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Thursday Confessions


Re: Thursday Confessions

  • I missed this yesterday too. I had been sick with an awful cold for days so I wasn't even going online, just laying around being miserable.

    II: When driver stalk you in the parking lot for your spot even when there are plenty of others, they just want the closet one
    Confession: I'm a total bitch. When I know people are waiting for me to pull out of my spot and there are other ones I just sit in my car until they drive way. 

    @lmcooper86 I confess the same thing about my FI. I thought he was going to start working out again when it got closer to the wedding but no such luck. To be fair he is working more to save money but I just want him to get in better shape! I've realized I've been a little too blunt about it so I'm trying to keep my mouth shut now.

    Confession: I stress myself out way too much over this wedding. How much it's costing, how much I now think I'm inconveniencing people by having the wedding and hour + away for most guests, the hotel is about 20 mins from the venue and I really can't afford a shuttle for 150+ people and I'm thinking of this all now and feeling awful. 

  • lavenderfields13 I do the same thing! I hate when people sit and wait for a parking spot, especially when I'm food shopping.  If I see someone waiting I will load my car slower and maybe apply some makeup or do my hair... really anything to make them wait even longer. 
  • Ok I'm going to commit the sin of double-posting:

    Confession: This eating-healthy thing has me feeling so deprived. I've been a junk food junkie and everywhere I look there are ads for pizza and fast food and I think I would sell my soul for a guilt-free cheeseburger.
  • @KeptInStitches - The key is moderation! Don't keep yourself from it completely, and I will tell you why.

    I realized today when someone brought in pumpkin spice cookies with cream cheese icing, that I have convinced myself to not have even "just one" cookie for a year or something now! I mean, I weigh the least I have since before college, but I miss cookies. And cake. And the occasional donut. And chocolate. And I really don't know how I'm going to convince myself to eat any sweets now that I've gotten so used to turning them down. Does that make ANY sense?

    Confession: There is a hole in my heart that needs a cookie to fill it. Dreyer's popsicles just aren't enough anymore.

    Confession: I thought about grabbing a cookie just now, but couldn't do it. I know I will be consuming alcohol calories later, and for some reason my brain makes me feel like one cookie is going to make the difference between feeling a little bloated tomorrow and becoming ENORMOUS.

  • @AlPacina I'm stuck in that thought process too. Unfortunately, it's what leads me to binge eating candy every now and then. I really need to work on a better system of moderation... 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Saturday morning confession: I definitely read too much into my symptoms for this first round of TTC and got overly excited about them. Unfortunately, the puking was due to a stomach bug and not for a southernpeach baby. I don't think I'm going to get paragraphs. Confession: I'm scared to join TB....but I enjoy reading the forums. I'm such a luker over there lol.
  • @southernpeach89 - TB is a scary place. Some of those moms are crazy intense! Also, boo for no southernpeach baby! It's only round one though :)

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