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NWR (maybe TMI...?) - Does your SO know your number?


Re: NWR (maybe TMI...?) - Does your SO know your number?

  • I agree. My first relationship was actually a really good one and I learned a lot about myself and what I want in a relationship with the boyfriends I had before H. H is also my first boyfriend's friend, so I likely would never have met him without that relationship. I just asked H if he wished he had lost his virginity to me. He goes, "I dunno. What kind of loaded question is that?". Lol
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • Nah. We both have reasonably adventurous pasts but no one ended up infected or pregnant at any point, so it is irrelevant to both of us. We both know about the significant exes (and know most of each other's personally) and that's as much depth as we need. I am honestly not even curious.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • I asked DH and he told me, so at one point I know his, but it's so unimportant to me that I forgot.

    He's never asked for my number, and if he did I'd tell him honestly. He does know that I've been with a lot of people though, and that I have no STDs (Not even HSV! Which I find kind of surprising given my vast partner history!), and that's really all that he cares about.

    Public Service Announcement - A lot of people don't know that HSV can be asymptomatic. This means that you have the virus and are capable of spreading it to others but you've never displayed any symptoms of infection. You can get HSV from a person who has no symptoms of infection even when using condoms. Asymptomatic HSV infection is a huge co-factor in my STI research.

    ETA: I don't mean to imply you (general you) have HSV, just sharing the information

    This is certainly true.

    But blood tests ftw. :)

    I love seeing all those "non-reactive"s. :)
  • I lost count awhile ago.

    H and I have never discussed it. I'm pretty sure my number is quite a bit higher than his. He gets oddly upset when I talk about past relationships (he claims this is because he doesn't like the way previous bfs have treated me). He has only ever told me about one previous gf. But we met in our 30s, so we both have baggage, I'm sure. 
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  • We know each others.  It came up one night after we had been sleeping together a while.  Not sure why though.  Not sure if DH would have cared though if it wasn't brought up.  

    I know so many phone numbers.  I don't have a cell, so most are still memorized in my head.  DH doesn't understand how I can remember them all.  

  • To everyone wishing they had what I have- It's not as wonderful as you think. You know all those embarrassing things that happened when you were first starting and didn't know what you were doing? Yeah I'm with the person that witnessed that. He also saw me go through puberty and vice versa. Can you say BLEGH????

    I guess our sex is pretty awesome since we pretty much learned from each other and taught each other. 

    I guess.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • H and I met when we were in our early/mid-thirties, so it didn't even come up. We knew the other had dated people, those relationships were over, and that we'd both been tested. I don't care how many women he's been with, and he doesn't care how many men I've been with. It wasn't and still isn't an issue.

    I was relieved he wasn't a virgin, though. I had enough of that in my early '20s.

    We did and still do share stories about some of our exes here and there, but it's mostly for comedic value.
  • H and I were each other's first.  It did come up when we were dating. It was something we talked about right away, actually, because we got caught on a kiss cam on our second date.  We didn't kiss.  But the next day, he wanted to talk about what each of us was comfortable with physically. For him, it was important that he didn't kiss anyone until he was engaged to that person.  I liked him, and I was OK with that, although I would have been fine with kissing someone before getting engaged. He actually was my first kiss though.

    Neither of us has dated anyone else before either. (Unless you count the guy who kind of thought he was dating me, and I had to break it to him that no, we weren't and I wasn't interested.)
  • He knows my number and is ok with it. We were friends before we started dating and he had already told me he lost it to his (now ex) wife so I knew his number without having to ask. In the very beginning I was concerned he would regret not being with more people but realized I was wrong.
  • lyndausvi said:
    I have to say, without a doubt, I do not regret in any way, shape or form that  DH was not my first.  Nor do I care I wasn't his first.

    I may have a few regrets in my life, but having sex before marriage and/or with someone other then who I ended up marrying is not one of them.
    QFT. I don't care at all.
  • I know FI's phone number, social security number, weight, height, number of tattoos, number of piricings, GPA from college, bar number, damn I know a lot of numbers for this girl. And yeah, I know her number of previous partners. She knows mine.

    It seemed important when we first got together. We were 18, dumb things sounded important. Mine is higher then her's, she was only bothered in that I would think she was no good. I have never thought that ever because she's smart and smart girls are good in bed because they read shit and learn. 

    10 years later...doesn't matter. Yeah, I slept with other girls before her. Yeah she slept with other girls before me. And now we sleep with each other and occasionally other girls at the same time, but mostly each other and it's so awesome we're gonna promise to keep doing it for the rest of our natural lives so who the fuck cares about the people before?
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