Attire & Accessories Forum

Mantilla Veil

Hey guys, has anyone here worn a Mantilla Veil? I think they are just gorgeous and am considering ordering one online. I'm just wondering how the darned thing attaches... (I have even considered making something similar but not sure what to use?!) Just in case you have no idea what type of veil this is.. here's a picture.


Thanks for your help!


Re: Mantilla Veil

  • They might have a tiny comb in the top, like what you'd see in clip-in extensions. Or, a couple of well-hidden bobby pins.

    I'm the fuck

  • I bought mine in the Fashion District of LA. It does have a comb attached that hides under the thick lace border. you can't see the comb at all and it works amazingly well
  • Thank you! I guess that makes sense to put it under the lace. I'm wondering what they do in this case though:


    (my mom wants me to put one over my face... I'm still on the fence about that idea)

    I don't think you could put it on with bobbypins without it being really noticeable? right? or am I just crazy? :P

  • That's what my mom had in the 1970s when she got married.  She used two tortoise combs that she inherited.
  • I used to have an old pair of tortoise combs... no idea where they ended up though.

  • The first veil is a mantilla veil.  It attaches with a comb that it sewn onto the front top.
    The second veil is a circular veil with lace.  It attaches with a comb that is sewn onto the middle.

    Try this site:

    We were very happy with them, and they are in Texas, not China.
  • I wore a drop veil similar to the second one. My seamstress draped the veil over my face to figure out where it should lay, and sewed in a tiny comb using clear thread. 

    We then stuck a couple bobby pins through the teeth of the comb for extra staying power. 
  • @CMGragain thank you for the website! I'll have to check it out!

    @manateehugger thanks for the info.. sounds like I'll need a comb and bobby pins. I just found a site online where they use three small stitches to attach the veil to the comb as well. 

  • Yep, that's pretty much what she did with mine. I think the comb had 3-4 teeth, and she just made one loop in between each. 
  • Cool deal! :) Thanks

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