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Terrible Tooth Ache

I woke up today with a terrible tooth ache, so I took 4 Motrin and headed to work.

I get to work, the pain comes back and it's BAD. So I call the only dentist in this small town and I have an appointment at 2:30.

For those of you who don't remember, I am HORRIFIED of dentists. I cry, I throw up, I hyperventilate. I can't do dentists.  My regular dentist (who I haven't seen in a long time) gives me a horse tranquilizer to take the night before, and then one for the morning of and then they knock me out through IV for the entire appointment.

Well, I have had no tranquilizers, and they aren't knocking me out. I've thrown up twice.  FI is driving out the 45 minutes to come with me (my boss apparently called him because I"m sitting at my desk bawling all unprofessional like) and told him to come make me better.

Ugh.  Someone make me feel better so I don't throw up on this poor unexpecting dentist.

Re: Terrible Tooth Ache

  • Can you call the dentist and explain how bad your phobia is?  Ask them to contact your old dentist so that they can explain medical professional to medical professional how bad it is and what has helped in the past.  At the very least, I don't see why they cannot give you laughing gas to help calm you. 

    Finally, just take some deep breaths to try and calm yourself down.  You won't be able to have any assistance given to you, if you are so anxious.  So deep breaths and have a cup of camomile tea.  You will get through this!

  • Can you call the dentist and explain how bad your phobia is?  Ask them to contact your old dentist so that they can explain medical professional to medical professional how bad it is and what has helped in the past.  At the very least, I don't see why they cannot give you laughing gas to help calm you. 

    Finally, just take some deep breaths to try and calm yourself down.  You won't be able to have any assistance given to you, if you are so anxious.  So deep breaths and have a cup of camomile tea.  You will get through this!

    not every general office has nitrous on hand. And it also will not calm someone if they are TOO anxious- it just amplifies the feeling if not used in conjunction with oral/IV anti-anxieties or sedetives - which is what it sounds like is needed in OP's case.

    OP I hope your appointment went well - let us know. Until then - internet hugs for you:

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  • I'm sorry, @loveislouder.  I'm glad you got an appointment, though.  My dad is a dentist, and I've worked in his office on & off most of my life.  I hope they take good care of you!
  • I had the appointment. Bawled the whole time. But they gave me some anti biotics and pain meds so that was good. Also he was fun to look at so yay :).
  • Those meds should have you feel better really soon.

    Are you going to try to go back to your regular dentist or stick with your new one for future treatment? (This is purely curiosity so if you don't' want to answer/talk about it - no need)

    Also - hott dentists are generally a pretty good time :o) Makes it just a little easier :o)
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  • The new dentist isn't willing to knock me out so old dentist it is.
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