I need some advice!
My sister is the Maid of Honor, my brother's wife is a bridesmaid, followed by two college friends and two childhood friends. I like my fiance's sister, but I am not as close to her as the aforementioned ladies, and I have known her the least amount of time. My fiance did not choose my brother to be a groomsman for similar reasons, so we didn't think it would be a big deal. He has graciously agreed to be an usher. We have selected Fiance's Sister to do a reading for the ceremony, which she is fine with and said she would gladly do whatever we needed.
However, my mother-in-law was not pleased. She called my fiance in tears, wanting to know why her daughter was not a bridesmaid. She said she it was an unwritten rule that all siblings were supposed to be included in the wedding party. This was news to both me and my fiance.
Of course now I feel awful! I don't know what to do, but I have a few options:
I haven't asked all of my friends to be in the wedding yet, so no one would know if I replaced them with Fiance's Sister. However, I feel that extending an invitation now would be seen as disingenuous, and she would know she is taking a spot previously dedicated to one of my friends. Also, if I do this, my brother will then be the only sibling not in the bridal party.
I really don't want to do this, as I think 6 is pushing it, but we could include Fiance's Sister as well as my brother if we had seven bridesmaids and groomsmen. (Fiance has already asked his 6 groomsmen, so we can't do any replacing on his side.) I dislike uneven wedding parties.
I feel the damage has already been done and there is no graceful way to fix it. I was planning on inviting Fiance's Sister to the "getting ready" portion of the day, so she would be included in a more exclusive group. Fiance is going to do the same with my brother. (Unless that is some sort of tacky faux pas!)
PLEASE HELP ME! I've been turning this over in my head for days.