Chit Chat

And in today's version of "People Are Stupid"...

edited July 2014 in Chit Chat
I work for a pastry manufacturer. We make little mini cheesecakes that are packed in retail packaging. Our plant manager had put together a box of samples for the owner to take on a sales meeting. The box was clearly marked with the owner's name. Plant manager went into the freezer this morning to grab the box for the owner and the box was mysteriously gone. Plant manager then talked with the packing supervisor to see if she knew anything. Then she realized that she had seen a picture a co-worker posted on his Facebook page last night. It was all the little mini cheesecake that were pulled for the sample request, all laid out on his kitchen table with the caption, "mmmmm yummy cheesecake". There were at least 10 cheesecakes. 

So we checked the security cameras and you can clearly see the guy walking out with the box under his arm last night. And now this guy is going to lose his job over $20 worth of product. The crazy thing is we let people take product home all the time. But you have to ASK FIRST. And you certainly don't steal a box with the owner's name on it! 

Re: And in today's version of "People Are Stupid"...

  • ElcaBElcaB member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    I have a similar story:

    I used to work in a restaurant. One night, a server's credit card was stolen out of her purse. Turns out one of the cooks had taken it. He went to the grocery store across the street and bought $300 worth of groceries. Uh, surveillance cameras anyone? #dumbcriminals
  • ElcaB said:
    I have a similar story:

    I used to work in a restaurant. One night, a server's credit card was stolen out of her purse. Turns out one of the cooks had taken it. He went to the grocery store across the street and bought $300 worth of groceries. Uh, surveillance cameras anyone? #dumbcriminals
    That is bad. What an idiot. 
  • dumb. This makes me feel a little bit better about the people I work with.
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  • Same thing happened at my dad's work! They had this "junk room" of old scrap computers, machine parts, office supplies, whatever. My dad said anyone was basically allowed to take anything IF they just asked first and wrote it on the list. Guy took something worth $10 that he didn't ask first and was fired.

    At my old company, the GM was responsible for my plant and the one an hour away. The one an hour away shut down, but our company still had a lease on the building so we still had keys and equipment inside. The GM along with 2 other top management guys stole a bunch of scrap metal and copper from the building and were selling it on the down low for their own pockets. How can you make $170,000 a year and still feel the need to steal and risk your job?!?!?! Someone ran into him a few months later and he said the company "ruined his life" by firing him. Um yea, because you didn't ruin your own life by doing the stealing. Scumbag.

    Anyways, I'm super jealous that you can get samples mmmmmmm



  • jenna8984 said:

    Same thing happened at my dad's work! They had this "junk room" of old scrap computers, machine parts, office supplies, whatever. My dad said anyone was basically allowed to take anything IF they just asked first and wrote it on the list. Guy took something worth $10 that he didn't ask first and was fired.

    At my old company, the GM was responsible for my plant and the one an hour away. The one an hour away shut down, but our company still had a lease on the building so we still had keys and equipment inside. The GM along with 2 other top management guys stole a bunch of scrap metal and copper from the building and were selling it on the down low for their own pockets. How can you make $170,000 a year and still feel the need to steal and risk your job?!?!?! Someone ran into him a few months later and he said the company "ruined his life" by firing him. Um yea, because you didn't ruin your own life by doing the stealing. Scumbag.

    Anyways, I'm super jealous that you can get samples mmmmmmm

    Yes, but it's not always good for my diet! 
  • Stupid should hurt.
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  • How stupid can some people be? I love hearing stories of stupid criminals who get caught because they post incriminating things on Facebook.


  • My first job was at a high end children's clothing and toy store. I started work the day after my 16th birthday and was warned by one of the other HS kids working there that one of the managers and her husband (the janitor) stole constantly.

    The dumbasses stole so much that the store went out of business. Yup, they managed to steal their way out of employment.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Haha these stories made my morning! I don't understand how there are people in the world that are that stupid...
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • This guy didn't steal anything from us, but he did get in trouble.

    We had a major project going on up in the northern part of the state, and we'd send employees up in pairs for a few days at a time. Hotel, meals, and gas paid, in addition to their hourly wages. My parents and I went on vacation, and shit hit the fan while we were out kayaking on the Wailua River (oh Kauai, I miss you).

    Guy A had mentioned that Guy B was kind of... weird. He did decent work, so we kept him. I'd caught him in a couple pretty insignificant lies before. He said he didn't smoke, I saw him smoking while driving one of our vehicles. Apparently while both of the guys were up in the hotel, B was acting like a weirdo and A requested a separate room (we'd asked ahead of time if they wanted two rooms and they both agreed to share initially). We set him up. A then tells my dad B is acting super fucked up, and that he's called the union, because he knows my dad has limited options as we were out of town and even then the contracts dictate what we can and can't do. 

    So the union drove waaaaaayyyyy the hell up there, drug tests B, and pulls him off of the job. They couldn't tell us what he failed for, but they effectively laid him off for us. B calls my fucking dad and goes on this wild tirade about how he's going to sue us and all this loony shit. Apparently he showed up at the office a couple days later with some at-home drug test results and gave them to the lady at the office as "proof". He was on and off the unemployment list for a couple of years. We heard later from someone within the union that B was "bad electrically" which we learned ourselves pretty quickly and just had him do more mechanical tasks after he fried his second board.

    So probably 3 years later, I'd just moved back from GA, and I'm watching the news with my parents. Fucking B is on surveillance footage, holding up a gas station clerk with a box cutter for A CARTON OF CIGARETTES. Fuck's sake.

    Apparently he went to rehab for a while, and is doing the same work but for a non-union company. I hope he got his shit together.

    I'm the fuck

  • Oh man. I want more stupid criminal stories!!
  • beethery said:
    This guy didn't steal anything from us, but he did get in trouble.

    We had a major project going on up in the northern part of the state, and we'd send employees up in pairs for a few days at a time. Hotel, meals, and gas paid, in addition to their hourly wages. My parents and I went on vacation, and shit hit the fan while we were out kayaking on the Wailua River (oh Kauai, I miss you).

    Guy A had mentioned that Guy B was kind of... weird. He did decent work, so we kept him. I'd caught him in a couple pretty insignificant lies before. He said he didn't smoke, I saw him smoking while driving one of our vehicles. Apparently while both of the guys were up in the hotel, B was acting like a weirdo and A requested a separate room (we'd asked ahead of time if they wanted two rooms and they both agreed to share initially). We set him up. A then tells my dad B is acting super fucked up, and that he's called the union, because he knows my dad has limited options as we were out of town and even then the contracts dictate what we can and can't do. 

    So the union drove waaaaaayyyyy the hell up there, drug tests B, and pulls him off of the job. They couldn't tell us what he failed for, but they effectively laid him off for us. B calls my fucking dad and goes on this wild tirade about how he's going to sue us and all this loony shit. Apparently he showed up at the office a couple days later with some at-home drug test results and gave them to the lady at the office as "proof". He was on and off the unemployment list for a couple of years. We heard later from someone within the union that B was "bad electrically" which we learned ourselves pretty quickly and just had him do more mechanical tasks after he fried his second board.

    So probably 3 years later, I'd just moved back from GA, and I'm watching the news with my parents. Fucking B is on surveillance footage, holding up a gas station clerk with a box cutter for A CARTON OF CIGARETTES. Fuck's sake.

    Apparently he went to rehab for a while, and is doing the same work but for a non-union company. I hope he got his shit together.
    That is bananas. 
  • Can't fix stupid. Even if you are allowed to take samples without asking it's pretty stupid to take the owners stash, no?

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • A few months ago, some genius stole my debit card information. They proceeded to attempt to purchase a $200 scooter from a Sears in Kentucky. Sears called me to confirm the purchase because they were suspicious. Obviously I denied the purchase and hung up to contact my bank. Later that afternoon, I got a call from my mom asking me if I was expecting any packages to be shipped to her house. That same genius had ordered a thing of $30 lip gloss on my card but then forgotten to change the shipping address so they shipped it to MY MOM'S HOUSE!

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  • You should have to pay a fine if you're over a certain amount of stupid.
  • kat1114kat1114 member
    500 Love Its 500 Comments First Answer Name Dropper
    edited July 2014
    I heard on the radio this morning that three men were about to break into a house in our city. Apparently, they didn't think to have a lookout because the cops happened to be on patrol, drove by the house, saw what was happening, and arrested all three of them before they could get in the house.image
  • A guy got caught up here a few months ago for break and enter, and maybe theft.  He broke into some house, stole stuff and then checked his Facebook on their computer.  He forgot to log himself out.  
    Those darn addictions always just get in the way of a good crime.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • My sister's ex moved to his parents house after she broke it off. The ex went to 7/11, around the corner and stole the Hurrican Katrina coin jar off the counter. Store clerk notices it's gone and calls police. They check surviellance and the clerk recognizes him. Ex comes back later that same day to fill out a job application at the 7/11! So while he's filling out the form, the clerk called the cops!

    My sister's ex moved to his parents house after she broke it off. The ex went to 7/11, around the corner and stole the Hurrican Katrina coin jar off the counter. Store clerk notices it's gone and calls police. They check surviellance and the clerk recognizes him. Ex comes back later that same day to fill out a job application at the 7/11! So while he's filling out the form, the clerk called the cops!
    Oooo - that's an extra classy criminal there... at least he was kind enough to commit his stealing BEFORE he started accepting a paycheck from them.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker


  • StitelME said:

    My sister's ex moved to his parents house after she broke it off. The ex went to 7/11, around the corner and stole the Hurrican Katrina coin jar off the counter. Store clerk notices it's gone and calls police. They check surviellance and the clerk recognizes him. Ex comes back later that same day to fill out a job application at the 7/11! So while he's filling out the form, the clerk called the cops!
    Oooo - that's an extra classy criminal there... at least he was kind enough to commit his stealing BEFORE he started accepting a paycheck from them.
    And he was able to buy some pot from the coins before police caught him. That guy ALWAYS kept it Klassy!
  • LOL what an idiot.
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  • @raissyrais , I think you are going to have to be more specific given the contents of this thread. :-P

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  • @StiteIME oooooops I definitely was talking about the original cheesecake guy! My bad!
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  • I work in a restaurant and one of the servers wanted to go out on a smoke break. At the time we were ordered to keep our personal belongings in the back by the employee bathroom in the kitchen. She couldn't find her purse on the rack and started yelling about it. At the exact moment, a prep cook who was on his third day of training walked out of the bathroom with her purse in his left hand and her cigarettes in his right hand. When she started yelling at him and asking why he had it he simply said "I needed a cigarette and a couple bucks. Sorry." Needless to say he didn't make it back for his fourth day of training.
  • awitmer77 said:
    I work in a restaurant and one of the servers wanted to go out on a smoke break. At the time we were ordered to keep our personal belongings in the back by the employee bathroom in the kitchen. She couldn't find her purse on the rack and started yelling about it. At the exact moment, a prep cook who was on his third day of training walked out of the bathroom with her purse in his left hand and her cigarettes in his right hand. When she started yelling at him and asking why he had it he simply said "I needed a cigarette and a couple bucks. Sorry." Needless to say he didn't make it back for his fourth day of training.
    I love that he thought this was ok.  

  • StitelME said:
    @raissyrais , I think you are going to have to be more specific given the contents of this thread. :-P
    @StiteIME oooooops I definitely was talking about the original cheesecake guy! My bad!
    It could apply to all, hahaha. They're all dumbasses of the highest (lowest?) caliber.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • StitelME said:
    @raissyrais , I think you are going to have to be more specific given the contents of this thread. :-P
    @StiteIME oooooops I definitely was talking about the original cheesecake guy! My bad!
    It could apply to all, hahaha. They're all dumbasses of the highest (lowest?) caliber.

    It does take a certain level of skill to screw up this badly...LOL

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