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I swear they plan their weddings around when they are most fertile

What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 

Re: I swear they plan their weddings around when they are most fertile

  • Anna had a lot more trouble conceiving.  I think Jessa MAY be the first to wait, but we'll see!  I'm surprised at Jill since she was the only one really pursuing a career.

    I'm freaking obsessed with the Duggars though.


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  • my first thought when I saw the pregnancy announcement was exactly that - the wedding totally coincided with baby-making time. It's been two months of marriage! Two!
  • She found out / told her family at the 30 day mark, though.


    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

  • 30 days after they got married, which was apparently then two weeks after conceiving?? Yeah, okay. 
  • alucky23 said:

    Anna had a lot more trouble conceiving.  I think Jessa MAY be the first to wait, but we'll see!  I'm surprised at Jill since she was the only one really pursuing a career.

    I'm freaking obsessed with the Duggars though.

    Oh yeah, a lot harder.  She had to wait until they were married 6 months to be pregnant.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • As soon as I saw this topic I knew it had to be a Duggar!

    I think it's either Jill's husband or Jessa's fiance that actually made some disparaging statements towards Catholics which were ultimately retracted when he was called out.    

    I'm religious and do believe that God has a hand in granting us a pregnancy.   BUT, I also think that he asks us to be smart/prudent when making our choices and he offers women their fertility in cycles to avoid if they want to.    You can be adhering to your faith and by using natural family planning, you space / avoid getting pregnant with great effectiveness.

  • Jessa's FI said that.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • I'm not surprised she's pregnant, but I am definitely surprised that they announced it so early. 

    Spin-off question: What do you think is normal to announce? I would tell immidiate family as soon as I knew, but I would keep it off social media until 12-16 weeks, I think. 
  • I'm not surprised she's pregnant, but I am definitely surprised that they announced it so early. 

    Spin-off question: What do you think is normal to announce? I would tell immidiate family as soon as I knew, but I would keep it off social media until 12-16 weeks, I think. 
    Thanks for clarifying Lynda!

    I think it's normal to announce once you're out of the "danger zone" which is at the end of the 1st trimester / beginning of the 2nd.    We told our families when I was 5 weeks along because we knew they would wonder why I wasn't drinking wine on Christmas.    We didn't tell them about baby #1 until I was 9 weeks.

    We didn't spread the word on social media until I was in the 2nd trimester. 
  • At first I thought they must have planned their wedding date around ovulation, but then I decided that if I reached their ages with nothing more than a side-hug, I'd be boinking like a bunny so much that my ovum wouldn't have a shot of reaching my cervix without getting fertilized. I think most people wait until the 12-14 week mark to make the news widely known. I have a friend who wanted to wait until 12 weeks but her husband was just so excited he "had" to blab it. 3 days later they found out the pregnancy wasn't viable. I'm sure next go around they'll be keeping their mouths firmly shut.
  • congrats smile

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Sooooooo, we're only a little over a month post-wedding, and I just recently found out I am pregnant. Nope, didn't plan the wedding around my fertility, but we did know we wanted to start trying right away. Didn't necessarily realize right away truly would come to mean RIGHT AWAY. But so be it. At 36 and 39, we certainly aren't getting any younger!

    Re: when to announce? I, personally, wouldn't publicly announce IRL at 6 weeks. We've only told my sister & BFF so far. We're waiting to tell our parents when we can do so in person, and after the first OB visit (which is scheduled for the 8th). We won't announce "publicly" until after 12+ weeks (when ever we are "in the clear" from the doc).


    When baby time comes, we'll probably tell our parents and then "announce" when I'm in the 2nd trimester.

    I might have to mention something to coworkers. They'll wonder why I'm not drinking soda.

  • Sooooooo, we're only a little over a month post-wedding, and I just recently found out I am pregnant. Nope, didn't plan the wedding around my fertility, but we did know we wanted to start trying right away. Didn't necessarily realize right away truly would come to mean RIGHT AWAY. But so be it. At 36 and 39, we certainly aren't getting any younger!

    Re: when to announce? I, personally, wouldn't publicly announce IRL at 6 weeks. We've only told my sister & BFF so far. We're waiting to tell our parents when we can do so in person, and after the first OB visit (which is scheduled for the 8th). We won't announce "publicly" until after 12+ weeks (when ever we are "in the clear" from the doc).



    We won't wait too long to start. We got married a month ago and are honeymooning at Christmas. After that, it is fair game for baby stuff.

    I will tell my sister before the test dries. Parents/other family probably at 12 weeks.

    "Public"- who knows? I don't see the need :)
  • I have a friend who had a high-risk pregnancy because of a health condition so she decided to not publicly announce/ post on social media at all. Those who were close to her knew, of course, but most people didn't know she was pregnant until she posted a photo of her baby. In a related story, a girl I hardly know who friended me on Facebook was in a similar situation but posted non-stop about her pregnancy. Like multiple times a day. THEN something went wrong and she posted a big long story about that too! Very intense details about what her doctor said, how her checkup went, what her body was doing, etc etc. I was appalled by the fact that I hardly knew her and yet I knew all these details. Unfortunately she ended up miscarrying, which the world also knew about. Moral of the story: be careful what you say publicly and how much you say. I can assume it was very hard for her to publicly deal with the heartache of that situation but she had given herself no choice by then.
  • Dang it. Paragraphs got eaten! Sorry :(
  • I get not caring for over sharers, but you didn't have to read it if you barely knew her and didn't care. Just hide her.

  • I have a friend who had a high-risk pregnancy because of a health condition so she decided to not publicly announce/ post on social media at all. Those who were close to her knew, of course, but most people didn't know she was pregnant until she posted a photo of her baby. In a related story, a girl I hardly know who friended me on Facebook was in a similar situation but posted non-stop about her pregnancy. Like multiple times a day. THEN something went wrong and she posted a big long story about that too! Very intense details about what her doctor said, how her checkup went, what her body was doing, etc etc. I was appalled by the fact that I hardly knew her and yet I knew all these details. Unfortunately she ended up miscarrying, which the world also knew about. Moral of the story: be careful what you say publicly and how much you say. I can assume it was very hard for her to publicly deal with the heartache of that situation but she had given herself no choice by then.
    My sister had 2 losses back to back.

    The way she announced her pregnancy on FB was 3 days after the birth of my niece. By posting a photo saying "look, we had a baby!"

    Tons of (super random) high school acquaintances posted back being all "WE DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE PREGNANT"

    No, you did not. You weren't important enough to get the announcement. The people who mattered knew. I don't see the need for the big, overblown FB announcements. A girl on my feed announced today- she is 8 weeks along. Not smart.
  • @smiledamnit congratulations!!!
  • Congrats, smile!
    Banana, I know several couples (Catholic and not) who use NFP successfully to plan their pregnancies. None of those couples have more than 4 kids, and all of theirs were planned.

    For the sake of the Duggars, I hope this is a smooth pregnancy, especially considering how public this is.
  • Congrats, smile! Banana, I know several couples (Catholic and not) who use NFP successfully to plan their pregnancies. None of those couples have more than 4 kids, and all of theirs were planned. For the sake of the Duggars, I hope this is a smooth pregnancy, especially considering how public this is.
    Congratulations Smile!

    I hope this is a smooth pregnancy too.   It's just SO early to announce that I would hate to grieve publicly or suffer complications publicly.    Even now that I'm full term I'm still praying that there aren't any complications for Chiquito or myself. 
  • I jokingly told FI that if/when we get pregnant, I won't tell anyone. Just wait until someone has the balls to mention I'm not drinking / "glowing" / straight up ask if I'm pregnant and then respond with "OMG YOU THINK I'M FAT!" and watch them back-track. In all seriousness, I'm going to have to say point-blank to FMIL that my pregnancy stays off FB. She over-shares everything, which is kinda none of my business what she choose to share with strangers and no privacy setting, but things that are mine (like the occupancy of my uterus) I think other people should have no business sharing. I know a lot of people may age who had kids young, and the kids end up having such a HUGE social media presence before they can do ABCs.
  • banana468 said:

    Congratulations Smile!

    I hope this is a smooth pregnancy too.   It's just SO early to announce that I would hate to grieve publicly or suffer complications publicly.    Even now that I'm full term I'm still praying that there aren't any complications for Chiquito or myself. 

    When is Chiquito joining us, btw? And how are you feeling?
  • banana468 said:
    Congratulations Smile!

    I hope this is a smooth pregnancy too.   It's just SO early to announce that I would hate to grieve publicly or suffer complications publicly.    Even now that I'm full term I'm still praying that there aren't any complications for Chiquito or myself. 
    So this! I look at it like, who would I want to share in my grief with if, God forbid, something goes wrong...particularly now that it's so very early. Those are the people I'm willing to share it with now. We're even holding off with the parents out of "protection" mode. And that's why I'm so glad for TK/TH friends (and many thanks for the congrats!)  :) . I can share without worrying about real life implications.

    I suppose with the Duggars, though, the line of real life & TV life is so blurred that it seems totally normal for them to share with the world. It will be awful if something happens with that pregnancy, but they would likely address that publicly, too, as part of the tv show. 
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  • Sooooooo, we're only a little over a month post-wedding, and I just recently found out I am pregnant. Nope, didn't plan the wedding around my fertility, but we did know we wanted to start trying right away. Didn't necessarily realize right away truly would come to mean RIGHT AWAY. But so be it. At 36 and 39, we certainly aren't getting any younger!

    Re: when to announce? I, personally, wouldn't publicly announce IRL at 6 weeks. We've only told my sister & BFF so far. We're waiting to tell our parents when we can do so in person, and after the first OB visit (which is scheduled for the 8th). We won't announce "publicly" until after 12+ weeks (when ever we are "in the clear" from the doc).
    OMG congratulations!!!

    I'm the fuck

  • Those poor brainwashed kids. I feel badly for them that they'll never know how great sex can be because in their minds it's only for procreation. I told the VIPs right away when I found out I was pregnant. We waited until the 2nd trimester to announce to everyone else. I have a friend that just announced today at 8 weeks and have another that hasn't yet and she's 5 months so to each their own.
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  • Let's not also forget that the Duggar girls included a point in their book that you never say no when your husband wants to hit it. Sounds like 100% solid, irrefutable relationship advice to me.

    I'm the fuck

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