My original plan was to have individual escort cards for each person but we've found that many of FI's friends haven't figured out who they will be bringing as dates and some are unlikely to until the day of. Blah.
So now I'm planning on creating them by couple. I now have a few questions:
1. Do I use formal titles like Mr. and Mrs? Or just stick to first/last?
2. Should I list both names on the same line (where possible)? or create separate lines? For example:
"David Smith
Kathy Smith"
"David and Kathy Smith"
"David Smith and Kathy Smith"
"Mr. David and Mrs. Kathy Smith"
3. When I have kids on the card, how do I handle them? 1 seems easy but not sure when there are 3...
My family is of no use on this matter! My mom thinks I should use a seating chart because it worked well at my sister's wedding. I just know that with 160 people - many of whom are much older - escort cards will be much easier.
Thanks in advance!
Re: Addressing escort cards