Perhaps I have watched too much TV/movies about the joys of wedding planning and how fun it is supposed to be and I've idealized the process.
My wedding planning process has not been fun. The only times it has been fun has been talking with my vendors because they HAVE to talk to me about it. The
#1 stress factor for me has been my MOH who is my sister. My sister has always been my best friend and the only sibling that I have so naturally I chose her to be my MOH. I had hoped she would take this role with grace and be supportive and at least pretend to be interested in anything going on.
Instead of being honored by the role, she thinks it is owed to her. She thinks she can say whatever she wants to to me and that she can be uninterested AND voice her disinterest. I have never seen her act this way before. Everything I want for our wedding, down to the colors and music, she rolls her eyes at and scoffs at. She wants us to plan EVERYTHING around her school schedule (she goes to college a hour and a half away). For instance we are having the wedding shower during her fall break, which is not what I wanted but I felt pressure by my Mom and my sister to agree to this. If I even mention a game I'd like to play at the shower or a certain color I'd like in the decor she flies off the handle and calls me a Bridezilla and tells me that I have absolutely no say in anything.
These are just a few examples of her behavior. I have cried and told her before that I need more positivity from her and I have not gotten it. I am at my wit's end and I do not know what to do.