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Friday snark

So I'm headed to jury duty and am praying that I don't get picked. Does anyone have good jury duty stories to keep me entertained?

Also, H and I are going to a "Clue" Quote along tonight. It's one of my favorite movies, so I'm psyched!

What else is up?

Re: Friday snark

  • LDay2014LDay2014 member
    500 Love Its 500 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited September 2014
    So I'm headed to jury duty and am praying that I don't get picked. Does anyone have good jury duty stories to keep me entertained? Also, H and I are going to a "Clue" Quote along tonight. It's one of my favorite movies, so I'm psyched! What else is up?
    LOVE 'Clue'...along with Rocky Horror, two of my faves :)

    Um, I'm officially in meltdown panic mode.  STAHP BRAIN.  8 days to go and for every 5 things I cross off my to do list, I seem to add 12 more.  It's not fair!

    I hadn't planned on taking time off work, but may end up taking next friday off depending on how much I can cram in during the week.

    ETA: I quoted for no other reason than well, people are now DDing over nothing so @sarahbear31 I'm now holding you accountable for liking Clue!!!!!
  • A friend got called for jury duty once. Not sure if she actually went though with it, but she joked with us about how she was going to claim it was unfair for her to be on the jury since she could read auras. She could pull off crazy really well.

    I love Clue! Haven't seen it since i was little though. Do you think it's on Netflix?
  • Gahhhh, I have always wanted to be called for jury duty! So far I was called once for a minor thing in a neighboring town, but when I called to see if they needed me, they did not. So no jury duty for me. :( 

    I love Clue, too! We have an old, historic theater in my city and they played it back in the Spring, so I got to see it on the big screen at an awesome theater! 
  • @LDay2014‌ - this movie theater does quote alongs on a regular basis. We saw "Back to the Future", "Goonies", "Animal House", and "Princess Bride" there. They provide props and will often have a game beforehand to get the audience psyched up. It's so much fun!! So far I see they have Rocky Horror and Little shop of Horrors planned for next month.

    And I totally remember the 8 days to go countdown.  I was in Seattle on a business trip and was emailing back & forth with our church musician to make sure we were good to go.  It's exciting!  Just find some time to relax (I know it's hard!)

    @alexaf2014 - this is my 3rd time to be summoned.  I haven't been picked yet, though.  I've been told that I'd be an attorney's nightmare on a jury because it's clear that I think for myself.  If it gets to that point, I can claim that I am Catholic and do not believe in the death penalty.  And I'm almost positive Clue is on Netflix.
  • Thankfully I've never actually had to show up for jury selection. I've gotten a summons more than once, but always the standby deal where I call the night before and they tell me I don't need to come.

    Today I'm cutting out of work at 1:00 to go to the lady doctor, which always leaves me feeling like crap, especially if I have to get a biopsy. So I'm going to spend my Friday night curled up in a ball in bed, eating ice cream and watching hulu.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @loveislouder That is about like the time I got in the shower with socks on! That's too funny.

    I've never been called for jury duty. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment and really want to serve on jury duty.

  • I've been called to jury duty 8 or 9 times. I served on a jury for a murder trial. It was a truly awful 2 weeks - bad enough that I moved in with my parents during the period so I wouldn't be alone at night. Awful.

    I'm getting married 2 weeks from tomorrow and am now worrying that I won't get it done in time.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I got called for jury duty once. Other possible jury members didn't understand the fact that people are innocent until proven guiltily. They simply didn't understand the concept…it made me lose a little bit of faith in humanity haha. 

  • @blabla89‌, I definitely hope you don't need a biopsy. And lady doc time is no fun, indeed!
    @wandajune6, wow!  I hope I don't have to do that!  As I said, I do. It believe in the death penalty, so I don't think I would get picked in that circumstance, anyway.  
  • I would love to get called for jury duty!  Mainly so I wouldn't have to go in for work, lol.  I wouldn't want a capital punishment case, I can't sentence someone to death.  I would love to go for like robberies or something else, ha!

  • My dad got called for jury duty once but he said that his type 1 diabetes would interfere with the trial, because he needs to run blood readings and eat on a regular basis.  

    My friend (one of my BMs) was called to jury duty.  She made it to the second round of selection but didn't go further.  She said something about being an earner in the home and if she were to go to trial and the trial was lengthy they could be evicted (and that IS true).  

    Sorry they arent great stories >_<

    I'm terrified of jury duty.  
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • My mom once served on a jury for a murder case involving drugs. I know it was hard on her, and she hugged us all extra tightly after that.
  • I'm supposed to be going to jury duty too this morning.  I have no problem serving, but I got a letter attached to the summons that said one trial I could be scheduled for was expected to take 30 days.  That's 6 weeks!!  I said no way was I getting a supply teacher in for me for 6 weeks.  I'd never get my language kids back on track.  My Principal wrote me a letter saying it would be detrimental to my students learning and I got exempted last week.  

    I'm off to the dentist instead today.  I've cracked my new night guard.  I got it last April.  Go me.  Then I will try to decipher this knitting pattern.  I might still be confused, but we'll see how it goes.  

  • As an attorney, I will say this......juries are crucial to making the system work, we need you!  Maybe you'll get picked for an interesting or quick case.

    With that being said, at least around here, cases often take longer than estimated for.  Also, if you are currently employed, find out from your job ahead of time how long they will compensate you for.  Get something in writing if possible.  It would suck if you were picked for a month long trial, then learned after the fact that your job only pays for 2 days (for example).

  • kaos16 said:

    As an attorney, I will say this......juries are crucial to making the system work, we need you!  Maybe you'll get picked for an interesting or quick case.

    With that being said, at least around here, cases often take longer than estimated for.  Also, if you are currently employed, find out from your job ahead of time how long they will compensate you for.  Get something in writing if possible.  It would suck if you were picked for a month long trial, then learned after the fact that your job only pays for 2 days (for example).

    Oh I totally agree that this is my civic duty - I never try to get out of it. I'm just honest when I'm questioned, and my attorney friends dsay they'd hate to have me on a jury because it's clear that I think for myself. ;).

    I have a pretty good employer, so I hope they will be understanding if I get picked!  
  • @kaos16 I would happily serve, but the one time I was summoned my job gave me the time off but ZERO pay. I needed the money so bad, and even missing my one day of work really made an impact on our finances at the time. 

  • @WinstonsGirl - I think writing that pattern out is going to help a ton. Just make sure to keep close track of where you are in the pattern so you don't get lost and accidentally dupe a row! Feel free to PM me if you need help. :) 
  • I have this irrational fear that I am going to get summoned for jury duty and it will be during my honeymoon. Does anyone know how much notice they give?


    I got summoned once 2 months after I turned 18. Because there are so many poice officers in my family, they released me right away.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Back to the original post: In my city you can't be picked for jury duty if you're a lawyer, a judge, a policeman, the like. But I, as a legal assistant, can be. I don't understand that. I know pretty much everything bossman does, so I shouldn't be able to be picked either. 

    When I was in University our prof took us to Court to see a murder trial - that would be hard for me to to be a jury on. It was super graphic.

    It must suck for the lawyers that have to pick the jury too. Like, everyone these days watches some kind of crime TV so they automatically think they know everything about the law.
  • I got called in for jury duty once.  I was two people away from being picked and I reaaallly didn't want to be.  It was so freaking obvious the guy was guilty and the defense attorney kept saying, "Now remember this isn't CSI.  We don't have any footage of the actual act happening, no fingerprint data or footage tape.  There is no evidence."  I was like, dude, the police responded to a 911 call to find him fleeing the victim's house with the knife after he tied her up.  What more do you want?  

    I had a teacher once who was dismissed because it was a statutory rape case and she was the teacher at an all girls school.  They felt she would be biased.  

  • My dad got chosen for jury duty once. As things were about to get started, he just sat there shaking his head. Someone asked him why, and he said "well obviously if this guy has gotten this far in the process, he must be guilty." Dismissed.

  • My happy ass had to get up over an hour early because FI's car wouldnt start and I had to take him to the bus stop. WOO.. three weeks before the wedding..just great. I know its not his fault, but I am frustrated and now exhausted on top of it. 
  • @blabla89‌, I definitely hope you don't need a biopsy. And lady doc time is no fun, indeed!
    @wandajune6, wow!  I hope I don't have to do that!  As I said, I do. It believe in the death penalty, so I don't think I would get picked in that circumstance, anyway.  
    They never asked questions about our feelings on the death penalty. We also didn't find out that it was a death penalty case until after we returned our verdict, though that might be in part because they had already taken it off the table for reasons I don't remember.

    I've gone to jury duty so many times without even getting interviewed for a jury that it never occurred to me that I'd make it on to one. My dad always got traffic cases- much better than a woman beating her toddler to death.

    We got very lucky about one thing though- the judge spent a lot of time with us afterwards, giving us a lot more information on the context. It was interesting and made us all feel better about the experience. Plus, they did something that I understand now to be pretty rare- they offered us free counseling if we needed it.

    Jury duty is definitely awful but it was a true eye opener and learning experience for me.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Fi has jury duty scheduled in a few weeks.  I think they said one of the upcoming trials could be sixty days.  60.  We have had some pretty terrible/ high profile murders around here lately and I really hope Fi isn't chosen for one of those.

    But he's really excited about it.  I'm pretty sure his work will still pay him, and he just thinks it would be a really interesting thing to do.

    I'll probably never get chosen now that I'll be a lawyer.  I don't think a lawyer would ever want another lawyer on their jury.  Especially because my firm does some white-collar defense work, too.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I have this irrational fear that I am going to get summoned for jury duty and it will be during my honeymoon. Does anyone know how much notice they give?


    I got summoned once 2 months after I turned 18. Because there are so many poice officers in my family, they released me right away.

    I got my notice about 2 weeks ago, and I could have rescheduled it up to 3 times in a 6 month period, but I think that depends on your county. I'm waiting now to go into the courtroom. I feel like shit and just want to go home and sleep. Ugh.
  • I would love to get picked for jury duty! I served on a Grand Jury like 6 years ago and it was an awesome experience.Not awesome because of all the crimes committed, I just found it to be an educational and informative experience, and it was fascinating to me to be a part of it. We basically listened to many different cases in a 2 week period. One in particular that sticks out in my head was a guy who stabbed his brother for eating his microwave mac and cheese. I kid you not.

    We did have to listen to some tough cases involving spousal abuse, and one case that spanned over a few days involving child abuse. That one was very hard to sit through, as we had to watch video testimony from the kids involved. It was extremely sad.


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