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NWR (maybe TMI...?) - Does your SO know your number?


Re: NWR (maybe TMI...?) - Does your SO know your number?

  • I have never asked. I have a general idea of his because he had several long term relationships before me and isn't really the type to jump into bed with girls super quickly, so I think it is low-ish.

    Mine is high to average in my friend group.

    Also, H and I met when he was in his 30s, I was in my late 20s. I feel like I had the numbers talk with guys when I was younger, but not so much anymore.
  • We've never talked about it. If we really wanted to figure it out, I'm sure we could, we have a general idea of each other's dating history. But neither of us gives a shit. We both got tested early in our relationship for STIs and that's all either one of us cared about. 
  • I don't know DH's and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know mine. I can bet that we are about equal/close because when he talks about his Navy days and I talk about my college days, we were in the same mindset. (Basically, stay safe and use BC, otherwise no harm no foul.) And then after we both had pretty even number of serious relationships. It does not even matter, WE as a collective, now, together matters.

    I never thought of college or anytime for that matter, as me going through a slut stage, mainly because I disagree with the concept that someone's number should define them. Plus I figured why should guys have all the fun. Some friends used to refer to that as my slut stage and they are no longer friends anymore. Funny that they would eventually say they wish they had been more like me in college.
  • We got drunk one night and for some reason each counted our number up. I think mine was higher. And then because we're both bi we decided to break it down into how many of each gender...I've slept with more girls then he has and he's slept with more guys then I have, each of us by 1. 

    We've been trying to figure out if there was any overlap between us at any point. We already know he slept with one of my best friend's ex boyfriends right after they broke up. There are 4 million people where we live and somehow it's still a small town.

    Never bothered either of us to know we've been with other people. Hell we fucked the first night we met each other. It's not exactly like we went into this thing with our virginity intact. 
  • LOL I'm happier with H knowing my sexual number than my weight right now. 
    I hedged for weeks to not tell FI (then BF) my actual weight. I would have total him my number in a snap to get out of that conversation. Weight is a number I never want to discuss.
  • larrygaga said:
    We are each other's number.

    This is a cute way to put this. And ditto it, except not yet, quite.

    My original thought on the thread title was a commentary on the digital age and whether or not your SO actually knows your phone number... which was important last weekend when I had left my phone at home and he failed to meet me somewhere and I wanted to check in with him to be sure he was okay. But I figured out what it actually meant before I decided to open the thread :)

  • larrygaga said:
    We are each other's number.

    This is a cute way to put this. And ditto it, except not yet, quite.

    My original thought on the thread title was a commentary on the digital age and whether or not your SO actually knows your phone number... which was important last weekend when I had left my phone at home and he failed to meet me somewhere and I wanted to check in with him to be sure he was okay. But I figured out what it actually meant before I decided to open the thread :)

    This was also my original thought. I was surprised when I opened the thread though.

  • larrygaga said:
    We are each other's number.

    This is a cute way to put this. And ditto it, except not yet, quite.

    My original thought on the thread title was a commentary on the digital age and whether or not your SO actually knows your phone number... which was important last weekend when I had left my phone at home and he failed to meet me somewhere and I wanted to check in with him to be sure he was okay. But I figured out what it actually meant before I decided to open the thread :)

    hahah I'm an accountant with an insane memory for numbers, so I know DH's (and most of my friends', and their parents' land lines from middle school...) but he does not know mine.



  • larrygaga said:
    We are each other's number.

    This is a cute way to put this. And ditto it, except not yet, quite.

    My original thought on the thread title was a commentary on the digital age and whether or not your SO actually knows your phone number... which was important last weekend when I had left my phone at home and he failed to meet me somewhere and I wanted to check in with him to be sure he was okay. But I figured out what it actually meant before I decided to open the thread :)

    Ditto.  I was embarassed how bad I was at remembering DH's phone number, and I was proud of myself for being able to call him from memory when I was recovering from surgery and still on pain meds at the hospital after my surgery. 
  • larrygaga said:
    We are each other's number.
    I think this is awesome, and actually wish it was the case for me & H.
  • FI knows my number (which is exponentially larger than his -- he married his high school sweetheart then met me after they divorced) and I'm fairly certain he's already forgotten it. He doesn't care, definitely not the jealous type. Now one of my exes, his number was about +10 mine and *I* was the ho. 

    Yeah, deuces buddy. 

  • larrygagalarrygaga member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited October 2014
    larrygaga said:
    We are each other's number.

    This is a cute way to put this. And ditto it, except not yet, quite.

    My original thought on the thread title was a commentary on the digital age and whether or not your SO actually knows your phone number... which was important last weekend when I had left my phone at home and he failed to meet me somewhere and I wanted to check in with him to be sure he was okay. But I figured out what it actually meant before I decided to open the thread :)

    I thought that too, and I don't know his phone number. He has a new one. He knows mine since I've had the same one for like 8 years. I only remember my mom's at this point in my life. I remember the days when I could rattle off like 40 numbers
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  • JennyColadaJennyColada member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Third Anniversary First Answer
    edited October 2014
    I asked DH and he told me, so at one point I know his, but it's so unimportant to me that I forgot.

    He's never asked for my number, and if he did I'd tell him honestly. He does know that I've been with a lot of people though, and that I have no STDs (Not even HSV! Which I find kind of surprising given my vast partner history!), and that's really all that he cares about.
  • larrygaga said:
    We are each other's number.
    I think this is awesome, and actually wish it was the case for me & H.
    Ditto Guacamole.  Fi is "my number" but he was with one person before me.  He's told me many times he regrets that because she wasn't even a girlfriend-- he was just a 17 year old boy who really wanted to lose his virginity.  Oh well.  I wish we were each other's only, but it's not a big deal.

    It came up in our safe sex talk back in high school. So we've known since early in the relationship.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • He was a virgin when we started dating, and I.. was not. He's never cared; our lives before each other were our own.
  • I don't even know my number. Before I got clean I had some blurry years.
  • FI knows mine. I don't know his, nor do I care to, but mine is kind of relevant to our sex life. I've got a lot of insecurity related to my inexperience. We spend a good bit of time... getting me experience... :D
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  • LadyMillilLadyMillil member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its Third Anniversary First Answer
    edited October 2014
    I asked DH and he told me, so at one point I know his, but it's so unimportant to me that I forgot.

    He's never asked for my number, and if he did I'd tell him honestly. He does know that I've been with a lot of people though, and that I have no STDs (Not even HSV! Which I find kind of surprising given my vast partner history!), and that's really all that he cares about.
    Public Service Announcement - A lot of people don't know that HSV can be asymptomatic. This means that you have the virus and are capable of spreading it to others but you've never displayed any symptoms of infection. You can get HSV from a person who has no symptoms of infection even when using condoms. Asymptomatic HSV infection is a huge co-factor in my STI research.

    ETA: I don't mean to imply you (general you) have HSV, just sharing the information

  • BrandNewJBrandNewJ member
    250 Love Its 100 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited October 2014
    We talked about numbers a couple months in. I'm double his. He didn't care at all, which is nice. I was quite the partier before I met him. The past is the past for a reason. He's the only number that matters.

    ETA: autocorrect
  • I don't know my number. He never asked and I never even thought of asking H. Doesn't matter.
  • @ladymillil I've never heard of it the same as HPV?



  • DH and I met and got married in our late 30's.   Topic never came up.  We both assumed the other had a "past"

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • jenna8984 said:

    @ladymillil I've never heard of it the same as HPV?

    hsv is herpes
  • Not specifically but we both know our numbers are very low.  I swore off of relationships for most of my 20's and early 30's and H started dating his ex-wife just after he graduated from high school and they were together for 18 years.  
  • lc07 said:
    @ladymillil I've never heard of it the same as HPV?
    hsv is herpes
    HPV (human papilloma virus) infects cells of the cervix. A lot of the HPVs cause small "bumps" on the cervix that are non-cancerous and clear up by themselves, so unless you have an active HPV infection during a gyno visit you usually have no idea that you have or have had HPV. However, some types of HPV cause cervical cancer. Until you get a pap smear it is unlikely you will know about pre-cancerous or cancerous HPV.

    HSV is herpes simplex virus (herpes). HSV type 1 generally causes cold sores and HSV type 2 generally causes genital herpes. However, oral sex can lead to HSV1 of the genitals or HSV2 of the mouth. Like I said above, HSV infection does not always lead to symptoms, and you don't need to display symptoms to be able to transmit the virus to others. Once you are infected with HSV, you have the virus for the rest of your life. HSV can hide in your nerves and occasionally cause symptomatic or asymptomatic herpes outbreaks. Similar to chickenpox leading to shingles.

  • Yup, we know each other's numbers and we discussed it fairly early.  We dated casually for about two months before he asked me to be exclusive.  He did that by proposing a game of questions (truth or dare without the dare options).  Questions ranged from 'what's your number?' to 'what's your biggest regret in life?' and everything in between.  And the last question he asked was, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

    I really loved his approach because we covered a lot of serious topics that night so we got to know each other better on a much deeper level.  It was a good plan!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    larrygaga said:
    We are each other's number.
    I think this is awesome, and actually wish it was the case for me & H.
    Ditto Guacamole.  Fi is "my number" but he was with one person before me.  He's told me many times he regrets that because she wasn't even a girlfriend-- he was just a 17 year old boy who really wanted to lose his virginity.  Oh well.  I wish we were each other's only, but it's not a big deal.

    It came up in our safe sex talk back in high school. So we've known since early in the relationship.
    This is the exact situation for me and FI. He is my first and only but he was with one girl before me. He met her, had sex with her, and never talked to her again all in one weekend. He said he regrets it and wishes we were eachother's firsts.

  • SO is my only.  He's had a few girlfriends and one night stands, but his number is still relatively conservative.  

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