I am the maid (matron) of honor in my sisters upcoming wedding. The wedding will be on a Sunday. She wants my son, her nephew, to be the ring bearer in her ceremony but not be invited to the reception. She wants my MIL to come to pick him up after the ceremony. My MIL lives in a completely different city, let alone, a different county. I have told my sister that I will not be asking this of my MIL. If my son is in the ceremony, he should be invited to the reception. She says that I am being unreasonable, but I feel that I am not for many reasons. She offered to hire a babysitter for him, but has since said she has "never said that". I don't feel that I should pay for a sitter as she wants him in her wedding. On top of that, it's a Sunday and people need to work the next day. Am I wrong or is she?