Or, in my line of work, nonprofit ladder. I applied for a job today with more pay within my organization. I told my manager, she is always supportive of advancing and challenging yourself, so I told her and she wasn't aware of the position but looked into it and said I'd report to our medical officer. This is very intimidating to me. I was a manager before but hated managing a team of people (dealing with HR stuff), but this position I'm a manager of projects, not people...that appeals to me. I always seem to talk myself out of jobs with more responsibility, but then I get bored at the jobs with less responsibility (and make less $). In away I've been my own worst enemy in keeping myself from advancing due to insecurity. Anyway, whatever happens, happens. I threw my name in the hat. I also think that the job I have now is great for having a kid (which we plan on doing within this year/next year), just very laid back and flexible. I fear with a job with more responsibililty it would put more pressure on me in trying to balance possibly being a new mom and having a more demanding job...yet I know women do it every day. Again, it's just my self-defeating thinking. Anyway, I just needed to vent. Can anyone else relate at all to holding themselves back in their careers due to insecurities?
**Below is the update in full version - summary version is I have an interview Monday for the position. The one person I will meet with I've interviewed with before and she told me I blew the interview afterward, although I got the position because she knew what I was capable of. So, I'm intimated for sure about the interview...any interview questions that aren't typical that you've encountered?? Care to share?