I like BF's family, I really do. They are very nice people. But sometimes they drive me up the wall! This weekend was especially rough!
BF and I love to go camping. We go several times every summer. And every fucking time we go, BF's family makes super annoying comments. We are planning a longer trip with some friends and are leaving on Wednesday. So of course the comments start rolling in again. First, it's always about how much we are taking. Um, we go car camping. If it all fits in BF's toyota carola I don't think it's a lot. Yes, we take somethings that are more for convience for necessity but I'm not trying to live off the land I'm just trying to enjoy nature for a few days. Then we get the comments about how we won't have an enjoyable time. I get it, his mom doesn't like camping. But clearly we do since we keep going. So I don't really need to hear your negativity. And then every time we get back it's annoying comments about if it was worth it and it seems like so much work. If it wasn't worth it to us we wouldn't go!
His brother has started coming on trips with us again this summer. He has insisted for the past 2 years he doesn't like camping. And makes comments about how we should be more minimalist and how we could do things better. BF and I plan the trips. We find the spots, we pack the gear, we set up camp, we cook, we clean, we are essentially responsible for everything so I think we know a little better than him what we need to take to have good time. I seriously wanted to smack him this weekend!
All of this drives me up the wall! In my family we aren't so involved in everyone's buisiness. If my brother doesn't somethig that doesn't sound fun to me or he's doing it a way I wouldn't. I don't worry about it because it doesn't involve me. I just don't get why his family feels the need to comment on everything we do!