Attire & Accessories Forum

Garter or no Garter?

So here's something I'm trying to figure out...I'm not doing a garter toss or bouquet toss - we have very few single friends, and I always just found it demeaning when I was in their position, anyway. But, is there any reason to still wear a garter? Is it "bad luck" not to, is there any other tradition associated with it? I found a cute one I wanted to order, but I'm trying to figure out "why" or "why not"

Re: Garter or no Garter?

  • It's just personal preference. I wore a garter so H could find it later, but it slipped off during dinner anyway. There aren't any wedding police that will write you a ticket if you don't wear a garter, so do what you want.

  • We didn't have a toss, nor did I wear an actual garter.  DH and I are doing just fine :)
  • I'm not doing a garter toss for the same reasons, but I'm wearing one as my something blue.
  • emanon321 said:

    I'm not doing a garter toss for the same reasons, but I'm wearing one as my something blue.

    Oh what a great idea! I've been trying to figure out what to do for my blue.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I had one as my something blue, but the sucker did NOT stay put.  I fell down three times throughout our pictures until finally I just took it off.  If you want something a little more practical for your something blue, a blue handkerchief works very well (if you cry during the ceremony like I did).  I kept mine wrapped around my bouquet while I walked down the aisle and then just held it folded up in my left hand (which no one could see) until I needed it.
  • If it makes you happy to wear one then do it! But if it will just irritate you through the night then don't!  If you aren't doing the toss then no one will know if you are or not. It will be your (and your FI) little secret! 
  • no garter here! I didn't see a point since we weren't doing a garter toss.
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