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Bridesmaid Dresses

Hi all! I am almost at the point where I will be asking my bridesmaids to be in my wedding, but before I do I would really like to have an IDEA of the type of dress I would like them to wear. I'm always concerned about price. I've been in a few weddings with bridesmaid dresses of very different price points. Inexpensive dresses and expensive dresses both have their pros and cons. I'm just curious what you chose to go with. Quality and the absolute perfect look, or price. How did you decide? And what is considered "expensive" for a bridesmaid dress to you?
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Re: Bridesmaid Dresses

  • It depends entirely on your bridesmaids' budgets. $100 might be expensive to one person and affordable to another. Once you've asked them to be your bridesmaid, ask them privately what their budget is and then go from there.
  • The people purchasing the dresses decide the budget. If you are buying the dresses for your BMs then you may spend as much as you like. If the BMs are purchasing their own dresses, ask each individual how much they are willing to spend, and then pick from the dresses that fall within the smallest budget. You should also take their preferences into consideration since they will be the ones wearing the dresses.
  • The people purchasing the dresses decide the budget. If you are buying the dresses for your BMs then you may spend as much as you like. If the BMs are purchasing their own dresses, ask each individual how much they are willing to spend, and then pick from the dresses that fall within the smallest budget. You should also take their preferences into consideration since they will be the ones wearing the dresses.
  • Start looking at styles of dresses.  It seems that most designers carry somewhat similar styles,but at varying prices based on the designers.  Ask your bridesmaid their budgets before you decide on a dress or designer. Once a budget has been established, then it makes it easier to nail down a designer. 

    My bridesmaids were all willing to spend whatever I asked of them, but I didn't think it was necessary. I had originally thought my BMs would wear cocktail length dresses in silk dupioni or peau de soi.  After a shopping trip, picked what looked best on their bodies. They ended up wearing floor length chiffon dresses from Bill Levkoff that cost about $200.  
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • This will be my plan. Thank you! The weddings I have been in the dress was decided prior to the bride asking her maids, so they "knew what they were getting themselves into" and could say yes or no depending on if they could afford it.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Why does it matter if you have an idea of what the BM dress will be like before you ask your friends to be BMs?  Honestly, you should ask your friends first and then worry about the dresses.  The dress really depends on your BMs budget as well as their likes and dislike.  I am sure the last thing you want is to pick a dress and fall in love with a dress that is A) too expensive and B) makes your BMs feel like shit.

  • ElcaBElcaB member
    Fourth Anniversary 2500 Comments First Answer 500 Love Its
    Ask your friends first, because their budgets will help dictate the price range for the dresses. 

    I'm not a big fan of most "typical" BM dresses, which is why I opted for a printed Ralph Lauren dress from Macy's for about $100 for my BMs. 
  • I have 1 Bridesmaid/MOH, so our options were pretty open. 

    What I wanted:  Knee-length, lightweight, under $200, something she would/could wear again
    What she wanted:  Long, lightweight, under $300
    What we ended up with:  Long, lightweight, under $250, something she will wear again
    Main concern that helped drive what dresses we looked at:  Need dress in less than 3 months.

    For some people, they are able to go to a shop like Dillards or Macy's or Modcloth and get their bridesmaid dress from there.  Other people want to go to a bridal shop and get a dress. 

    While me and my MOH were shopping - we went to a bridal store.  There were some other girls trying on dresses and I overheard the bride say 'Oh that dress is only $479, that's not bad!' and I was thinking '$479 for a bridesmaid dress that she will probably only wear once?!'

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