Knottie Tech Help

Guest List Manager Frustration

I consider myself pretty techy, but can't figure it out.

I downloaded the template. Filled in First Name, Last Name, address etc.

Where and how do I put how many guests they are allowed to bring? How does that show up when they RSVP and can they enter the names at that time?

I also want them to be able to tell me if they are out of town guests and which hotels they are staying at and have them enter that when they RSVP, then have that populate in the Guest List Manager and be able to export the list to give to my planner so they can deliver gift bags.

I have spent two hours trying to figure this out and it is driving me to drink. :) Any help you can give me, I would appreciate it. If it makes a difference, I purchased my own domain from you (not sure if that limits anything)

Re: Guest List Manager Frustration

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    Hi There,

    The guestlist manager is only set up to deliver the information provided on the template. Please make sure when you're attempting to upload it you do not alter any of the headers or it will not work. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.

    If you have anymore questions please let me know.

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    valkayevalkaye member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment
    edited September 2014

    But I don't know their guests at this point, I want them to be able to enter the guests name when they RSVP, this is not possible? I have already printed my website address on all of my invites, if I can't get this info on the website in the RSVP portion, then it does me little good and I will need to reorder my invites and move my site elsewhere, I really do not want to do this.

    I don't even see where I can put in how many people I am inviting under one name.

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