Wedding Reception Forum

Need Venue Ideas

I need help finding a venue! Im on a small budget 5,000-8,000. One thing is I am a am a no frill kind of girl. As long as we are the beachwe are happy. My fiance is in the military so hoping to get a military discount. Please help!!

Re: Need Venue Ideas

  • Please repost this on your local wedding board for the best responses.
  • Dude, we have no idea where you are. 

    Get military clauses in all your contracts. 
  • I don't have a clue where you're located (post to your local board for specifics), but you could look into places that have coastline: city/state/fed parks, B&Bs, hotels, private homes that will rent to you, etc. 

  • Public park beaches.  You can likely rent a pavilion for very little or just the right to use it.  Check the local parks website or call.
  • Have your wedding on base.  It is way cheaper than out in town. And some bases are beachfront.  
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