My friend is newly single, so she decided to try online dating because we've both heard good and bad things about it.
So she meets this guy, they have a few nice chats and he says this:
"By the way. My penis is so big when I get hard I pass out from blood loss. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for penis reduction pills" (Not. Kidding). Then he proceeds to send her 3 pictures of it. She showed them to me because they're obviously 3 different men. Different skin colours, different everything. (I didn't want to see it either, but I digress)
So she's already put off by this because she didn't really want penis pictures.
Third date, he wants to make her dinner. She makes it PERFECTLY clear she will not be having sex with him. What does he do 3 minutes into her visit? WHIPS IT OUT. AND IT'S TINY!! Like, pinky finger tiny. And he's like "I thought if I told you it was big you'd sleep with me. Normally I just have to tell people I'm a fireman and their pants come off. What's wrong with you?"
Needless to say, she high tailed it out of there. But I just want to know - is this a common occurrence now adays? Maybe I'm just old fashioned and prudeish lol