Chit Chat

So FI and I have discovered what we're going to argue about in our marriage.

We just spent ten minutes "discussing" whether, in the Battle of Moria (LotR, but movies, not books), Gandalf said "Fly you fools" or "Run you fools."

IT IS FLY. FI swears it is run but it is FLY DAMMIT.

In the middle of the "discussion" I sneezed. FI said "I'm not gonna bless you because I'm mad at you." (He was kidding.)

This is the person I intend to marry. It makes me gleeful.
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Re: So FI and I have discovered what we're going to argue about in our marriage.

  • Actually, it is Run, you fools! Just watched it recently, and LOTR fan ;)
  • edited September 2014
    natswild said:
    Actually, it is Run, you fools! Just watched it recently, and LOTR fan ;)

    NOOOO IT IS NOT! Stick your ear up to the speaker, he says Fly!

    ETA: That sounded meaner than intended. Imagine me flailing around in nerdrage, hopefully that will mitigate the meanness, haha. :/
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • 100% sure it is fly. I've seen those movies dozens of times.
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  • 100% sure it is fly. I've seen those movies dozens of times.
    You're my new favorite. :D

    FI and I are going to break the movies out Sunday when he's off and watch that scene with subtitles. I WILL BE RIGHT ON THIS.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • It's fly. "Fly you fools" is preceded by directions to run a lot though, so I can see how he would think that.
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  • My H said that technically he says both. H is pretty sure the quote is "Run.... Fly you fools"
  • jdluvr06 said:
    My H said that technically he says both. H is pretty sure the quote is "Run.... Fly you fools"
    Inkdancer is right, he does say run quite a lot. I don't think it's directly preceded by a "Run" though.

    I'm loving that I'm getting a fair amount of variance here, even though there's only four responses hahaha. I also like that I've got 2.5 to 1.5 right now (JDLuvr counts as .5 both ways. :D
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • jdluvr06 said:
    My H said that technically he says both. H is pretty sure the quote is "Run.... Fly you fools"
    Inkdancer is right, he does say run quite a lot. I don't think it's directly preceded by a "Run" though.

    I'm loving that I'm getting a fair amount of variance here, even though there's only four responses hahaha. I also like that I've got 2.5 to 1.5 right now (JDLuvr counts as .5 both ways. :D

    Woohoo! I go both ways... : P

    This reminded me of why I love H though. When he was telling me what he thought the quote was he said "it's 'Run ellipsis fly you fools"
  • I've never seen or read those so I have no clue what you're talking about. But FI & I argue/laugh about how I refuse to use a glass. I always drink from the container and he says he'll be damned if our future children do that hahaha 



  • edited September 2014
    It's "Run". I'm sorry. :)

    Eta damnit I can't do a stir the pot gif on my phone!!

  • To be honest, I could never make out what Gandalf said aside from "you fools." It was always mumble to me, but I assumed it was something along the lines of "have you not seen what I've been fighting the past 5 minutes, AND there's Orcs that want to kill you....GTFO" followed by "you fools."
  • It's "Fly, you fools." How is this even a debate? :-P
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • It's "fly" and H backs me up. And he should count for several votes because he can even write like Tolkien.

    Incidentally, LotR is how we discovered our chemistry. We met at an audition in college and were chatting afterwards and wound up discussing Tolkien for about 3 hours. We had our first 'date' (in his dorm room watching a movie and making out) soon after and month or so later we were officially a couple.
  • If you lived in our home, there wouldn't be an argument over this because everything we watch has subtitles for the hearing impaired or closed captioning!

    I honestly have no idea what was said in the movie. DH and I both agree that we don't like LotR. Unpopular opinion amongst most we know since we're both engineers!!


    "Fly you fools"

    However, from IMDB: "He says, "Fly, you fools!" Turning on the closed captions or subtitles reveals the line, which is also in the book. In older English, "fly" is an imperative version of the word "flee". During the original theatrical release, Gandalf's line was modernized to "Run, you fools!" However, when the DVD was released, the line was changed to more faithfully reflect the novel."
  • Me and FI on date night last weekend were talking about how Lucas originally wanted Star Wars episode 4 to be a movie but then he wanted Episode 5 to be like a miniseries. Kind of band of brothers style... the. We got into weather or not that would have allowed for a more in depth battle sequencing.

    So I totally feel you on conversations/ disagreements related to nerddom.


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  • doeydo said:
    "Fly you fools"

    However, from IMDB: "He says, "Fly, you fools!" Turning on the closed captions or subtitles reveals the line, which is also in the book. In older English, "fly" is an imperative version of the word "flee". During the original theatrical release, Gandalf's line was modernized to "Run, you fools!" However, when the DVD was released, the line was changed to more faithfully reflect the novel."
    WHAT REALLY I DIDN'T KNOW THAT That's so cool.

    Also I think you just taught me how to imbed a video...?

    @Jells2dot0 we've never watched it together, and FI's not huge on them. I'm less into them than I used to be (but I used to be the kind of person that would have gotten shoved into a locker in public school, haha). 

    @JCBride2015 We were actually watching a "who-would-win" thing between Gandalf and Darth Vader when this discussion came up. He said it would be funny if Gandalf said "Run you fools," and I said... no, but it WOULD if he said "Fly..." and then FI decided he needed to be right when clearly he wasn't and that's how it became a debate. He is also not big on LotR, and so never watched them quite as.... thoroughly... as some of us.... 

    @larrygaga love the new signature!

    6.5 to 2.5? Is that where I'm at now?
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • To be honest, I could never make out what Gandalf said aside from "you fools." It was always mumble to me, but I assumed it was something along the lines of "have you not seen what I've been fighting the past 5 minutes, AND there's Orcs that want to kill you....GTFO" followed by "you fools."
    Yeah l went through once with my book and the movie script-checking (I was a sad, lonely, nocturnal child) and I had issues with him sometimes.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • @larrygaga

    Omg,  The new sig, I can't.


  • I have nothing to add except if you haven't seen Epic Rap Battles of History: Gandalf vs. Dumbledore, you should.
  • I also love my sig. :)
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  • larrygagalarrygaga member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited September 2014
  • I have nothing to add except if you haven't seen Epic Rap Battles of History: Gandalf vs. Dumbledore, you should.
    I believe I have, but I shall have to go and double check.... :D
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  • You're all nerds. Can't sit with the cool kids anymore :p
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  • I would argue to my death that it's "fly" - which I always took to mean "flee". But then I heard the theory about the eagles - so now I believe it could have been either meaning of "fly".
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  • I don't remember which it is, but either way, him saying fly, I believe means to flee.
  • LabLove86 said:
    I would argue to my death that it's "fly" - which I always took to mean "flee". But then I heard the theory about the eagles - so now I believe it could have been either meaning of "fly".
    I really want that to be true. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • LabLove86 said:
    I would argue to my death that it's "fly" - which I always took to mean "flee". But then I heard the theory about the eagles - so now I believe it could have been either meaning of "fly".
    I really want that to be true. 

    STIB - 

    ME TOO!!!
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  • I have never seen LotR nor will I probably ever, even though BF wants me to do so. I just can't sit through a three hour movie. And that's if he doesn't want to watch the extended versions. I would usually ask him but he is not home.

    Though I can be certain we will have plenty of nerd related arguments in our lives. We already do so. Like which is better- Marvel or DC? Lol.
    Formerly known as bubbles053009

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