Destination Weddings Discussions

Changing Last Name

I wasn't sure where to post this so I thought this was the best place. My fiance and I are getting married October 3, 2015 and we're waiting to go on our honeymoon until December. When filling out info for the honeymoon they ask for what my name will be when we arrive. My question is, should I put what my married will be, or my maiden name and not change anything until we get back? I'm worried there will not be enough time to change the name on my passport and other things I'll need. Thank you!

Re: Changing Last Name

  • edited August 2014

    Keep your maiden name until after the honeymoon.  It can take up to 2 months to get your marriage certificate and you can't change anything legally until after that. Then it can take 6-8 weeks for passport, so it is highly unlikely that you will have new passport ready by December. You can still use your new married name socially in the meantime, but don't change anything legally (social security, drivers license, passport) until after your trip or you will likely have issues.


    So, make sure to book airline, hotel, and all travel arrangements under your maiden name. If you do have things under married name, you may have to show marriage certificate to prove it's you, which just makes things more complicated and can cause unnecessary problems.

    I am currently in the process of name change.  I have everything changed legally now and changed at banks, but haven't changed it everywhere else yet. I just took a trip for my sister's wedding, using my new married name. Everything went fine, except since I booked under new name and haven't changed name on frequent flier miles yet, I wasn't able to link this trip to my miles account. They said that I need to mail them copy of my certificate to do the name change.  And I can still get credit for these miles up to 6 month after trip, so I won't lose them, but it's more work to transfer the miles and get credit that isn't really necessary. So, waiting until after will save you trouble with that type of stuff too.


  • yes I agree, wait until after your honeymoon to change your name and just book everything using your maiden name. have fun planning! I am getting married in the fall of 2015 as well :)
  • Luckily for me I wont have to change my name because we both have the same last name..Lol and no we are in no way shape or form related..
  • Make sure you go by the DMV and get this stupid form to fill out. Apparently, they dont take out of the country marriage certificates. At least in NC they didnt. I said so the SS office changed my name but you want me to fill out this dumb form and get it notorized.
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  • Thank you very much ladies for your help! Happy planning to all of you!
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