Knottie Tech Help

Can't change date anywhere???

Hey - I am having the most frustrating time figuring out what I'm missing.

I've just created an account on the knot as a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding. I was hoping to make use of the planner to help create a timeline. But I can NOT figure out how to change the date! I have googled and read every option I could find, but none of the things it says I'm looking for appear to exist. Editing my profile only allows me to change the colors and theme - it doesn't even have the option of putting in a date. One yahoo thread said to click the calendar - I see no calendar anywhere on my page. I have look in my account, my knot, and my profile. I just can't find a field for it anywhere, and I'm getting really fed up. Can someone give me detailed instructions for where I can update the wedding date? Talk about wit's end...

Re: Can't change date anywhere???

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    Hi there,

    You may have already tried this but before I forward this to tech (in case there's a separate issue), on the top right hand corner of the site should be your username. If you hover over that a drop down appears. Select "My Account" and under the first section there should be a line that says "Wedding Date." Please see the screen shots below. 

    If you're still having issues please let me know and I will investigate this issue further.

    Thank you!
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