open House 6 weeks after moving in.  We want time to get the boxes unpacked (or most of them) and a few projects done.  We just sent out Facebook invites, not a save the date...

    We are having it from 1-5 and will have snacks and sweets.  We plan on having burgers and hot dogs on hand for friends and family who hang around long enough to need dinner.
    photo composite_14153800476219.jpg
  • @aprilh81Six weeks seems totally normal! I should have waited until mine was a little more ready/ polished. OP's invite is 4 months, that seems crazy. I guess I wouldn't find it weird if someone had it 4 months out from purchase, but the fact that they are giving 4 months notice seems AW.



  • emmyg65emmyg65 member
    First Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Answers 500 Love Its
    I usually bring a small gift like nice tea towels or a house plant.

    Fun story: One of my friends is the most stereotype-y bachelor you can think of. His diet consists of Dinty Moore Beef Stew and Hungry Man dinners, the most prominent furniture in his place is a large TV and leather couches, he remade the library in his condo into a bar, complete with a huge, glass-front beer fridge and kegerator, etc. etc. When he bought his condo, I got him a little houseplant from the grocery store. Three years later, every time I come over, he makes a big point of showing me this plant. It's huge now and he's so fucking proud. Adorable.
  • jenna8984 said:
    @aprilh81Six weeks seems totally normal! I should have waited until mine was a little more ready/ polished. OP's invite is 4 months, that seems crazy. I guess I wouldn't find it weird if someone had it 4 months out from purchase, but the fact that they are giving 4 months notice seems AW.
    @jenna8984  I looked up the guidelines for house warming parties and they said that 4-6 weeks notice was normal and that the party should be within 3 months of moving in or the completion of major renovations.

    We will be doing some minor kitchen work (new dishwasher, microwave, countertops, sink and possibly backsplash) and I wanted us to get that done before the party.  I don't care if our friends and family see the unfinished projects in the bedrooms but I wanted the kitchen to be a statement.  I'm an AW like that.  :)

    Four months early is crazy notice...  We are getting declines due to other commitments at 6 weeks out and I'm somewhat considering changing the date.  My sister and her family will be OOT at a wedding and a friend/former roommate will be hosting a bridal shower for a friend.  Both of these people will be seeing the house before the party so it probably isn't a big deal.  I'm just disappointed they won't be able to make it.
    photo composite_14153800476219.jpg
  • No one else thinks a STD to a housewarming as absurd and seriously AW? It'll suck if they're doing renovations and get set back and they're already set the date for a party. 
    Nope, I do! I think it's absurd, tacky, AWish and fucking ridiculous. You don't need an STDate for a damn housewarming.

    And the paint chips? Not-at-all-even-a-little-bit subtle hint that (a) gifts are expected and (b) they should match that colour palette.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • @jenna8984‌ @AprilH81‌ I think they are having it in september because they are renovating. Although I am not sure why they couldn't just settle on a time and send the one invite. If I can decide on a wedding ceremony time 9 months out, surely a housewarming party time can be decided on.
  • @HisGirlFriday13‌ I always wait to see what your response is because your honesty makes me grin. I think they are first time home buyers who are just really excited. They probably could have decided on a time and just sent the one invite for sure. The paint chip thing is what made me go huh? I looked on pinterest to see if this is a new thing and it seems it is.
  • phiraphira member
    Second Anniversary 5000 Comments 5 Answers 500 Love Its
    I think a save-the-date for a housewarming is beyond overkill. I think formal invitations are even a little overboard for what I consider a very informal party.

    I always bring a gift for a housewarming. I'll either bring something food related (e.g. a bottle of wine) or an inexpensive but very useful household good (e.g. dishtowels).

    Best housewarming gift I ever received was from my future in-laws. They got us a set of pasta bowls (serving bowl and 4 individual bowls), a spaghetti spoon, and gourmet pasta and sauce.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @HisGirlFriday13‌ I always wait to see what your response is because your honesty makes me grin. I think they are first time home buyers who are just really excited. They probably could have decided on a time and just sent the one invite for sure. The paint chip thing is what made me go huh? I looked on pinterest to see if this is a new thing and it seems it is.
    Awww, thanks!

    Generally, my honesty gets me in trouble IRL.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • @HisGirlFriday13‌ I always wait to see what your response is because your honesty makes me grin. I think they are first time home buyers who are just really excited. They probably could have decided on a time and just sent the one invite for sure. The paint chip thing is what made me go huh? I looked on pinterest to see if this is a new thing and it seems it is.


    Of course it is. Freaking Pinterest.
    This baby knows exactly how I feel
  • KaurisKauris member
    Second Anniversary 500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    We got lots of wine at our housewarming, a few photo frames and some Home Depot gift cards. My favorite gift, besides the wine, was a large glass jar with a nice dish towel, some funny cocktail napkins, hand soap and cocktail toothpicks. The jar is reusable and I thought the other things were really useful. 

    We also had ours set up as an Open House, because I wanted people to know they could come and go and, to me, it implies that gifts are not expected. We were in our house exactly 3 months when we had ours, so probably erring on the long side. 

    I would guess that the paint chip is a Pinterest thing, and way to show you the colors they are using, which icks me out a bit, just hope they don't register, BBB is pushing that lately. STD for housewarming is something I'd side-eye, an evite/invitation is sufficient for a housewarming.
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