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wednesday come and chat thread


Re: wednesday come and chat thread

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    @lavenderfields13 - I am pretty pissed. I just sent an e-mail to the manager (I couldn't find a number) so hopefully I'll either be able to end the personal training all together or at least switch trainers.

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    @CocoBellaF - Aww that's so cute! A friend of mine did the same thing to her now-H when he proposed, she thought he was joking and told him he wasn't funny.

    @TwoDimes - PUPPY! Did the breeder send any pictures or details about the number of pups? Or just letting you know that the first litter was born?

    @buddysmom80 - WOW your wedding is so close! How's everything going?

    @eilis1228 - Oh I feel so bad for you!! I'm glad you had a successful venue visit though :) hopefully a no talking day will help your mouth heal up and you'll be better tomorrow. Hugs!

    And yeah, just put the names of the people invited, don't mention anything abut the kids. We have some friends and family with small children but we're just inviting the grown ups; our parents also know that we aren't inviting kids, so that should help spread the word if necessary. I thought about doing the babysitter thing, but my mom brought up potential liability issues, plus it's a whole other thing to organize. And some parents won't want to leave their kid with someone they don't know.

    @bethsmiles - I would be really peeved about that too. I second talking to a manager; is there someone who's supposed to be directly in charge of the personal trainers? If not the gym's manager should be able to help you out.




    Wedding Countdown Ticker

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    @Imcooper86 - I know there is someone in charge of the personal trainers specifically but I can't remember his name and I couldn't find that information on their website. But I did contact the manager and asked to be allowed out of my contract or to switch trainers. I'm very frustrated. Honestly, I don't feel like these sessions are worth what I'm paying for them so I'd rather just stop with the personal trainer altogether. 

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    @AuroraRose41 - Driving big trucks is so scary for me! I can never really tell if I'm in the middle of the lane or not. How is your dad's recovery going? I'm guessing well, since he's in truck-buying mode! Any more worries about his arm?

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    I'm stressed ladies.

    We had a big company-wide meeting yesterday where management basically said there would be "many" people laid off and they expect everyone to know their personal outcome by the end of next week.

    I've been wanting them to hurry up and get it done with...but now that it's actually NEXT WEEK, I have to admit my confidence is shaken. I'm 14 weeks pregnant, there's no way we can live on H's salary alone and the environment around the office stinks. I was so exhausted last night from everything I actually went to bed at 8pm and slept through the night...yet somehow i'm still exhausted today. This whole thing is emotionally draining.

    I don't want to be at the office today, and it's pretty demotivating to not know if you're going to still be working here next week. I just want to go home and go back to bed...

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    CLoGreenEyesCLoGreenEyes member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment Name Dropper
    edited October 2014

    @CocoBellaF, yay for your proposal-versary! I hope you guys have yummy treats later to celebrate. :)

    @AlPacina, I'm having serious potluck envy! I don't even like pumpkin and I want to sample that milkshake!

    @eilis1228, I'm so sorry your mouth is still feeling yucky! :( I hope you can have real foods soon and can function without too much trouble, that is NO FUN.

    @bethsmiles, yuck, that stinks that your trainer is giving you the go-around. I could *almost* understand about missing each other once today, but if you have a routine AND she constantly reschedules, it sounds like she really just doesn't give a damn. And that is unprofessional. Ugh. I hope they will let you out of your contract or set you up with someone more responsive.

    This morning is just kind of yucky for me! I've been way overdoing it lately. Yesterday was my trek all over Maryland to go to an ophthalmologist who actually takes my insurance. (FYI, I spelled ophthalmologist right on the first try! Yay me!) After that my friend and I did our paint night thing. We had a great time (although my painting looks like a really fun Halloween-themed acid trip, lol), and afterward we had a late dinner at Denny's and then went to my house and talked for a while. I think my brother has a little crush on my friend, which is cute. :) I am undecided about fixing them up, though.

    I met up with a guy friend for coffee this morning (I can guarantee that he did NOT expect it to turn into a date, lol), so that was nice. Now I'm at home. I'm supposed to be getting things ready for my dad's birthday tomorrow, but I suuuuuuuuuck at birthdays. I can never figure out what to get him, especially since his hobbies are super expensive. So I will bake a cake and take him and my brothers out to dinner tomorrow, but all I really have are a couple gift cards for him at this point. The only other thing he mentioned wanting was this really expensive cymbal (he's a drummer). I might pull that off for Christmas, but it's not going to happen for his birthday. =/

    I reeeeeaaaally need to cook something and work out. I have eaten nothing but utter crap for the past two days, and I'm really starting to feel it. I just want to lay in my bed!

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    @allusive007 - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! Dealing with the unknown can be even more stressful than actually finding out bad news sometimes. 

    My personal trainer decided to call me a liar so I went from annoyed/pissed to furious. After taking a second to calm down (I was so mad I was crying) I just called the front desk lucked out because the manager was there. So I spoke to the manager. I'm switching to a new trainer who should call me today or tomorrow to set things up with her. I refuse to work with someone who would be so unprofessional.

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    @BethSmiles - I think you did the right thing with switching trainers. It's one thing to cancel or switch an appointment (most people can understand that), but to call someone a liar!?! That is completely unprofessional. I wouldn't be able to work with her anymore either. I'd be so pissed!
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    @allusive007, I'm so sorry you're under that stress! *Hug* I can imagine it would not be easy to get things done when you don't know what's going to happen. I hope they will end the suspense soon, and I'm hoping and praying for the very best outcome for you! <3
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    @bethsmiles, your FORMER trainer sounds like a complete maniac. I'm glad they were able to switch you to someone else. I hope you have a much better experience this time around!
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    @CLoGreenEyes - The new person is one the manager said would be the best fit for me originally (I'm not sure what happened so that I got set-up with the horrible one) so I'm hoping for a much better experience! I probably could have gotten over today's incident had I not been called a liar, that is just so unprofessional and inappropriate. 

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    @allusive007 I know the feeling, but just focus on getting work done.  Until you know it is really all you can do.  Also distract yourself with baby things so you can focus on keeping the baby healthy.  And I think you need chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate.

    @bethsmiles I'm glad you were able to switch, hopefully the new trainer is actually a professional. 
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    @allusive007 I'm so sorry you are stressed.  Keeping my fingers crossed you get to stay at your job.


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    @allusive007 HUGS! I hope everything goes well. 

    @AlPacina, I learned how to drive on his former truck, and that definitely was not a small truck, so I am pretty comfortable driving large trucks. BF actually noticed that I am a better driver behind the wheel of a large vehicle when we had a Tahoe as a rental while my car was in the shop in May. I feel more comfortable because I can see everything. I have just never driven one where the back is wider than the front of the truck! 

    And thanks for asking about my dad! As far as I know, he is doing slightly better. I think buying the truck was a way for him to forget about the pain for a little while and have something to be excited about. 

    How is your dad doing? I remember you saying that he had heart problems. 

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    @eilis1228 Yeah, another vote to just address invitations to whoever is invited, and don't mention kids. People will get the hint.

    @bethsmiles Eek. I'm glad that you have a new personal trainer now! That's just absolutely absurd.

    @allusive007 *hugs* Ugh, it's awful not knowing what will happen. I'm so sorry.

    I'm pretty stressed today, mostly because I've been dealing with a lot of irritating student situations (I posted preliminary participation grades and getting a lot of, "But I participate ALL THE TIME!").

    I'm frustrated with J's wedding suit situation. He bought two suits over a year ago from Jos A Bank, and had both of them tailored by the store. He waited until two weeks ago to try on the suit for the wedding. Not only did they tailor the jacket too small, but they also got some kind of schmutz on the shoulder.

    J does not want to bring it back to the store to be taken out. The last time he was there, buying a shirt and a belt, the sales associate was very unprofessional: she kept giggling non-stop (and said, "It's nothing," every time he asked what was so funny). He feels like if he brings it to get tailored, they'll intentionally ruin the suit because he complained.

    He looked up local tailors: one place will have it done very quickly but has TERRIBLE reviews. Another place has great reviews, but apparently the guy wants him to meet him in a bathroom at Papa Gino's. I am not making this up.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
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    @phira wait what, a bathroom?!! Try your local dry cleaners, they usually have a tailor on site. 
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    @speakeasy14 That's what I told him. It needs to be dry cleaned anyway because of the weird stuff on the shoulder. But like, a bathroom? NO. 
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
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    @allusive007 I hope everything works out, you don't need any added stress right now. Not knowing and having to wait is awful.

    @phira, WTF that is super sketchy about the Papa Ginos' bathroom. Now I want pizza.
    but anyways- that sounds like something my FI would do- never try the damn thing on and wait until the last minute

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    @Phira - My students always get upset when I post participation grades as well. Sometimes I feel like I must not be in the same room as them because certainly they don't think sitting in the back and saying nothing all semester or only adding irrelevant/annoying comments to the discuss really counts as participating. 

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    Hello ladies!  I'm late to the party today...

    @CocoBellaF - That is an awesome proposal story!  The butterfly garden is one of my favorite places at the zoo.

    @bethsmiles - I am so sorry you got set up with such an awful trainer the first time, and I hope that this one goes so much better!  This is a person who is supposed to be helping you with one of the most important parts of your life--your health--and they need not to be an idiot.

    @allusive007 - Oh no...definitely thinking about you.  And keeping my fingers crossed that you don't have anything to worry about.

    @phira - I've just quit giving participation grades.  I'll do in-class assignments sometimes that count for participation points, but I found I just couldn't keep up with who talks in class and how much they do it.


    Today is much better than the last couple of days (thank goodness!).  I found out last night that the insurance is going to pay in full for the major repairs that need to be done to my roof and the interior damage that's been caused by water getting in because of the roof damage...I just have to pay the deductible.  That is a HUGE load off of my mind and I'm looking forward to getting the work started soon.

    Then, this morning, Mr. H and I got to talk, because he got some unexpected downtime and was able to text me all morning!  I had told him how upset I was after we got off the phone the other night, and he was worried, so we were able to talk some things through...the ultimate conclusion of which is that he's really serious about trying to find a new job, preferably a teaching post.  The man belongs in a classroom, and so I was REALLY excited to hear him say this.  Thoughts and prayers that this works out, please!  If he manages to get a new job, we can do things like...have a timeline again!

    The only bad parts about today are that I'm feeling pretty puny...the start of a cold, or maybe allergies.  I'm going to take a nap and hopefully will feel better by the time I need to go to ballet tonight.
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    @futuremrshistorian - we were able to find a contractor for our roof that somehow worked it out where we didn't pay for the deductible out of pocket.  you should ask around about that!
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    futuremrshistorian Yay for double good news!! I hope he finds a new job asap!! And yay for the insurance fixing the roof!!
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    @CocoBellaF - The contractor said he'd work with me so I'm paying as little out of pocket as possible.  He's been great to work with so far, so I'm sure we'll work something out.

    @speakeasy14 - Yes, YAY is how I feel!  A new teaching job probably wouldn't materialize until next fall...the hiring process in academia is slow and new jobs usually start at new school years...but that's okay.  I'm doing my part and doing a ton of job searches for positions that he could apply for--he doesn't have all that much free time.
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    @bethsmiles Right? I've got students who barely participate, and they want to know why their grade is so low. Plus, this is an advanced course, and expectations are super high. They know this. We told them. More than once.

    I don't give participation credit for people who only participate by asking, "Can you repeat that?" or something similar.

    @futuremrshistorian I wouldn't bother, but it's a required part of their grade (and I didn't design the course). I'm quite good at recording participation, though; I know everyone's names and when someone participates, I put a check next to their name.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
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    @Phira - I have so many students who seems to think their side-conversations count as participation! No, it's basically negative participation. I'm especially annoyed with my students right now because I gave them an entire class period to work on their group projects and one of the groups informed me they had nothing more to work on after 10 minutes. Don't bitch about group projects if you won't take the time I give you in class to work on them. I fully expect that group to do poorly now.

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    @TwoDimes - you never know, females tend to be less popular than males.  When I met with Nessie's breeder, she invited me to her home (which I knew to be a test to see how I'd interact with the dogs and get to know me better as she's pretty picky about who she adopts to).  So I met her adults got slobbered on and tackled and loved every second - so she let me meet the puppies.  She had 12 puppies there that I got to play with.  While we were there she took a phone call which I heard her say that she did have somebody back out but we were up on the wait list and there were 3 after us so she didn't think she'd have a puppy out of the litter, but she said it was the 'teal girl on the webpage' that was in the process of getting placed.  When she walked away I told H and he gave me a dirty look for listening in, but we knew which puppy to target with our play session.

    @Phira - A bathroom?  That's crazy!!  I agree with checking with cleaners, I know the cleaner that picks up/drops off at my work does alterations and they're going to clean and preserve my wedding gown :-) .

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    @bethsmiles 10 minutes and they're done? Please let me know what happens because ahahahahaha no.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
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    @Phira - Right?! I just looked at them and said well the entire class period is for your group to prepare and they told me they needed to do work individually - which apparently they couldn't do in class. Honestly, that group is made up of most of my least favorite students because of their attitude in class and I'm not surprised they are putting forth so little effort.

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