
Stillwell House opening 4/11/15

Hello! My fiancé and I put 1000 dollars down to reserve our wedding date for April 11th at the stillwell house. However, we recently decided we would just elope and spend the money we would have spent on the ceremony and take ourselves on an awesome honeymoon. That being said, we are planning on canceling our contract at stillwell. The 1000 dollars we already put down is non refundable, so we would ideally love it if we found someone to take the date and deposit from us and hopefully work a way to get our money back. Is anyone interested in having their wedding at stillwell? Last I heard, every Saturday in April is already booked, so if you were looking for a wedding in April, this would be perfect for you.

Re: Stillwell House opening 4/11/15

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    Are you still looking for someone? If so how much is left to be paid? Does it include ceremony and receptio or just one of the two. What is included?
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