We are booking the restaurant we wanted to have!! As soon as I find my checkbook. We'll do a buffet dinner of some sort - we get to pick two entrees, one potato/rice, one veggie, and three dressings for salad. They have fantastic food and a great bar - FI and I like going there for dinner, so being able to book the upstairs loft will be a lot of fun.
Also, my college minister agreed to marry us, which is awesome, awesome news. I was very active in the church during my undergrad years, and she was able to suggest other churches we could attend that I might like. I think we'll look at the ones closest to the house partly because I don't want to drive far for church. Also, if we have kids (borrowing trouble from tomorrow, I know), it would be better if they'd have a chance at seeing the kids they went to school with at church. It was hard for me as a kid in Sunday school because before my parents moved, I never saw the kids I went to school with at church. The church kids had a clique and I was kind of left out of it.
We are also booking our cake baker! There really wasn't a debate about who we were going to go with, it's more going to be what flavor(s) we pick. She's made my mom's birthday cake for the last three years and they've all been AMAZING. When she said we could pick up the cake and drive it an hour away from her, we were sold.
Flowers have been handled, too. FI has hay fever and I'm allergic to a lot of filler flowers, so we're doing fake ones. My mom is arranging them - it's something she felt strongly about, so have at it, mom. Here's samples of what we got:
There were a couple other teal daisies from Michaels, but I can't find them quickly. Ah well.
And now dresses! I know I want a tea-length or knee-length dress, so here's what's offered at the bridal shop I'm going to tomorrow (according to the websites):
Allure 2507
Moonlight Tango T641
Moonlight Tango T643
Re: WR, AW: Progress so far (PIP of potential wedding dresses)
Congrats on getting stuff done!!
59 Invited36 Yes
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21 Unknown
I also like #1 and #5! Neither look terribly "bridal" though, so I would definitely see about getting a BM dress and maybe jazzing up with a belt or something for some cost savings.
Are you typically allowed to take pics in a bridal store these days?
I went several when I was looking and was only allowed in one! My sister went to Alfred Angelo (and that's it!) about 3 years ago though and they didn't seem to care.
@KeptInStitches these are all VERY bridal...I could never wear any of these dresses out somewhere unless it was to my own wedding.
I went with the intentions of just getting a BM dress and jacking it up, but when I got there and compared the bridal quality to the BM quality it was just...ick...could not do the BM dresses.
I agree the first one is pretty low cut and you'd definitely just have to see how low it goes on you, plus they can add a "modesty" piece to make it less low-cut if you really like it otherwise. I also love the second to the last one as well. Anyway, good luck! And don't be afraid to try on things you never even thought of trying on. I bought a dress that, if I had based it on how it looks in pics online, I would have never even considered. You never really know what looks good on YOU. HAVE A BLAST!
"His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa
"His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa
59 Invited36 Yes
2 No
21 Unknown
I guess maybe it's different, but that last one reminded me of some BM dresses I tried on at AA, so I thought I would throw it out there. The first one actually looks a lot like the one my sister went with, although it was a halter top rather than a deep V neck.
@phira even said she tried sleep aids, and I still don't think it's invalid to take control of your own sleep as much as you can. If I can't sleep, I would take a benedryl before I would stay up all night at the mercy of someone else. When I go to BF's parents house, the bed is too small for my comfort, so I always knock myself out so I can get some sleep rather than none.
But his bday is tomorrow, FYI.
ETA: grammar FAIL. YOUR. not you're. How embarrassing.
Sorry, I didn't mean it like that!
It was something I had thought about before, and I would definitely look at them if I wanted something short! I think there would be a lot more options, because I would imagine most traditional designers don't do many gowns in a shorter length.
And my AA BM dress was just below my knee and I had to have it taken up to be as short as my sister wanted. It could have been really cute with a jeweled belt!
I meant she shouldn't be pigeonholed into the ones that are marketed as "for brides" because there wouldn't be as many to choose from!
Even though I don't think many people have their bridesmaids wear white, I've heard they are almost all available in white, so you can have more choices if you open up that possibility, and if they are a little too simple, you can spice them up with alterations or accessories (and save money in the process, which would be #1 to me!).