My Fiance and I have been engaged for 3 years and finally started to plan our wedding. (We decided to be enaged for a year before actually planning, then once we planned, found out we were expecting. our little guy's 1 1/2 yo)
There are many things that I am stressing about that I probably shouldn't be stressing over:
1) The place we were planning on having our recepetion "over booked" and wanted to know if we'd be able to change our date. Mind you, we had placed a deposit 3 months before and there were absolutely no issues.
2) We already booked the caterer for that particular date (6/20/15) Considering he gets booked pretty fast and didn't even ask us for a deposit (close family friend) I'm not going to ask him to go out of his way to accommodate me for someone else's mistake.
3) Because in my heart and my gut is telling me so, my sister is "kicked out" of the bridal party. She lives in Louisiana and I don't feel as though she's taking her role as a bridesmaid at all seriously. That's just a whole different story all on it's own.
4) The entire wedding itself is being paid for by both my Fiance and myself. My in laws wouldn't lift a finger to even by my son a pack of diapers or gallon of milk, so I don't expect them offering anything to us. ( not that I did) My parents can't afford to, but I'm keeping a few of their suggestions in mind only because they really do do a lot for my Fiance and I, especially our son.
5) I'm the youngest out of 5 and the FIRST to get married, so it's sort of a big deal for my parents although I am pretty good with standing my ground on what I want.
Needless to say, we are once again on the search for a venue and I'm over thinking things that can easily be handled. If anyone knows of a simple hall (because I'm a simple girl) that allows outside catering and has a liquor licence and would like to share, that would be AMAZING!!!