I'm having a bad, stressful day, FI and I have basically been in a huge fight all week (over different stuff each time), and now today's my fault too. To top off the evening, I kept reminding him about our ring payment and at one point told him it was due Sat. I was going through my bills a week ago and realized it was due today, and wrote it on my new calendar, and told him it HAS to be paid by today (or there's interest). He chose to ignore that all week, went online to pay it, and went off on me about how it was due today and I told him Sat, and with it being so late it might not count for today (this is after he went off on me earlier about something else). I found my statement and sure enough, 5:00pm is the cutoff. I'm not sure if I want to tell him and let this shithole of a week with him continue (we're not talking to each other tonight), just use the rest of my wedding money and be like THERE! No more interest, payments, etc., or if I should just wait a few weeks before saying anything...and let this shit start up again. We're both so tired and stressed, it sucks! I just want to say FUCK IT ALL!!!