Attire & Accessories Forum

Wedding Band Ideas for Halo E Ring

Hello, I'm new :)

I have a double halo split shank e- ring. I have no idea what to do about a wedding band. I don't want a gap, and not so crazy about a curved ring either... but I guess I may have to get used to that idea.
Can you ladies show me what you did about your halo rings w/ bands?

Here is my ring.
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Re: Wedding Band Ideas for Halo E Ring

  • I have a 3 stone halo ring. I have a curved band on each side. I tried on about 200 bands before I found something that worked and that I liked because a custom was too expensive.
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  • Wow! 200! Do you have a picture?
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  • HobokensFuryHobokensFury member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited August 2014
  • I got lucky and found one that fit my halo with just a tiny bit of bending from the jeweler, because like Hoboken, a custom band just wasn't in the budget since my engagement ring was custom and H didn't really think further than the e-ring. If I didn't find anything, I was going to get a standard band for a wedding band and wear it on my right hand (at least until we could pay for a custom band). Maybe this is an option for you?
  • I have a split shank halo and went with just a very small/thin band that fits under the halo part of my engagement ring.   I didn't want a curved one, because I wanted the possibility of wearing it alone..  In person there is actually less looking of a gap than in this picture
  • We've had problems with this too.  Although my situation is a little different.  

    My FI proposed to me kind of spontaneously, and didn't have a ring, so we went shopping together.  I really fell in love with this impossible to find a not strangely shaped wedding band for antique.  I really don't like the idea of shaped wedding bands either; I know people who have them, and it's just not for me.  

    I happen to have an heirloom engagement ring that I inherited a few years, and FI and I are both quite fine with me wearing my engagement ring on my right hand, and my family ring with my wedding band on my left.  

    Here's my impossible to find a suitable ring for ring:
  • Thanks all! Jenni, I think your ring is quite similar to mine and actually the straight band doesnt look so bad although (like you said there's less of a gap in the picture) i would like less of a gap visible. 

    Rebeccaflower, I suppose I could wear my e-ring on my right hand but i am not a huge fan of the idea.

     Hoboken, wow!! that's quite some bling! I can see why you tried on so many wedding bands now! I have never seen a 3 stone halo ring! I think you did well finding a band to compliment it. :)
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