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I need some serious advice (nwr)


Re: I need some serious advice (nwr)

  • edited August 2014
    Time2strtliving said:
    AprilH81 said:
    Time2strtliving said:
    jakeia0112 said: Do you work with grown women or high school freshman? I am so sorry you have to deal with this. My step mother encountered this same issue and what she did what the PP suggested. She wrote down dates, times, recorded conversations etc. She was a little nervous to turn in the evidence but the women who were trying to bully her were dealt with. 
    Also a side note... if this was me and my job gave my wedding day to another person because of "seniority" I would politely let them know that I wouldn't be there and that they should probably call in the on call person well in advance. 
    This all seems very unfair and I hope it works out for you.   ****************************************************************
    Ditto a massive eyeroll to these women's maturity level.  

    To the bolded: Be really careful with recording conversations as legally that may backfire on you if you did not get permission to record them.  I don't know if your union has a clause or policy that addresses that, but you should definitely find out before you use it as evidence.  Another concern: since you say you work in a hospital, conversations may occur around patients, which could be a huge violation of their HIPPA rights and get you an automatic fire.  Just some thoughts.  
    I'm confused, what does HIPPA have to do with this situation?
    HIPPA relates to the PATIENT'S rights to privacy in regards to their medical records/files, not that they can't overhear two nurses "fighting" within earshot.  Did I miss something?  As long as the nurses aren't discussing a patient or medical records HIPPA shouldn't come into play.***********************************************************************************
    If the patient's privacy is violated in any way and recorded (say a nurse or a doctor is within recording earshot and they are discussing their patient's condition or their meds with the patient.  Or, if the two nurses are discussing a patient's condition or arguing over treatment, even if the patient is not present, it is absolutely a violation of HIPPA.)  And they get really really intense with HIPPA violations.  If there was the potential to accidentally record anything related to patients at all I wouldn't do it.  A HIPPA violation will haunt you way more than a petty work environment.  ******************************************************************************************
    **************Not even stuck in the box... there's just no box******************************

    Sorry, I have to chime in here because part of my job is patient privacy and HIPAA. Note: It's HIPAA (
    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)... not HIPPA.

    Anyway, yes HIPAA violations are very serious. Especially with HITECH expanding civil and criminal penalties - the stakes are higher for both covered entities and for individuals. 

    So if you have a case where an employee records a conversation of two nurses and in the background someone is talking about a patient...yes, you may have captured some faint snippet patient's PHI onto your recording. Who knows if it's even enough to identify the patient. However, if you play that recording for a SUPERVISOR (who is also a covered entity employee and has signed a confidentiality agreement, taken required training, etc.), that person is required by law to protect PHI just the same as anyone else who works there. Same as if I walk over to the shared printer in my department and there's a face sheet that got mixed in with my print job. I'm obligated to protect anything I see/hear/receive. 

    Now... if the employee takes the recording outside the hospital and plays it for her family, friends, neighbors, etc. and it has all kinds of identifiable patient information on it.... THEN you have a big problem. 

    All that said, laws about recording conversations vary by state. State law along with industry specific law (like HIPAA) should be strongly considered when doing this. @Time2strtliving is right - an actual HIPAA violation can land an individual with no job, monetary penalties, and even jail time, depending on the violation.

    ETF: omg quote boxes, TK...

  • THANK YOU all so much for taking the time to respond to me. I'm sorry to P&R but I had to spend a day catching up on sleep. So let me just explain a little better. My supervisor, we'll call him Mike. He is NOT my main director. We have 4 nursing supervisors who oversee our office. Then we have our director. Our director is in charge of giving our directions and disciplinary actions, scheduling, etc. While I do have to listen to my supervisor, the director is way more involved and has final say.

    @Steph11814 Both Mike and the 4th girl CAME TO ME. They already knew the issues I had just from being made uncomfortable, but they came to me on the facebook issue as well as the wedding issue. Both of them have agreed to speak with director to let her know what is going on because they both agree everything has gotten out of control. They volunteered this before I even asked, so I'm extremely grateful. The plan was 4th girl was going to go to director first, but she told me she was a little uncomfortable and she would rather speak with her after I have filled director in. I have not confronted either P or K on their behavior because of this. I thought the best plan was to just go to director with the information since 2 other people are willing to attest to it.

    They also plan to attest that both of them have said they are trying to make my schedule difficult, and that 4th girl has been asked not to trade any shifts with me to make it easier. Mike is also going to mention the things that were said when I called off, and how 4th girl is scared to ever call off because of this. This speaks a lot in itself. No work environment should make anybody fearful or uncomfortable.

    So Mike decided to email director, and this is what he said.


    I wanted to let you know about some issues that are going on in the office. There are some things that have gotten out of hand and basically boil down to bullying. Angusaur and fourth girl have confided in me, and I suggested that they speak with you. I also plan to speak with you about some things I have personally witnessed.

    Angusaur will address this with you Monday morning.
    See you soon"

    This way he lets her know right off the bat that he is backing me up without having to go into detail until I have spoken with her. I am nervous to go first but it has to be done. 

    @lolo883 @southernbelle0915 @novella1186 @Couggal12 I have already deleted P and blocked her on facebook. I waited until this little 3 days off I'm currently having so I wouldn't have to face either of them until after I've spoken with director. (K is not on facebook). While I agree I made the details of my due date public, there is no reason that P should call the work phone on her day off to discuss said personal life details with a coworker. Mike overheard this and plans to tell director as well. (dumbasses were on speakerphone so he heard most of it until K snatched up the receiver)

    @LadyMillil I can not put in my wedding dates now. I will ask, but from what I understand this has to take place in January. Everyone puts in for their vacation time in January, and if two people should put in for the same dates, it automatically goes to those with more seniority. I don't know if my boss will be cool like your husbands, because it is union policy and K would be the type of bitch to file a grievance.

    @OliveOilsMom Yes, it's completely ok to schedule me that many days in a row. We are all in overtime right now, its a 24 hour job and only 4 of us to cover all the hours in a week. I don't even get a ton of days off in a row. What they will do is schedule me Tuesday Wednesday then Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday and then again Thursday. That ends the 2 week period and they'd put me on Sunday again. So I only ever get like 2-3 days off at a time whereas every schedule they get like 5 and 6 day stretches off. 

    Also I'm sorry if I didn't clarify, my supervisor (Mike) didn't ask me to confront them. He wants me to go to my director with this information.

    Oh and just a fun tidbit for all of you asking about age/maturity, both of these women are in their 50s.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I don't expect either of them to get fired over this, although that would make me happy. I hate to see people lose their jobs, but they are trying to make me lose mine by pushing me out the door, so I wouldn't feel bad.

    What I would like to see happen is have my director take over scheduling (boy will that make them mad) and to see both of them written up and have this on their record. I forgot to mention we do have (supposedly) a strict no bullying policy.

    We get a little flyer every month with a beat up teddy bear lol. It says "You know you're a bully if..." and has different examples. Like leaving someone out of conversations and activities, sabotaging a coworker, screaming at someone. And it says xx hospital has a strict no bullying policy! If you are a victim please see your director.

    I feel like it would be petty to bring up those flyers, but I will if she doesn't think much of my examples. Bullying is any act that purposely makes me feel uncomfortable and well... there's plenty of that going around.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • PPs have given good advice, so I offer internet hugs!
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • If you can't book the time off now I would definitely make sure that Mike and your director know the date for your wedding. Is there a union rep you can talk to? If so, I would let them know you have booked your wedding date and ask what happens if some one else puts a request in for time off at the same time. This isn't an unreasonable concern given that you generally book vendors and pay deposits a year or so in advance. I'm glad Mike and 4th girl are willing to back you up. Good luck with everything.

  • OP, I'm so glad Mike and 4th girl are willing to back you up! That is awesome. Hopefully something will actually get done. Let us know how things turn out! I wish you the best. 
  • I have been thinking about you. I am glad that Mike and the 4th girl is on your side. <<hugs>>
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