Chit Chat


I just came across this in my blog subscriptions and wondered if you ladies had seen it.

Just a little excerpt from the opening paragraph:

"We've all heard the "bridezilla" horror stories; the bride whose crazy-high expectations stress out everyone around her. (Mandatory bridesmaid diet, anyone?) But in the past year, we've seen another type of bride emerge, out of a fear of being labeled the "b" word; she's the cool, laid-back, just-wants-you-to-be-happy bride who doesn't have any demands. She's so chill, she's actually too chill...she's a bridechilla."

What do you think?

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"They say there's no such place... as Paradise. Even if you search to the ends of the Earth, there's nothing there. No matter how far you walk, it's always the same road. It just goes on and on. But, in spite of that... Why am I so driven to find it? A voice calls to me... It says, 'Search for Paradise.' " - Kiba, Wolf's Rain


Re: "Bridechilla"???

  • LOL, I like it!


    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

  • I like it. Although when I first read it, I thought someone was having a wedding for chinchillas. 

    I like that too. 
    I also like that.

    Also, @ShesSoCold when I read your signature I immediately think of this, and it cracks me up.


    I'm the fuck

  • My MOH is definitely going to be a bridechilla when/if she gets married. She is so laid back about everything!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I was a very chill bride, but not quite a "Bridechilla". BMs did actually want a little more direction- they all had the same dress (that was an amazing deal!), but they all asked me multiple times about hair and even though I said "any black shoes", they all still ran their shoes by me first. And they all looked gorgeous! But I definitely made decisions and did all the details myself. 
  • I'm afraid I'm a bridechilla. I thought it was a good thing. I have no wedding party, so my non-existent bridesmaids can't possibly be stressed. However, I do think my FMIL is. She's a super type A personality and loves to host parties and plan events. I got a lot of big pieces set in the beginning and can't seem to make myself care about what's left. I don't think she can stand it. She wants to "help" push me along all the time. I hate it and it stresses me out.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker


    "They say there's no such place... as Paradise. Even if you search to the ends of the Earth, there's nothing there. No matter how far you walk, it's always the same road. It just goes on and on. But, in spite of that... Why am I so driven to find it? A voice calls to me... It says, 'Search for Paradise.' " - Kiba, Wolf's Rain

  • JCbride2015JCbride2015 member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited June 2014
    I want a chinchilla wedding!  Yayyyy!!!!

    We have actually encountered a "bridechilla" in the wild and it can go bad.  FBIL's Fi is wavering between not wanting to impose on anyone, thus saying nothing about their plans, then realizing she does want certain things after all-- except she stayed quiet on it so long, now it's a big rush and inconvenient for everyone.

    Example 1: bachelorette party.  She said no, no, no, don't go out of your way for me.  So her BMs started planning a local girls' night.  Then at the last minute  she said to everyone, "I'm going here for my bach with my aunt!  Please come!" So of course her BMs flew to Destination City on short notice (I did not).

    Example 2: rehearsal dinner.  They didn't even tell us there was a rehearsal until a few weeks before the wedding.  Except now it's a problem we didn't know, because the rehearsal is two days before the wedding in the DW location, and they are NOT HAVING AN RD that night.  They're having a BBQ the following day because they want a "relaxed, laid back" atmosphere.  Okay fine.... but don't ask people to travel to your DW two days early and then not feed them after the rehearsal.

    ETA: I put the RD thing on the groom too, and his parents (FPILs) who are hosting the "rehearsal" BBQ the following day.  Everyone involved should know better.  And I removed an identifying detail JIC.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I think I'm a bridechilla. What makes me not chill is people assuming I should be my normal, Type-A control freak self. 
    Like Lolo, I had to insist, many times, that I don't care what the BM's were wearing. My best friend said she needed me to dictate more.

    As it all turns out, best friend BM and sister MOH conspired behind my back to make sure they were all coordinating, and now the other BM and MOH match, and best friend BM does not. Whatever! I'm amused she cared so much and now doesn't match.  They'll look beautiful in styles that suit them best, which is what matters. 

  • Our chinchillas were living in sin. Poor Beretta and Gizmo never had a proper wedding, and had little Gidget out of wedlock. THE SHAME! We also had a same sex couple. Silver and Tango had a fabulous loft.

  • lkristenj said:

    I just came across this in my blog subscriptions and wondered if you ladies had seen it.

    Just a little excerpt from the opening paragraph:

    "We've all heard the "bridezilla" horror stories; the bride whose crazy-high expectations stress out everyone around her. (Mandatory bridesmaid diet, anyone?) But in the past year, we've seen another type of bride emerge, out of a fear of being labeled the "b" word; she's the cool, laid-back, just-wants-you-to-be-happy bride who doesn't have any demands. She's so chill, she's actually too chill...she's a bridechilla."

    What do you think?

    I think my sister would call me this.

    Wedding Black & White, Sepia
  • image
    That's it. I need to get more chinchillas.

  • I want a chinchilla wedding!  Yayyyy!!!!

    We have actually encountered a "bridechilla" in the wild and it can go bad.  FBIL's Fi is wavering between not wanting to impose on anyone, thus saying nothing about their plans, then realizing she does want certain things after all-- except she stayed quiet on it so long, now it's a big rush and inconvenient for everyone.

    Example 1: bachelorette party.  She said no, no, no, don't go out of your way for me.  So her BMs started planning a local girls' night.  Then at the last minute her aunt offered to pay for her plane ticket to Destination City, and she said to everyone, "I'm going here for my bach with my aunt!  Please come!" So of course her BMs flew to Destination City on short notice (I did not).

    Example 2: rehearsal dinner.  She didn't even tell us there was a rehearsal until a few weeks before the wedding.  Except now it's a problem we didn't know, because the rehearsal is two days before the wedding in the DW location, and they are NOT HAVING AN RD that night.  They're having a BBQ the following day because they want a "relaxed, laid back" atmosphere.  RD is too fussy for them.  Okay fine.... but don't ask people to travel to your DW two days early and then not feed them after the rehearsal.

    ETA: I put the RD thing on the groom too, and his parents (FPILs) who are hosting the "rehearsal" BBQ the following day.  Everyone involved should know better.
    This seems much less "bridechilla" and much more passive agressive, "just because I said to not go out of your way doesn't mean that you shouldn't - you should have read my mind!"

    My sister did something similar- overall she was really chill, however when I asked her if she wanted a shower she said, "Oh no, I wouldn't want to be the center of attention.. but if you really want to throw a shower...".  Cut to a couple of weeks before the shower- my Mom calls me freaking out (there is a pattern here, she's not really emotionally stable) that I'm going "ruin Sister'sName's wedding if I fuck this up.  This shower is really important to her."  So it ended up being really stressful.

    Being a "bridechilla" and making sure that you're being a kind person in the process? Awesome.
    Acting like a "bridechilla" but secretly expecting people to know what you want?  Not awesome.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • pinkshorts27pinkshorts27 member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited June 2014

    During the time I was planning our wedding a lot of our vendors kept saying I was a chill bride. My bridesmaids were confused as to why I was not including them into the planning, and why I wasn't micro-managing them. 

    I think it has to do with me being older and the whole "princess" thing doesn't really appeal to me. I am not detail oriented, more big picture so I wasn't getting fixated on things. I had a lot of fun with my vendors and most of them responded really well to that and ended up doing things for us we didn't expect they would.

    I already know I am going to have to decline to be a bridesmaid to some of my friends' wedding because they are bat shit crazy. I love them, but they are. 
    I don't think I it has to do with age. I'm betting a really chill bride, not micro-managing anyone and I'm a younger bride. I think it has to do with maturity, which by now we all know doesn't always come with age.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I don't think I it has to do with age. I'm betting a really chill bride, not micro-managing anyone and I'm a younger bride. I think it has to do with maturity, which by now we all know doesn't always come with age.

    I agree. My sister was definitely a "bridechilla" and she was in her early twenties.

     The other ladies in the wedding party couldn't believe the things she didn't care about. They would ask me, "I know she said any silver shoes, but does she want open or closed toes? Flats or pumps?" She really doesn't care! "What about nails? Should we do a French manicure?" Whatever you want or nothing. No one will notice your nails anyway!

  • I've gotten a lot of flack for being too chill. But I really don't care of you have your hair up or down. I really don't care of you all have the same exact shoes and identical dresses.

    My FMIL an BMs were annoyed with me at first. I do t know why, they know that is just my personality

  • Senecaf said:
    I've gotten a lot of flack for being too chill. But I really don't care of you have your hair up or down. I really don't care of you all have the same exact shoes and identical dresses. My FMIL an BMs were annoyed with me at first. I do t know why, they know that is just my personality
    Yeah my mom has given me flack over this.  Things like doing a first look and not having a gap-- she's like, "But it's your day!"

    Sorry I care about my guests?  Don't know what to tell ya, Mom.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I think I'm half chilla, half zilla. After the complete bridezilla my sister was for her wedding in 2010, I know exactly what it's like to be too demanding. I am very organised and a little bit of a perfectionist though. I did choose the dresses for the BMs but that's about it.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • When it comes to my expectations for everyone else involved in the wedding? Totally Bridechilla. When it comes to the things I'm responsible for taking care of, I'm a little more organized and thorough but I'm also not stressing myself out either. I'm of the mind that I can't control what anyone else does, but I'm going to make sure my shit is taken care of so I am able to put out fires as they come along without everything else falling apart.

  • gmcr78gmcr78 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    I think my BMs would describe me this way.  Some of them stressed about the dress a little because I only told them long/black/chiffon.  I didn't care about designer, hair, shoes, accessories, none of it.
    I spent all my type-A control freak-ness on the venue, decor, favors, etc.  That is the fun stuff for me, so DH and I had a blast planning out and executing every little detail.
  • l9il9i member
    Third Anniversary 100 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper
    I'd go with a mixture.  Since I have all the major items done it's just the details and most of it I don't care too much.  Whatever is simple and easy to perfect, let's not overcomplicate this.  Also, I've left a lot up to the pros... like the flowers.  I've communicated my thoughts, they are the creative expert when it comes to flowers, not me, and I'm sure it will be lovely!  However, I start to get more "zilla" when my type A mother wants to beat every detail to death.  Just move on!
  • I'm definitely a bridechilla. In fact my MOH has told people I'm the "chillest" bride she's known. Another BM keeps saying she wants to start her "bridesmaids duties." Last weekend was my first dress shopping day, and I made it a girls day type thing because my BM from Cali was in town and wanted to go. Well, I ended up going alone, and didn't make anyone feel bad about it. In fact, I loved going alone so much, that's what I'm going to keep doing! Once I narrow down the choices I'll invite the Moms, etc. Unless I find the one, then I'll figure it out.

    I told them, since they asked, that as long as it is within their budget, anything is fine for a bachelorette party, as long as I get to hang with my girls. At the end of the day, I'd like to still keep my friends!


  • I was fairly Bridechilla with my planning.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Bridechilla.... this is all I can think of honestly:

  • Apparently this thread = cuteness in the form of chinchillas and chinchilla weddings.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker


    "They say there's no such place... as Paradise. Even if you search to the ends of the Earth, there's nothing there. No matter how far you walk, it's always the same road. It just goes on and on. But, in spite of that... Why am I so driven to find it? A voice calls to me... It says, 'Search for Paradise.' " - Kiba, Wolf's Rain

  • I am pretty chill but my friends and cousins (my BM's) have told me over and over that they just want me to be happy. I will tell them when I book my MUA/HS for IF they want to get it done (but they dont have to) and also shoes wont matter either. They will all be getting the same dress, that is my only "requirement" but I will ask them all first and make sure its something they all feel comfortable and happy in.

  • I need to get another chinchilla once I have enough money, and space, to give him my dream home. I have this big, elaborate design (that will probably be scaled down) to make sure he's comfortable and can run, jump, and play.


    I get very bitchy to family and super close friends when I'm under a lot of stress, tired, and/or things don't go perfectly as I've decided that I'm not going to care about minor details. When people ask about attire: "Our colors are black, white, and silver/gray. I really don't want to see butt cheeks or boobs spilling out at my wedding, and my Grandma will be there, and please no denim, but it's not like I'll make you leave if you show up in jeans."

    I gave my florist a picture of the bouquet I fell I love with and asked if they can recreate it. How do you want it held together? I don't care, whatever's easier. Do you want the stems showing or wrapped? Either way I'm fine. Okay, maybe stems showing since it's more natural but my ring's black diamonds so wrapped in white ribbon might be nice and make my ring stand out a little in pictures. The boutonnieres and corsage will be designed to kind of match my bouquet and it's up to them on the sizes for the different ages (they suggested using different sizes of the same flower - works for me!).

    Yes, I'll have the pictures and memories forever and things might not match perfectly but the whole point of the day is to get married and celebrate it so as long as I walk away being married and having celebrated it with family and friends, then goal accomplished, as long as the marriage certificate gets back to the County Clerk!

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