Attire & Accessories Forum

I'm having second thoughts about my wedding dress

I purchased my wedding dress in December of 2013 and my wedding date is October 17th, 2015. I fell in love and when I was told that buying your dress so far ahead was pretty normal I didn't think twice and I ordered it. I should also mention that I'm getting married in florida and I live in New Jersey. My dress was ready to be picked up in April, so my mom picked it up and I didn't get to try it on until June because of it being in florida. I almost feel like I'm having cold feet about the dress I purchased. I don't know if it's because I can only look at pictures of myself in it and I can't see it in person all the time. Is this normal to feel this way about a wedding dress? Please tell me I'm not the only one? I was also thinking of getting my bridesmaids together and bringing me to the store that has my dress and try it on for them. It's almost like I need to be reassured and I feel like a terrible person because of that. PLEASE HELP!!!!!

Re: I'm having second thoughts about my wedding dress

  • I had second thoughts about my wedding dress beginning 5 minutes after I walked out of the shop. For the next couple weeks I sulked and cried and researched other dresses. In the end I stuck with the one I bought because I couldn't return it and I couldn't afford another one. When the time came to finally get fitted and I was able to wear it again, all my regrets vanished and I fell in-love all over again. Now, I LOVE looking at my wedding pictures and am very happy about my choice. It's a difficult decision becuase there are so many beautiful dresses out there. Just trust yourself and your instinct when you bought it. 
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  • I purchased my wedding dress in December of 2013 and my wedding date is October 17th, 2015. I fell in love and when I was told that buying your dress so far ahead was pretty normal I didn't think twice and I ordered it. I should also mention that I'm getting married in florida and I live in New Jersey. My dress was ready to be picked up in April, so my mom picked it up and I didn't get to try it on until June because of it being in florida. I almost feel like I'm having cold feet about the dress I purchased. I don't know if it's because I can only look at pictures of myself in it and I can't see it in person all the time. Is this normal to feel this way about a wedding dress? Please tell me I'm not the only one? I was also thinking of getting my bridesmaids together and bringing me to the store that has my dress and try it on for them. It's almost like I need to be reassured and I feel like a terrible person because of that. PLEASE HELP!!!!!
    I would say every fifth post or so on Attire and Accessories is about dress regret. It's pretty normal. I think it mostly happens when people order their dress super early in the process (as you did - almost 2 years before your wedding). 

    I think you should find a salon that has it and go try it on again and remember why you fell in love with it. Don't bring your friends. It needs to be YOUR opinion and ideas that make the choice.

  • Thank you for the feedback and now that I think about getting it fitted and the look on my fiancé's face gets me excited about it again. I am going to find a salon that has my dress and try it on again alone, I have a feeling the instant I see myself in it I will fall back in love and warm my cold feet.
  • I'm sure everything will be fine! Please post pictures too! I think a good way to handle cold feet is think about all the things you love about your dress. Then maybe the bad things too and think about if those bad quailities can be changed or not.
  • I had second thoughts after my first fitting. And honestly, it went away not long after. By my wedding day, I was in love with the dress again. I had picked it for a reason. 
  • Dress regret is completely normal, especially when you buy your dress so early. I purchased mine in June for my October 2015 wedding, and I had dress regret almost immediately. It's so hard to not look at dresses when they're everywhere. I was researching things like caterers and I was seeing gorgeous dresses, go figure. I posted about it on here, and the girls who responded were amazing. They convinced me to stick with the dress because it looked good and I had chosen it for a reason. Long story short, my dress came in a few weeks ago and I'm in love. It's so hard to know what it's truly going to look like when you're trying on a sample. But odds are that once it's fitted to your body, you're going to be in love all over again.
  • Dress regret is very normal. I think if you could see it regularly in your closet it possibly would be reassuring. I have mine in the guest bedroom closet and seem to put it on at least once a week. Because... reasons. 

    I have noticed lately that google knows too much about me. It knows that I am getting married - for a while I was looking at wedding dresses online, now that I have my dress I am not actively looking at wedding dresses, but pictures still pop up on my browser as advertisements. I looked up a picture of a friend's wedding dress and now that dress keeps coming up, which is funny, because it is what she wants but not something I would ever buy for myself. 

    So it is hard to get away from looking at dresses when there is all this not so subtle marketing going on. But do try to stop looking -- maybe start googling wedding shoes so that you get different ads :) Try your dress on again, I bet you will love it. I think it's really easy to see pictures of beautiful brides/models in their full hair and makeup and not wonder if your dress is the right one but ultimately you liked the way your dress looked ON YOU, and that's what's important. 
  • ClimbingBrideNY, you look fantastic and amazing in your dress. You definitely made the right choice. 
  • It is very normal to have secong thought of wedding dress!I often have second thought just after I bought it.
  • AddieCakeAddieCake member
    10000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited October 2014
    It's quite normal. The feeling like a terrible person part isn't. That really confuses me. You feel like a terrible person because you think you don't like your dress after all and want some reassurance? How on earth does that make someone a terrible person?
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Thank you everyone for the feedback. I scheduled an appointment at my local salon and will be trying on the dress again. I had my mom send me the pictures she has of me in the dress and I am feeling a whole lot better about it and just knowing I'm not the only one who felt like this. @AddieCake‌ I felt like a terrible person because my parents purchased a dress for me that I thought I didn't love anymore. @bekt14‌ @ClimbingBrideNY‌ @Knottie01055312‌, Ladies you look absolutely beautiful and you definitely made the right choice, gorgeous!!!!
  • I bought my dress two years early and regretted it. In my case, I just got caught up in the moment and bought a dress the first time I went shopping. It was pretty but I was way too consumed with regret. I ended up selling it to someone online and buying a new dress.

    Part of my final decision was also that our location changed and the dress I purchased no longer fit the picture in my mind of the wedding in our new location.

    Either way, second thoughts are normal. GL! :)

  • I'm having second thoughts on the color of my dress because it doesn't really go with the jewelry I had in mind, but too late now! 
  • Dress regret is totally normal -- I go through it every now and then, but I have to remind myself of the feeling I felt when I tried on the dress I bought... how much I loved it and everything that made me say "yes" to the dress. 

    Don't look at other dresses.... just get excited for the one you bought!
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