My mom lives about 2 hours away from me, and I had invited her to go dress shopping with me, my sister (MOH), step- mom, and step sister. She first asked who was going and this is where it get a little messy....
Back story : My mom and dad got divorced when I was 3 and didn't see her again until I was 15. Needless to say, the relationship with our mother has been rocky. The divorce was bad. My dad had to track us down after she kidnapped us and ran away with another dude.My sister is 4 years older than me so she remembers more than I do.
My mom moved up to Michigan to live with my sister and start over again after her 2nd divorce. It didn't end up so well, if fact the last things they said to each other was to go to hell and die basically.
Here's the problem: My mom said she would come, she just didn't want to feel blind sided and surprised by my sister being there. Well she will be there, because she is my sister and MOH. She said okay, that she will still come. So after that I tell her that we will most likely go out for lunch after the appt. and she says that she can't afford it, and that she cant even really afford to come. I tell her that if it is not in her budget to come, that I will understand. I said I did want her there, but I understand if she can't make it. (this was over a fb message) Then I just get back a "wow".
I think I offended her, somehow. Also, she missed my baby shower a year and a half ago because she didn't want to be in the same room as my sister. Throughout my relationship with my mom, she has been nothing but selfish and if you don't agree with her on anything, she is kind of horrible. She is my mom and I always dreamed about having a relationship with her that was good. What did she expect me to say after that? I don't know, this is more of a vent...thanks for reading and any advice you may have
Edited because I typed too fast, too may typos...